Daily Devotional for August 4, 2010

Titus 3:5
He saved us because of his mercy, and not because of any good things that we have done. God washed us by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave us new birth and a fresh beginning.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I am so thankful for contemporary translation of the scriptures. When I learned scripture as a child from the King James version of the Bible, the Holy Spirit was referred to as the “Holy Ghost.” There was a cartoon show, “Casper the Friendly Ghost,” and I loved this character. Since this was my point of reference, the “Holy Ghost” in my mind was this wispy, ghost-like spirit that floated around and came in and out of our lives. We could “call on the Holy Ghost” and he would come to us. But I have to tell you, this seemed more scary than comforting. So quite honestly, I tended just to push any consideration of the Holy Ghost aside and not think about Him.

Through study of contemporary scripture translations … and in-depth Bible study in general … I came to understand the Holy Spirit and how God operates within us in this form. I realized that salvation through Jesus Christ is not the end … it’s the beginning! When we accept Jesus, He sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts and rework us from the inside out.

The sad fact is that many Christians have never recognized the Holy Spirit within themselves. They have never tapped into His power. They have never felt His presence and understood the LIFE He brings to our daily walk as a Christian. If you truly recognize the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, you can’t help but feel differently. And I believe that this will radiate from you. Others will notice a change – if only subtly – and you will feel differently about your relationship with God.

I accepted Jesus Christ when I was seven years old. I recognized the Holy Spirit in my heart when I was almost 40. For over thirty years, I knew God and trusted Him. I called on Him in prayer … usually when I needed something! I believed that God was in control, and I had faith that He would take care of me. But when I acknowledged the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside of me, everything changed. I realized I have a constant companion Who is blessing me and interceding for me with God throughout each day.

I now recognize that I have an active relationship with God, via the Holy Spirit. I always believed that I was not alone – that God was with me – but now I know it’s more than this. The Holy Spirit permeates my heart and soul and truly never leaves me. I can tap into His power any time I want or need. And because of this, I feel a love like I have never felt before – for God, for others, and for myself.

I realize that acknowledging the Holy Spirit may seem daunting – or even scary. I understand that we are sensory creatures who need something tangible to touch, see and hear. But I am telling you, the Holy Spirit is real. If you have accepted Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is living inside you, waiting for you to open the door of your heart and unleash His power. Start with a simple invitation. Sit quietly by yourself and sincerely say, “Come, Holy Spirit. Fill me.” Keep saying this until you begin to experience the release of your self and feel His presence. Make this day the day of new birth and a fresh beginning. Welcome the Holy Spirit, and keep Him close from this day forward.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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