Daily Devotional for February 17, 2013

Philippians 3:15-16
So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

One of the hardest things about a diet and exercise regimen is sticking to it for the long haul. In the early stages, as you begin to drop pounds and inches – and feel better – you probably find it easy to stay focused. For one thing, the results are clearly visible. You see the number change on the scales. You notice that your clothes are now fitting loosely. You may even discover muscle tone and definition when you look at your body in the mirror.

But then the plateaus come… the weight becomes harder to lose, and your visible results seem stymied. You are still making progress, but it is as if your vision has become blurred – you just can’t see as much of an effect. This is when a lot of us “fall off the wagon” and return to our old habits. But actually, this is when the real work begins. If you thought your workouts were hard at the onset… get ready for even bigger challenges now. The exercises may seem a little easier… but the determination and perseverance may become even more of test.

Our spiritual life is much the same. When we first commit to Jesus - or even to a Bible study or a renewed pledge to be a better Disciple - we are all in, “gung-ho,” filled with determination, excitement and satisfaction at how God’s Holy Spirit is sustaining our longings and building us up with wisdom, courage and hope. But over time, our initial energy may wane. We may settle into a routine and grow weary of the day-to-day “spiritual exercise” regimen.

Maintaining the initial level of spiritual fire requires hard work… and a lot of us lack the discipline, commitment and determination for it on our own. This is not because God didn’t equip us for the journey… but rather, because we are human – and Satan is standing in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to weaken our resolve. He is perfectly content to keep us hovering on his side of the line between an all-out commitment to attaining everything that God wants to give us – and “playing Christian” when it suits our needs and whims.

When I think about all that God has in store for me, I cannot even comprehend it. I feel so blessed already. But like that last five pounds or few inches that seem so hard to lose, I know that the harder I work and the more diligent I remain, the more I will “gain.” When it comes to God’s blessings and plans for me, I’m incredibly greedy… I want it all!

On one of my workout DVDs, trainer Jillian Michaels points to one of her athletes and says, “Look at those abs! They don’t come without hard work. And I would do just about anything to have abs like that…wouldn’t you? You have to work for this!” We need to approach our life in Christ the same way! We need to be willing to do just about anything God requires of us in order to receive all He has in store for us. This includes not only spending time in His presence, studying His word and listening for His voice… but also offering others grace, mercy, love, compassion, and forgiveness in His name.

The trainers in the gyms and on our workout videos don’t rest on their laurels… and neither can we! In order to achieve maximum results, we are going to have to remain vigorous in our efforts to exercise and eat right… and to “work out” with God on a daily basis. How committed are you? Have you fully identified your goals… and are you focused on achieving them? Today is a great day to renew your dedication to become all that you can be… mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Focus on getting all that God has in store for you… and make every effort to do whatever it takes to get there. Let others see in you a person who has clear vision, the Holy Spirit in his/her heart, and a deep desire to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in every way. Let’s get on the right track… and stay there! Are you with me?

©2013 Debbie Robus

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