Daily Devotional for January 13, 2012

Psalm 148:11-13
Every king and every ruler, all nations on earth, every man and every woman, young people and old, come praise the LORD! All creation, come praise the name of the LORD. Praise his name alone. The glory of God is greater than heaven and earth.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, I visited my grandmother at the assisted living facility where she resides. She was in the Activities Room, creating a picture frame from Popsicle® sticks and all sorts of crafts items. Seated with her was a much younger woman who also resides at the facility. She was framing photos of her children. I had never realized that this woman was a mother. As we talked about her children and her husband, I learned that she is also a college graduate. She explained rather matter-of-factly to me how a series of events led to her move into this facility a few years ago. Suffice it to say, I was incredibly humbled by our conversation.

I had hurried to the facility today to check on my grandmother. For the second time this week, a dear friend of hers who also resided there had passed away. I had a zillion other things I wanted to do with my morning, but I felt I needed to spend this time with my grandmother. After I sat in the Activities Room for 30 minutes, I realized that I really had nothing more important to do… except maybe take a few extra minutes to praise God for the life I have. I was once again reminded that my life can change in a heartbeat… and many experience such dramatic changes every single day.

There are other “young” people at the assisted living facility who landed there because of various illnesses and “life events.” And for the most part, they are positive and upbeat, even though they have lots of reasons to feel otherwise. Oh, they will tell you they wish they could live a “normal” life, but by and large, they are making the best of their situation. They find their own set of reasons to praise the LORD, even in their less than perfect circumstances.

I commented to my grandmother that we never know what tomorrow will bring. You or I could be living at such a facility next week. And we would still have plenty of reasons to praise the LORD. But… would we? Do we stop and thank Him now for what we DO have? Are we truly grateful for where we are today… whether it’s stuck inside a classroom listening to a boring lecture, working at a job we don’t particularly like, doing laundry and changing diapers, or aimlessly surfing the channels looking for something to fill a boring evening? Do we find the joy and blessings in every circumstance of our life, or do we gripe and complain and throw ourselves a pity party?

Every single one of us has something to praise the LORD about today. It may be the fact that we are in an assisted living facility with arts and crafts projects and the “freedom” to come and go as we please, rather than confined to a bed in a nursing home. It may be that we are glad to have children and a spouse to care for … meals to cook, houses to clean, diapers to change and laundry to wash. We may be thankful for the old ugly clunker that gets us where we need to go, even though we would love to drive a shiny new sports car. Or we may be grateful to still live alone in our own home, even though our age and infirmities are telling us that soon we will need extra help. Whatever your station… wherever you are in your life… there is SOMETHING today for which you can give God praise. The question is… have you?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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