Daily Devotional for June 20, 2011

1 Samuel 30:23-25
"Families don't do this sort of thing! Oh no, my brothers!" said David as he broke up the argument. "You can't act this way with what God gave us! God kept us safe. He handed over the raiders who attacked us. Who would ever listen to this kind of talk? The share of the one who stays with the gear is the share of the one who fights—equal shares. Share and share alike!" From that day on, David made that the rule in Israel—and it still is.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

During the NBA finals, Jimmy Kimmel and Usher did a parody video called “Bench Warmer,” in which they “thank” the athletes who come along for the ride and rarely – if ever – get a chance to play. We’re not talking about Lebron James, Jason Kidd, and Dwyane Wade… or even well-known players like Shaquille O’Neal. This video is aimed at such relative unknowns as Eddie House, Jamaal Magliore, and Corey Brewer.

Now, if you don’t follow pro basketball, you may not be familiar with any of these names, but let me assure you, Lebron and Shaq get a lot more recognition than House, Magliore, Brewer, and dozens more. Yet all are (or were) members of professional basketball teams. All make six-figure (or more) incomes. And while some of the “stars” may think they carry the load for their team, it is still a team sport. At the end of the day, all play a supporting role in the team’s overall performance. And they each get paid for their contributions.

By the same token, the guy who totes the water bottles and towels gets paid. He didn’t score the winning basket… he didn’t have any assists or steals… he didn’t make a single free throw. But he did his part in contributing to the team’s effort. And he, also, gets a paycheck.

Where am I going with this? After all, we can agree that the assistant who dispenses water and towels doesn’t make anything near the salary of someone like Lebron James or Dwyane Wade. But he is compensated. The team doesn’t say, “You weren’t on the court when the winning shot was made… so you don’t get a check this week.” In the same way, God does not bless only those in the limelight. You may feel like your contributions are small… but God sees their value in the grand scheme of things.

You may not be able to take foster children into your home for care and nurture… but you may be able to contribute money for clothing, diapers, and more. You might not have extra time to visit shut-ins, but you can take a few minutes to make a phone call or mail a card to someone and let them know you are thinking of them. You may not have the ability to play an instrument in the Praise Band or sing in the choir, but you can open your mouth and at least whisper words of worship and praise during the Sunday services.

As long as you are doing all you can to the best of your abilities and circumstances, God is pleased… and He will bless you. Your efforts are just as vital and significant to His Kingdom as those of the likes of Billy Graham, your pastor, or a missionary serving in a foreign land. There is no shame in being a “bench warmer” for Jesus… as long as you are supporting the team. If you are willing to get up and get in the game and serve to the best of your ability whenever He calls on you, your “bench warmer” status is as vital as that of the “stars”. At the end of the day, you get the “Championship Ring” just like everyone else. Our access to heaven is not determined by our “celebrity status” among God’s servants.

If you have decided you are an unworthy, insignificant “bench warmer” for Jesus, I encourage you to change your attitude. You are just as important as the next guy. “Bench warmers” may not get the recognition and credit of the “star players,” but their contributions are vital to the team effort. All God asks is that you do be awake, alert, and ready to get in the game whenever He calls your name.

A friend of mine once said of her son – a freshman on a high school athletic team - “He’s a great bench warmer!” Can people – and God – say this about you? Are you a “great bench warmer” for Jesus? Are you doing all you can to support His team? Isn’t it time you did?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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