Daily Devotional for November 26, 2011

Psalm 139:6-12
I can't understand all of this! Such wonderful knowledge is far above me.

Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there.

Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean. Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me.

Or suppose I said, "I'll hide in the dark until night comes to cover me over." But you see in the dark because daylight and dark are all the same to you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Have you ever misplaced something, and you knew it was probably right in front of you, but you searched for hours – or even days – without finding the item? Don’t you sometimes feel like God just sits back and laughs? We run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to find the elusive item. And if you are like me, it sometimes shows up either right under your nose… or in the most absurd place that leaves you asking, “What on earth was I thinking?!”

Aren’t you glad God doesn’t ever misplace us? Even when we wish we could hide from Him, we cannot. And this is a good thing! God knows everything about us… and He loves us anyway. I find this amazing, incredible, and absolutely wonderful! No matter where we go, God is there. No matter where you are today, or what is happening in your life, He is with you.

A few years ago, one of the young men who belonged to my Sunday School class was deployed to Iraq. I found it comforting to think that the moon that rose over Him each night was the same one that rose at my house. It gave me peace and reminded me that wherever I was, God was there, too. Knowing that we saw the same moon made me remember that the same God who loves both of us put it there… and He was with all of us even when we were separated on opposite ends of the earth.

Take time today to stop and thank God for always knowing where you are. Be glad He never even absentmindedly misplaces you… much less actually forgets you for even one second! Take comfort in knowing you serve such a mighty, loving God. And the next time you misplace something, try asking Him to show you where to find it!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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