April 30 ~ Revelation 7:14
Then he told me, "These are those who come from the great tribulation, and they've washed their robes, scrubbed them clean in the blood of the Lamb. That's why they're standing before God's Throne. They serve him day and night in his Temple. The One on the Throne will pitch his tent there for them: no more hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heat. The Lamb on the Throne will shepherd them, will lead them to spring waters of Life. And God will wipe every last tear from their eyes."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you had times in your life that brought you to tears? Have you felt huge burdens that caused you great sorrow? Have you been hungry and thirsty – physically, mentally, or Spiritually? Have you wondered if there truly was a way out – and if so, when it would come?
The answer is here… the answer is now… the answer is Jesus. The answer is to serve Him night and day – on this earth… in your community, your home, your school, your workplace… everywhere you are. The payoff is that God truly will wipe away every tear. A day will come when He really will feed you and lead you out of sorrow and into a time of abundance and plenty – mentally, physically and Spiritually, for all Eternity. No more “hunger”, - no more “thirst” – no more sadness or trouble or struggle of ANY kind! Think about this! This is incredible, amazing stuff! All we have to do is serve God, and love Him, and follow Him, and all of this and more will be ours in heaven.
How can we not do this? How can we possibly want anything else? I’m not saying that every minute of the day will be easy for us on this earth. I’m not saying that serving God won’t have challenges and be downright hard at times. But “keep your eye on the prize.” Focus on the future – YOUR future in heaven with Jesus. Focus on the Word of God and His promises, and stay faithful. Serve Him day and night in His Temple, so that some day you will stand before God’s Throne, where He will surely wipe away every last tear from your eyes.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 29 ~ 1 John 2:1
I write this, dear children, to guide you out of sin. But if anyone does sin, we have a Priest-Friend in the presence of the Father: Jesus Christ, righteous Jesus. When he served as a sacrifice for our sins, he solved the sin problem for good—not only ours, but the whole world's.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you ever printed something from your computer, and it didn’t print right, so you did it again, and still it didn’t print right? Maybe you repeated this a couple more times, and you kept asking yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” Or maybe you misplaced something, and you went back to the SAME PLACE two or three times to look for it, as if it would magically appear where it had not been earlier. This is when you start to remember the phrase, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!”
In the Old Testament days, the people must have felt a bit insane, as they had to continually offer sacrifices and burnt offerings for their sins. It must have seemed like they spent a great deal of their lives finding the perfect lamb or the fatted calf to offer as atonement for their transgressions and failures.I’ve said it before, but I am so glad that I did not live in Old Testament times. I am so grateful to Jesus Christ for serving as a living sacrifice for my sins. I am humbled and honored that He stood in the gap for me between my sinful nature and God’s abundant grace and mercy.
When someone does something really nice for you, it’s natural to want to reciprocate, isn’t it? There is NO WAY that I can ever give back to Jesus as much as He has given me, but that shouldn’t stop me from trying! How could I not give back all I can to One Who gave His very life for mine? Jesus served as a sacrifice for our sins… now it is time we served HIM with gladness. It is time we asked, “What else can I do for you today, Lord?” It’s time we make serving HIM our number one priority!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 28 ~ 1 Peter 2:4
Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you'll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God. The Scriptures provide precedent: Look! I'm setting a stone in Zion, a cornerstone in the place of honor. Whoever trusts in this stone as a foundation will never have cause to regret it. To you who trust him, he's a Stone to be proud of, but to those who refuse to trust him, The stone the workmen threw out is now the chief foundation stone. For the untrusting it's ... a stone to trip over, a boulder blocking the way. They trip and fall because they refuse to obey, just as predicted.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
When we were building our house, we watched as the carpenters poured footings… a trench filled with concrete that outlined our house. Stonemasons would set concrete blocks atop this footing, creating the foundation for our house. The steel-reinforced footing was our “cornerstone” – the anchor that holds our house firmly in place and melds it with the ground.
Later, these same stonemasons returned to cover the house with brick. They examined each brick as they placed it on the wall, and if they found a problem with one, they tossed it aside. Only the best bricks – the bricks that were square and true and good - made it. Notice I didn’t say perfect, because many bricks with minor flaws and blemishes could still be used. But those that were cracked or seriously damaged and structurally unsound were culled. For the next few days and weeks, we tripped over these culls and had to step around them. They were in our way, and eventually we piled them up in the dumpster to be hauled away for good.
In a Spiritual sense, we are God’s bricks. Christ is our cornerstone – our footing and foundation. We are the bricks. We are flawed and blemished – some more seriously than others. But yet God finds a use for us… a place in His “wall” of service for His kingdom. And just like the stonemason, God cannot use Spiritually unsound “bricks” – those that lack integrity and will affect the soundness of His structure (Kingdom). Those must be culled and hauled away – destined for an eternity in Hell.
I don’t know about you, but I know WHO anchors my foundation, and I am thrilled to be one of His bricks. I can’t imagine anything sadder than to consider myself one of God’s culls – and one of Satan’s bricks. Can you? It’s not too late to change. It’s not too late to turn to God, to recognize Him as your firm foundation, and to take your rightful place with Him. I pray today will be a day of change for you. Never, ever be a “cull” again. Serve the Lord with gladness, set your feet upon His rock, and celebrate your place in His sanctuary forever.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 27 ~ 2 Timothy 2:20
In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
WOW! That hit me square between the eyes – did it do that for you? Are you like a fine crystal goblet or silver platter for God? Or are you the waste can or compost bucket? Geez! I think some days I’m a little of both! But that is certainly not how I want it to be… do you?I love beautiful glassware and serving pieces. I go to auctions and search for them. I always intend to resell them, but quite a few make their way into my own cabinets and drawers. I love using them and admiring their beauty and how they may sparkle and shine and enhance whatever I put on them. I feel like something served on a beautiful dish can make a huge statement to others. It says “You are so special that I am serving you on the good stuff!”
On the other hand, there are times when the garbage can drawer in my kitchen can begin to take on a sick smell from the decomposition of raw meat wrappers, vegetable peels, eggshells, and day-old milk cartons. I try to make sure I don’t put things in that container that will rot and smell, but it does happen sometimes.
And isn’t that just how our lives are? We don’t necessarily mean to do or say rotten, smelly things, but somehow these things do happen sometimes. And we have that little “garbage can” corner of our lives that is not something we are proud of or want to share with others, but it is there, just the same. And then we have the “good stuff” – the pretty, sparkly, lovely areas that are a joy to others and pleasing to us – and more importantly, to God. The KEY is to have shelf and drawer and cupboard after shelf and drawer and cupboard of the good stuff in your life – containers that serve God well and are pleasing to Him and a great witness to others – and the smallest garbage can possible.
We celebrated Earth Day a few days ago, and there has been a lot of focus on how to reduce waste and trash and contributions to landfills. Ask God to show you how to reduce the waste in your life that is pulling you away from Him. Ask Him how to live in a way that is “eco-friendly to God” and continues to reduce your trash. Be the most lovely, beautiful container for God you can possibly be, and kick your garbage to the curb!
©2008 Debbie Robus
Are You Serving or Being Served? - Week 4
April 26 ~ 1 Thessalonians 1: 7
Do you know that all over the provinces of both Macedonia and Achaia believers look up to you? The word has gotten around. Your lives are echoing the Master's Word, not only in the provinces but all over the place. The news of your faith in God is out. We don't even have to say anything anymore—you're the message! People come up and tell us how you received us with open arms, how you deserted the dead idols of your old life so you could embrace and serve God, the true God. They marvel at how expectantly you await the arrival of his Son, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescued us from certain doom.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
I want to focus today on one sentence in particular… “We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message!” Sit a minute and let that soak in… realize what a hugely profound statement this is! Do you know people who live in such a way that THEY are the Message of Christ? Do you know people who have seemingly deserted all of their old ways and begun embracing service to God in all areas of their life?
I heard a really great example of this a few months ago. A dear Christian friend of mine said to me…”I used to sing karaoke on Saturday night… and now I sing for Jesus on Sunday mornings instead!” That was huge to me, because I know how much this person loves Jesus and how earnestly she serves Him in every area of her life. There is nothing wrong with karaoke, and I am quite certain that this woman was not shameful or disgraceful in her behavior in her “old” life. But I KNOW for certain where her loyalties lie now. She truly IS the message of Christ in everything she says and does. There might have been room for someone to question the “old” person’s faith, but there is NO doubt about the new one!
What about you? How are you living? Do people see the message of Christ in you each day? Or do they need a magnifying glass or microscope to find it? Have you deserted the dead idols of your old life and embraced service to God? If your answer is anything less than a whole-hearted “Yes,” what’s keeping you from it? I pray today that you will ask God to help you figure this out. Ask God to give you whatever you need to make the change, so that the word will get around that YOU are “the real deal” for Jesus – and then live His message every day!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 25 ~ Colossians 4:1
And masters, treat your servants considerately. Be fair with them. Don't forget for a minute that you, too, serve a Master—God in heaven.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My friend Philip tells a story about a friend of his who waited tables at a restaurant in a fairly large community. Every Sunday, a quite large group of church-goers came in and ate at this restaurant. Philip’s friend was almost always was assigned to this particular table. It was no secret that these people attended a local church and were considered to be respected Christians. However, Sunday after Sunday, this entire group of "respectable church-going Christians" left the poor waitress NO tip! This young woman who was trying to give good service and earn a decent wage (of which her tips were a big part) got nothing from a group who should have been among some of the most generous givers!
Are you like this? Do you treat those in service positions as your slaves? Do you make demands of your wait staff, salespeople, or others you employ? Do you take the attitude that “I am paying you for this, so it better be good!”? Are you rude or impolite – or worse yet, condescending – to those who serve you in some way? Remember Colossians 4:1 – remember that YOU serve Jesus. What if He treated you this way? How would you feel? Would you desire an intimate relationship with Him? Would you even want to follow Him?
Even though the concept of “you get as good as you give” applies here when you consider how you treat those in service positions, a more important motivation for kindness is in play. The better way to look at this is to ask, “how would I want to be treated in this situation?” and “how would I want Jesus to treat ME?” When you go out to eat, check out at the grocery line, get help in the store at the mall, buy your stamps at the post office, or get cash at the bank, remember Colossians 4:1, and remember that you, too are a servant… and treat others accordingly!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 24 ~ Colossians 1:24
I want you to know how glad I am that it's me sitting here in this jail and not you. There's a lot of suffering to be entered into in this world—the kind of suffering Christ takes on. I welcome the chance to take my share in the church's part of that suffering. When I became a servant in this church, I experienced this suffering as a sheer gift, God's way of helping me serve you, laying out the whole truth.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Can you imagine saying you are “glad to suffer?” As one of my friends says, “that ain’t right!” But think about this. Because of some of the things that have happened in my life, I am able to relate to others going through the same thing. Just recently, a former neighbor lost his mother to cancer. I happened (or did God send me?!) to end up in my old neighborhood the day before this woman died, and I visited with my neighbor. In the course of the conversation, as he poured out his heart over the agony of watching his mother “literally melt away,” I said, “I know” – because I have watched my brother, my cousin, and others do the same thing – and he looked up and said, “you DO know!” This realization on his part assured him that I was not just giving lip service to his grief. I truly did understand and share it.
Now the “Losing a Loved One Club” is not one to which anybody wants to belong. BUT… sadness and grief DO come… God does allow it… and I believe He does this to help us grow in our witness and service. Maybe your parents went through a messy divorce, and you are able to encourage one of your friends who is experiencing the same thing. Maybe you have a chronic illness that gives you empathy – and sympathy – for those who are chronically ill.
Last year I broke my foot and was unable to walk for about 10 weeks. During that time I had several experiences in major department stores with wheelchairs and scooters. Never again will I look at anyone using one of these devices with the same “eyes.” God used this experience to give me incredible, life-changing insight into people who are handicapped or incapacitated in some manner – and how we as a society treat them. And honestly, I thank God for that experience!
God may also be allowing you to suffer in Spiritual matters. Your family and friends may feel you are “crazy” or a “Jesus freak” and even make fun of you or disown you. But “suffering” for Jesus is an amazing privilege. I’m not saying it is easy or pleasant, necessarily, but when you consider what Jesus has done for us, any “grief” we are dealt in His name is an incredible honor. So how are you doing? Are you “suffering for Jesus”? And are you glad?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 23 ~ Philippians 1:18
So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on! And I'm going to keep that celebration going because I know how it's going to turn out. Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything he wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue on my course. I don't expect to be embarrassed in the least. On the contrary, everything happening to me in this jail only serves to make Christ more accurately known, regardless of whether I live or die. They didn't shut me up; they gave me a pulpit! Alive, I'm Christ's messenger; dead, I'm his bounty. Life versus even more life! I can't lose.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you noticed how many televangelists there are these days? They are everywhere! I used to subscribe to a magazine called Charisma and it was chocked full of ads for this “prophet’s” book or that “apostle’s” conference. Evangelism is now big business! And with this surge in the “business” of preaching the Gospel has come a good deal of corruption.
So, should we “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and denounce all evangelists as money-grubbers and egotists who are out for themselves? Believe it or not, even some of the ones deemed the “worst in the business” ARE winning souls to Christ and preaching the Gospel. I guess it’s sort of a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality – even if subconsciously. And there ARE a few who are so slick that they appear almost slimy to me, and I just cannot watch or listen to them. But others may not perceive them this way at all, and God may use these persons to speak to countless unbelievers who are drawn to their message.
Don’t miss this… even in the midst of what can sometimes be a disgusting “preaching for profit”, God is still in control. Inroads are being made. People are being reached for Jesus. I have to tell you, my own Spiritual renewal and awakening began a decade ago because God used a televangelist to reach me. I was drawn to the programs and could not stop watching. I tried to change the channel, but I would drift back time and again until the Word spoke to me so profoundly that I stayed and studied – and grew! I now try to look past the fact that this particular minister has a Bentley, a Rolls Royce, a Rolex, and a jet. I focus on the Word he teaches each week and how God uses him to interpret its meaning and how to apply the scriptures to my daily living. I pray for this man and his ministry - and for God’s blessings upon it… but I don’t send him money or become his “partner!”
Nobody knows why God calls who He calls to preach the Gospel. Nobody knows how God can use certain people in spite of themselves. But you know what? I will be the first to tell you that I am not perfect, and yet I believe God uses ME. I believe He can use each of us - warts, blemishes and faults notwithstanding. He is calling each of us to serve. Will you answer and do your part?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 22 ~ Galatians 5:13
It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you ever had a problem or issue that pestered you night and day? You couldn’t stop thinking about it, worrying about it, wondering how to resolve the issue. And once the answer came and you released this bothersome thing, you felt incredible freedom and peace! You felt like a huge plank had been removed from your shoulders. It may be a relationship that is going sour. It may be a project you have been working for days/weeks to complete. It may be something you said or did that caused conflict with someone else. But once it is released, you feel freer than you have felt in a long, long time.
That’s how it is with surrendering to God and serving Him. It’s not work… it is freedom! When you focus on serving God in everything you say and do… giving everyone the same treatment you would want for yourself… you are incredibly free. How is that? Partly, the freedom comes in knowing you don’t have to worry about whether you are doing the right thing – you KNOW you are! Partly it comes in knowing that GOD is in control – not you!
As the passage reminds us – this is not a license to do whatever we please. It isn’t that kind of freedom. It is a freedom to serve God with our whole heart and being. We don’t have to judge, condemn, rectify, referee, or “fix” things. As a “fixer,” that one is HUGE for me! All we have to do is love others as we love ourselves, and God will step in and fill the gap. “Free at last, free at last” – are YOU serving God freely today?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 21 ~ 1 Corinthians 10:29
But, except for these special cases, I'm not going to walk around on eggshells worrying about what small-minded people might say; I'm going to stride free and easy, knowing what our large-minded Master has already said. If I eat what is served to me, grateful to God for what is on the table, how can I worry about what someone will say? I thanked God for it and he blessed it!
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
A few days ago we talked about “harmless fun” and the negative impact it could have on us as Christians – and on our witness to unbelievers. This passage addresses our witness in a different way. Let’s say we feel strongly that drinking is sinful. Let’s say we make no bones about how we feel… in fact, we are pretty vocal about it. We pretty much refuse to have anything to do with anyone who drinks. We wear our faith like a flashing neon sign that says, “I’m a Christian and this is the Christian way, and I’m really good at spotting sin and sinners!” So, if someone expresses a political or social view that is not yours, and you immediately take him/her to task for it and try to force your own view (which you feel is the Christian view) on them, how does that serve God?
How many unbelievers are going to be drawn to Christ by your attitude? Hear me… I am in no way saying we should not be bold in our faith and/or stand up for our beliefs and Christian values. But if we refuse to associate with those who do not believe as we do… if we openly condemn others for what we believe to be their sins – if we label them as heathens and heretics and murderers, liars and thieves, we run a huge risk of sending them running toward the devil instead of turning to Christ. I can’t tell you how many people I know today who refuse to darken the doors of the church because of people who have made them feel so badly that they do not believe there is any hope for them in church. They honestly feel that they have screwed up so badly that there is no way Jesus would ever forgive them… and quite frankly, we Christians often contribute to this mindset!
So if your friend tells you he/she is practicing witchcraft, you don’t have to participate in any rituals or do anything that runs counter to your own beliefs. But you need to choose your approach toward that person carefully. You don’t have to worry that others will assume you are “guilty by association.” Go ahead and share time with that person, just as Jesus walked among harlots and thieves and liars and those who had done unspeakable things. Live by Christian example, not verbal or physical condemnation.
Years ago, I taught under a principal who really managed poorly. He did rather screwy things and was wishy-washy and honestly didn’t always support his teachers. This was pretty well known around the school district, and this man was the brunt of more than one joke or snide comment because of it. One day I was traveling to a conference with an administrator, and he said, “You know, I’ve heard things and seen things about how this man works, and I know it has been rough for you and your co-workers. But I have never heard you publicly say one negative or unkind thing about this man. That has really impressed me.” Now, I have to admit, that took me by surprise, because I had thought plenty and said some! But I learned that day that others ARE watching to see how we behave and how we treat others, and they will judge what it means to be a Christian by our example. Be the hands and feet of Jesus, just as He did. Love others – ALL others ALL the time – knowing that God will bless your efforts and you will be serving HIM.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 20 ~ 1 Corinthians 10:6
The same thing could happen to us. We must be on guard so that we never get caught up in wanting our own way as they did. And we must not turn our religion into a circus as they did—"First the people partied, then they threw a dance." We must not be sexually promiscuous—they paid for that, remember, with 23,000 deaths in one day! We must never try to get Christ to serve us instead of us serving him; they tried it, and God launched an epidemic of poisonous snakes. We must be careful not to stir up discontent; discontent destroyed them.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
As a society, it seems we are never satisfied. We get a great job, a comfortable house, a serviceable car, a family, possibly children… and it’s just not enough. We want a bigger house, a nicer car, kids who don’t complain and a wife or husband that is more attractive. We want a better job with more pay and benefits. We want big vacations, fancy clothes, great meals at nice restaurants… and oh yeah, a boat and a summer home! Where does it end?
The Bible plainly tells us in this passage that we get so caught up in wanting our own way… in material things AND the Spiritual arena… that we “turn our lives and our religion into a circus!” It does seem that way sometimes, doesn’t it? Spiritually, we want this one or that one to come to church and “be Spiritual” like we feel we are. Or, we want the church to play all contemporary music and leave the hymns in the past with the “old church.” We prefer videos and online messaging and everything fast and flashy and up-to-the-minute, and in the frenzy we often forget the heart of the Word… the message at the core of God’s love, grace and mercy over us.
So stay on guard. Remember that we are to serve Christ, not the other way around. Do not stir up discontent – yours OR God’s!
©2008 Debbie Robus
Do you know that all over the provinces of both Macedonia and Achaia believers look up to you? The word has gotten around. Your lives are echoing the Master's Word, not only in the provinces but all over the place. The news of your faith in God is out. We don't even have to say anything anymore—you're the message! People come up and tell us how you received us with open arms, how you deserted the dead idols of your old life so you could embrace and serve God, the true God. They marvel at how expectantly you await the arrival of his Son, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescued us from certain doom.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
I want to focus today on one sentence in particular… “We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message!” Sit a minute and let that soak in… realize what a hugely profound statement this is! Do you know people who live in such a way that THEY are the Message of Christ? Do you know people who have seemingly deserted all of their old ways and begun embracing service to God in all areas of their life?
I heard a really great example of this a few months ago. A dear Christian friend of mine said to me…”I used to sing karaoke on Saturday night… and now I sing for Jesus on Sunday mornings instead!” That was huge to me, because I know how much this person loves Jesus and how earnestly she serves Him in every area of her life. There is nothing wrong with karaoke, and I am quite certain that this woman was not shameful or disgraceful in her behavior in her “old” life. But I KNOW for certain where her loyalties lie now. She truly IS the message of Christ in everything she says and does. There might have been room for someone to question the “old” person’s faith, but there is NO doubt about the new one!
What about you? How are you living? Do people see the message of Christ in you each day? Or do they need a magnifying glass or microscope to find it? Have you deserted the dead idols of your old life and embraced service to God? If your answer is anything less than a whole-hearted “Yes,” what’s keeping you from it? I pray today that you will ask God to help you figure this out. Ask God to give you whatever you need to make the change, so that the word will get around that YOU are “the real deal” for Jesus – and then live His message every day!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 25 ~ Colossians 4:1
And masters, treat your servants considerately. Be fair with them. Don't forget for a minute that you, too, serve a Master—God in heaven.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My friend Philip tells a story about a friend of his who waited tables at a restaurant in a fairly large community. Every Sunday, a quite large group of church-goers came in and ate at this restaurant. Philip’s friend was almost always was assigned to this particular table. It was no secret that these people attended a local church and were considered to be respected Christians. However, Sunday after Sunday, this entire group of "respectable church-going Christians" left the poor waitress NO tip! This young woman who was trying to give good service and earn a decent wage (of which her tips were a big part) got nothing from a group who should have been among some of the most generous givers!
Are you like this? Do you treat those in service positions as your slaves? Do you make demands of your wait staff, salespeople, or others you employ? Do you take the attitude that “I am paying you for this, so it better be good!”? Are you rude or impolite – or worse yet, condescending – to those who serve you in some way? Remember Colossians 4:1 – remember that YOU serve Jesus. What if He treated you this way? How would you feel? Would you desire an intimate relationship with Him? Would you even want to follow Him?
Even though the concept of “you get as good as you give” applies here when you consider how you treat those in service positions, a more important motivation for kindness is in play. The better way to look at this is to ask, “how would I want to be treated in this situation?” and “how would I want Jesus to treat ME?” When you go out to eat, check out at the grocery line, get help in the store at the mall, buy your stamps at the post office, or get cash at the bank, remember Colossians 4:1, and remember that you, too are a servant… and treat others accordingly!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 24 ~ Colossians 1:24
I want you to know how glad I am that it's me sitting here in this jail and not you. There's a lot of suffering to be entered into in this world—the kind of suffering Christ takes on. I welcome the chance to take my share in the church's part of that suffering. When I became a servant in this church, I experienced this suffering as a sheer gift, God's way of helping me serve you, laying out the whole truth.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Can you imagine saying you are “glad to suffer?” As one of my friends says, “that ain’t right!” But think about this. Because of some of the things that have happened in my life, I am able to relate to others going through the same thing. Just recently, a former neighbor lost his mother to cancer. I happened (or did God send me?!) to end up in my old neighborhood the day before this woman died, and I visited with my neighbor. In the course of the conversation, as he poured out his heart over the agony of watching his mother “literally melt away,” I said, “I know” – because I have watched my brother, my cousin, and others do the same thing – and he looked up and said, “you DO know!” This realization on his part assured him that I was not just giving lip service to his grief. I truly did understand and share it.
Now the “Losing a Loved One Club” is not one to which anybody wants to belong. BUT… sadness and grief DO come… God does allow it… and I believe He does this to help us grow in our witness and service. Maybe your parents went through a messy divorce, and you are able to encourage one of your friends who is experiencing the same thing. Maybe you have a chronic illness that gives you empathy – and sympathy – for those who are chronically ill.
Last year I broke my foot and was unable to walk for about 10 weeks. During that time I had several experiences in major department stores with wheelchairs and scooters. Never again will I look at anyone using one of these devices with the same “eyes.” God used this experience to give me incredible, life-changing insight into people who are handicapped or incapacitated in some manner – and how we as a society treat them. And honestly, I thank God for that experience!
God may also be allowing you to suffer in Spiritual matters. Your family and friends may feel you are “crazy” or a “Jesus freak” and even make fun of you or disown you. But “suffering” for Jesus is an amazing privilege. I’m not saying it is easy or pleasant, necessarily, but when you consider what Jesus has done for us, any “grief” we are dealt in His name is an incredible honor. So how are you doing? Are you “suffering for Jesus”? And are you glad?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 23 ~ Philippians 1:18
So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on! And I'm going to keep that celebration going because I know how it's going to turn out. Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything he wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue on my course. I don't expect to be embarrassed in the least. On the contrary, everything happening to me in this jail only serves to make Christ more accurately known, regardless of whether I live or die. They didn't shut me up; they gave me a pulpit! Alive, I'm Christ's messenger; dead, I'm his bounty. Life versus even more life! I can't lose.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you noticed how many televangelists there are these days? They are everywhere! I used to subscribe to a magazine called Charisma and it was chocked full of ads for this “prophet’s” book or that “apostle’s” conference. Evangelism is now big business! And with this surge in the “business” of preaching the Gospel has come a good deal of corruption.
So, should we “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and denounce all evangelists as money-grubbers and egotists who are out for themselves? Believe it or not, even some of the ones deemed the “worst in the business” ARE winning souls to Christ and preaching the Gospel. I guess it’s sort of a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality – even if subconsciously. And there ARE a few who are so slick that they appear almost slimy to me, and I just cannot watch or listen to them. But others may not perceive them this way at all, and God may use these persons to speak to countless unbelievers who are drawn to their message.
Don’t miss this… even in the midst of what can sometimes be a disgusting “preaching for profit”, God is still in control. Inroads are being made. People are being reached for Jesus. I have to tell you, my own Spiritual renewal and awakening began a decade ago because God used a televangelist to reach me. I was drawn to the programs and could not stop watching. I tried to change the channel, but I would drift back time and again until the Word spoke to me so profoundly that I stayed and studied – and grew! I now try to look past the fact that this particular minister has a Bentley, a Rolls Royce, a Rolex, and a jet. I focus on the Word he teaches each week and how God uses him to interpret its meaning and how to apply the scriptures to my daily living. I pray for this man and his ministry - and for God’s blessings upon it… but I don’t send him money or become his “partner!”
Nobody knows why God calls who He calls to preach the Gospel. Nobody knows how God can use certain people in spite of themselves. But you know what? I will be the first to tell you that I am not perfect, and yet I believe God uses ME. I believe He can use each of us - warts, blemishes and faults notwithstanding. He is calling each of us to serve. Will you answer and do your part?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 22 ~ Galatians 5:13
It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you ever had a problem or issue that pestered you night and day? You couldn’t stop thinking about it, worrying about it, wondering how to resolve the issue. And once the answer came and you released this bothersome thing, you felt incredible freedom and peace! You felt like a huge plank had been removed from your shoulders. It may be a relationship that is going sour. It may be a project you have been working for days/weeks to complete. It may be something you said or did that caused conflict with someone else. But once it is released, you feel freer than you have felt in a long, long time.
That’s how it is with surrendering to God and serving Him. It’s not work… it is freedom! When you focus on serving God in everything you say and do… giving everyone the same treatment you would want for yourself… you are incredibly free. How is that? Partly, the freedom comes in knowing you don’t have to worry about whether you are doing the right thing – you KNOW you are! Partly it comes in knowing that GOD is in control – not you!
As the passage reminds us – this is not a license to do whatever we please. It isn’t that kind of freedom. It is a freedom to serve God with our whole heart and being. We don’t have to judge, condemn, rectify, referee, or “fix” things. As a “fixer,” that one is HUGE for me! All we have to do is love others as we love ourselves, and God will step in and fill the gap. “Free at last, free at last” – are YOU serving God freely today?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 21 ~ 1 Corinthians 10:29
But, except for these special cases, I'm not going to walk around on eggshells worrying about what small-minded people might say; I'm going to stride free and easy, knowing what our large-minded Master has already said. If I eat what is served to me, grateful to God for what is on the table, how can I worry about what someone will say? I thanked God for it and he blessed it!
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
A few days ago we talked about “harmless fun” and the negative impact it could have on us as Christians – and on our witness to unbelievers. This passage addresses our witness in a different way. Let’s say we feel strongly that drinking is sinful. Let’s say we make no bones about how we feel… in fact, we are pretty vocal about it. We pretty much refuse to have anything to do with anyone who drinks. We wear our faith like a flashing neon sign that says, “I’m a Christian and this is the Christian way, and I’m really good at spotting sin and sinners!” So, if someone expresses a political or social view that is not yours, and you immediately take him/her to task for it and try to force your own view (which you feel is the Christian view) on them, how does that serve God?
How many unbelievers are going to be drawn to Christ by your attitude? Hear me… I am in no way saying we should not be bold in our faith and/or stand up for our beliefs and Christian values. But if we refuse to associate with those who do not believe as we do… if we openly condemn others for what we believe to be their sins – if we label them as heathens and heretics and murderers, liars and thieves, we run a huge risk of sending them running toward the devil instead of turning to Christ. I can’t tell you how many people I know today who refuse to darken the doors of the church because of people who have made them feel so badly that they do not believe there is any hope for them in church. They honestly feel that they have screwed up so badly that there is no way Jesus would ever forgive them… and quite frankly, we Christians often contribute to this mindset!
So if your friend tells you he/she is practicing witchcraft, you don’t have to participate in any rituals or do anything that runs counter to your own beliefs. But you need to choose your approach toward that person carefully. You don’t have to worry that others will assume you are “guilty by association.” Go ahead and share time with that person, just as Jesus walked among harlots and thieves and liars and those who had done unspeakable things. Live by Christian example, not verbal or physical condemnation.
Years ago, I taught under a principal who really managed poorly. He did rather screwy things and was wishy-washy and honestly didn’t always support his teachers. This was pretty well known around the school district, and this man was the brunt of more than one joke or snide comment because of it. One day I was traveling to a conference with an administrator, and he said, “You know, I’ve heard things and seen things about how this man works, and I know it has been rough for you and your co-workers. But I have never heard you publicly say one negative or unkind thing about this man. That has really impressed me.” Now, I have to admit, that took me by surprise, because I had thought plenty and said some! But I learned that day that others ARE watching to see how we behave and how we treat others, and they will judge what it means to be a Christian by our example. Be the hands and feet of Jesus, just as He did. Love others – ALL others ALL the time – knowing that God will bless your efforts and you will be serving HIM.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 20 ~ 1 Corinthians 10:6
The same thing could happen to us. We must be on guard so that we never get caught up in wanting our own way as they did. And we must not turn our religion into a circus as they did—"First the people partied, then they threw a dance." We must not be sexually promiscuous—they paid for that, remember, with 23,000 deaths in one day! We must never try to get Christ to serve us instead of us serving him; they tried it, and God launched an epidemic of poisonous snakes. We must be careful not to stir up discontent; discontent destroyed them.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
As a society, it seems we are never satisfied. We get a great job, a comfortable house, a serviceable car, a family, possibly children… and it’s just not enough. We want a bigger house, a nicer car, kids who don’t complain and a wife or husband that is more attractive. We want a better job with more pay and benefits. We want big vacations, fancy clothes, great meals at nice restaurants… and oh yeah, a boat and a summer home! Where does it end?
The Bible plainly tells us in this passage that we get so caught up in wanting our own way… in material things AND the Spiritual arena… that we “turn our lives and our religion into a circus!” It does seem that way sometimes, doesn’t it? Spiritually, we want this one or that one to come to church and “be Spiritual” like we feel we are. Or, we want the church to play all contemporary music and leave the hymns in the past with the “old church.” We prefer videos and online messaging and everything fast and flashy and up-to-the-minute, and in the frenzy we often forget the heart of the Word… the message at the core of God’s love, grace and mercy over us.
So stay on guard. Remember that we are to serve Christ, not the other way around. Do not stir up discontent – yours OR God’s!
©2008 Debbie Robus
Are You Serving or Being Served? - Week 3
April 19 ~ Romans 14:17
God's kingdom isn't a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness' sake. It's what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ. Do that and you'll kill two birds with one stone: pleasing the God above you and proving your worth to the people around you.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You know, I think we waste a lot of valuable time worrying what others will think of us if we choose to serve Christ. Let me give you an example. Sadly, more than once, my husband and I have had friends who have divorced or quit dating each other. Sometimes, these partings were quite bitter. The question became, “Who gets the friends?” Loving all persons involved and not wishing to choose sides, we tried to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone. It’s not always possible to maintain a close friendship with both parties, but certainly we feel you can remain civil and friendly.
Inevitably a situation will arise where you are seen by one person in the party being friendly to the other. Let’s say, for example, that you are talking to your friend’s ex-girlfriend, and your friend walks up and sees you. Maybe you had a good reason for the conversation. Maybe you accidentally bumped into each other, and you didn’t want to be rude. But no matter the circumstances, there is room for the friend to misinterpret. Should that stop you from doing the right thing and being polite and friendly to the ex? Absolutely not!
Here’s another completely different example. Let’s say somebody did something unkind to you, or you learned that someone had said something really nasty about you behind your back. And the next thing you know, you come face to face with that person. How do you react? Do you treat them rudely in return? Do you say something unkind or try to snub them in some way? Or do you take the high road, smile and treat them as if nothing had happened?
I’m not saying you should allow people to mistreat you – that you should overlook it and become a doormat for others. But at the same time, people ARE watching and waiting to see HOW you will react. So you can choose to serve yourself – and your ego – and let the person have it. You can pick sides in breakups and draw lines in the sand. Or, you can choose to be the child of God you are called to be and carefully pick and choose your battles – and those with whom you will tangle, if you determine that is the right course of action. Do all you can to single-mindedly serve Christ, and the rest will fall into place.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 18 ~ Romans 7:24-25
I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My former pastor, Bro. John Miles, often said, “Sin is fun! That’s why so many people keep doing it!” And let’s be honest. There are quite a few sinful activities that, at least on the surface, seem like what we often call “harmless fun.” I could name several, but I am betting you can fill in your own blanks. We all have things that tempt us, and many of them would be considered totally harmless by most of our peers.
But let’s get real here… Jesus has done SO much for us. He gave His very life for ours. He was sinless, yet He understands our sinful natures… and still He died on a cross for us! So when we are tempted to have “harmless fun” that we know is anything but, we can look up and think of Christ and the cross, and we can find the courage to say, “I’m not going there!”
I’m not saying we will be perfect. I am not saying that temptation won’t be so great from time to time – or peer pressure – that we will go to “that party” or skip church to do something else or speak unkindly to or about someone else, just to name a few. But let us remember who we are and WHOSE we are… and let us call on Jesus to help us. When we get to the end of our rope, HE is the Knot Who will not let us fall!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 17 ~ Romans 3:7
It's simply perverse to say, "If my lies serve to show off God's truth all the more gloriously, why blame me? I'm doing God a favor." Some people are actually trying to put such words in our mouths, claiming that we go around saying, "The more evil we do, the more good God does, so let's just do it!" That's pure slander, as I'm sure you'll agree.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
When I was a child, my mother used to say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” That really made me mad when I was young... maybe in part because I knew it was true, but you know how we don’t like to hear the truth from our parents!
Anyway, you may encounter people or situations from time to time that will suggest that maybe “two wrongs CAN make a right situation for God.” You may think, “Here’s a chance for God to show just how big He really is.” But if you think for one minute that God is going to let you “serve” Him by this “reverse psychology,” you are dead wrong!
Focus on doing what is right and what honors God. Focus on serving Him positively – and well… with every fiber of your being. Bad situations - wrong situations will come along, and yes, God CAN use them for good. But don’t be the catalyst for this sort of thing. Stay as far away from wrong situations as possible, and stay in God’s perfect will. THAT is service He can really use!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 16 ~ Romans 1:8
I thank God through Jesus for every one of you. That's first. People everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith, and every time I hear them, I thank him. And God, whom I so love to worship and serve by spreading the good news of his Son—the Message!—knows that every time I think of you in my prayers, which is practically all the time, I ask him to clear the way for me to come and see you. The longer this waiting goes on, the deeper the ache. I so want to be there to deliver God's gift in person and watch you grow stronger right before my eyes! But don't think I'm not expecting to get something out of this, too! You have as much to give me as I do to you.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Over and over again, we hear people who have won a contest, race, sporting event, or special award or recognition say, “I couldn’t have done it without Xxxx, Xxxx, and Xxxx.” They recognize, verbally at least, that others helped them. And honestly, in many circumstances, it’s a good thing there were others to help share the load! The collective effort of many can often accomplish far more than that of one person.
And so it is with serving God. Each one of us does our part, but collectively, we do much more! So when I see my brothers and sisters in Christ doing their part to serve Him, I am thankful – and blessed! I truly do thank God for them when they come to mind. I pray for them and ask that their efforts be blessed and multiplied.
Do you pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you ask God to bless their ministries and their service, just as He blesses you? Are you filled with joy when you hear about others’ lives of faith? We’re all in this together, you know… and the gift of serving alongside others is one the ways God blesses us. Don’t miss out on this… love your fellow servants. Pray for their ministries and for God to be glorified. Then sit back and watch Him work!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 15 ~ Acts 27:23
"Last night God's angel stood at my side, an angel of this God I serve, saying to me, 'Don't give up, Paul. You're going to stand before Caesar yet—and everyone sailing with you is also going to make it.' So, dear friends, take heart. I believe God will do exactly what he told me. But we're going to shipwreck on some island or other."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
If you have never studied the book of Acts, I encourage you to do so. It’s quite an adventure story, and this passage is no exception. Paul is being carted by ship to stand before Caesar, and the seas are rough and stormy, and the ship wrecks. Paul even tries to tell the sailors how to avoid the storm, but they won’t listen. Then, when they sail into the storm, Paul tells the others to be courageous and hang in there. He tells them that an angel has appeared and promised they will all make it – and for Paul, that means a court date before Caesar.
I wonder… if we were facing such a fate, would we encourage those around us to have courage and keep going? When the chips are down in our life, do we stop serving the Lord? When troubles come in our life, do we keep serving, stay joyful, “hang in there?” Or do we shipwreck, so to speak, and wallow in self-pity, sadness, frustration, or feelings of futility?
It is highly unlikely that we will ever even come close to facing the challenges, persecutions, struggles, physical illnesses and injuries, and mental and emotional abuse that plagued Paul. Yet he remained a positive, encouraging, faithful servant. If Paul can do it, surely we can! So pull yourself up, and take heart. You are going to make it… and God will give you everything you need to serve Him along the way!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 14 ~ Acts 24:14
"But I do freely admit this: In regard to the Way, which they malign as a dead-end street, I serve and worship the very same God served and worshiped by all our ancestors and embrace everything written in all our Scriptures. And I admit to living in hopeful anticipation that God will raise the dead, both the good and the bad. If that's my crime, my accusers are just as guilty as I am.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you ever really thought about the fact that you worship the same God that Adam and Eve worshiped? Have you ever considered that the same God Who told Noah to build an ark is the God Who speaks to you and me every day? Did you ever stop to think that Jesus prayed to the same God in the Garden of Gethsemane that we pray to in our church sanctuary on Sunday? When you stop and consider this, it is really quite amazing. When you realize that the same commandments God gave to Moses more than two thousand years ago are just as solid and true today, you can’t help but be moved. When you think about those who followed Jesus, long before our ancestors came to America, you have to be amazed that His teachings are just as real for us as they were for the disciples and others who followed Him from village to village.
Do you know the saying, “There is nothing new under the sun?” There is nothing new under God’s sun, either. He is the same God today as the God Who created the universe – and the earth and everything in it. We serve the same God that all of those who came before us have served – we read the same Bible they read and learn the same verses they learned. In this fast-paced world of new inventions every day, I find it comforting to know that God has not changed. When I hear my grandmother talk of the hundreds of things that have been invented in her lifetime, I am glad to know that she and I worship a God who has not been “reinvented” but remains steady and strong, powerful and perfect. I am glad to know that I will join these generations of servants someday in heaven as we bow before our Master and Savior to worship Him face to face.
Will you be there? Will you be counted among the Lord’s servants? I hope so… I pray so! Pick up your Bible today and study some of the old servants. See where God is leading you and how you fit into this story. Then someday I’ll see you at the King’s table, and we’ll share our stories of service with those who came before us!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 13 ~ Acts 2:14
That's when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency: "Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully and get this story straight. These people aren't drunk as some of you suspect. They haven't had time to get drunk—it's only nine o'clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen: "In the Last Days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams. When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit On those who serve me, men and women both, and they'll prophesy. I'll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, Blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red, Before the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous; And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
If you go back and read all of Acts 2, you will see that the Jews were upset because people were filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. The Jews thought these people were acting crazy – or that they were drunk! They did not understand that God was pouring out His Holy Spirit on those who served Him.
In the same way, there may be people who don’t understand your service. They may tell you “You do too much,” or “You are wasting your time.” They may resent the time you spend in service to God and wish you spent more of your time on THEM! They may be jealous of your talents and abilities and cover their jealousy with criticism. There may be people who accuse you of trying to “buy your way into heaven” with all of your good deeds… and there may be those who excuse their own laziness or lack of service by criticizing yours.
Don’t pay any attention to these people. Focus on God and serving Him. Go where He sends you and do what He tells you to do. He will show you how much time spent in service for Him is enough. He will open and close doors and windows to signal the right path for you to take. Call on Him for help and feel His presence. Feel the Holy Spirit poured out on you and revel in His glory and blessings!
©2008 Debbie Robus
God's kingdom isn't a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness' sake. It's what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ. Do that and you'll kill two birds with one stone: pleasing the God above you and proving your worth to the people around you.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You know, I think we waste a lot of valuable time worrying what others will think of us if we choose to serve Christ. Let me give you an example. Sadly, more than once, my husband and I have had friends who have divorced or quit dating each other. Sometimes, these partings were quite bitter. The question became, “Who gets the friends?” Loving all persons involved and not wishing to choose sides, we tried to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone. It’s not always possible to maintain a close friendship with both parties, but certainly we feel you can remain civil and friendly.
Inevitably a situation will arise where you are seen by one person in the party being friendly to the other. Let’s say, for example, that you are talking to your friend’s ex-girlfriend, and your friend walks up and sees you. Maybe you had a good reason for the conversation. Maybe you accidentally bumped into each other, and you didn’t want to be rude. But no matter the circumstances, there is room for the friend to misinterpret. Should that stop you from doing the right thing and being polite and friendly to the ex? Absolutely not!
Here’s another completely different example. Let’s say somebody did something unkind to you, or you learned that someone had said something really nasty about you behind your back. And the next thing you know, you come face to face with that person. How do you react? Do you treat them rudely in return? Do you say something unkind or try to snub them in some way? Or do you take the high road, smile and treat them as if nothing had happened?
I’m not saying you should allow people to mistreat you – that you should overlook it and become a doormat for others. But at the same time, people ARE watching and waiting to see HOW you will react. So you can choose to serve yourself – and your ego – and let the person have it. You can pick sides in breakups and draw lines in the sand. Or, you can choose to be the child of God you are called to be and carefully pick and choose your battles – and those with whom you will tangle, if you determine that is the right course of action. Do all you can to single-mindedly serve Christ, and the rest will fall into place.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 18 ~ Romans 7:24-25
I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My former pastor, Bro. John Miles, often said, “Sin is fun! That’s why so many people keep doing it!” And let’s be honest. There are quite a few sinful activities that, at least on the surface, seem like what we often call “harmless fun.” I could name several, but I am betting you can fill in your own blanks. We all have things that tempt us, and many of them would be considered totally harmless by most of our peers.
But let’s get real here… Jesus has done SO much for us. He gave His very life for ours. He was sinless, yet He understands our sinful natures… and still He died on a cross for us! So when we are tempted to have “harmless fun” that we know is anything but, we can look up and think of Christ and the cross, and we can find the courage to say, “I’m not going there!”
I’m not saying we will be perfect. I am not saying that temptation won’t be so great from time to time – or peer pressure – that we will go to “that party” or skip church to do something else or speak unkindly to or about someone else, just to name a few. But let us remember who we are and WHOSE we are… and let us call on Jesus to help us. When we get to the end of our rope, HE is the Knot Who will not let us fall!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 17 ~ Romans 3:7
It's simply perverse to say, "If my lies serve to show off God's truth all the more gloriously, why blame me? I'm doing God a favor." Some people are actually trying to put such words in our mouths, claiming that we go around saying, "The more evil we do, the more good God does, so let's just do it!" That's pure slander, as I'm sure you'll agree.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
When I was a child, my mother used to say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” That really made me mad when I was young... maybe in part because I knew it was true, but you know how we don’t like to hear the truth from our parents!
Anyway, you may encounter people or situations from time to time that will suggest that maybe “two wrongs CAN make a right situation for God.” You may think, “Here’s a chance for God to show just how big He really is.” But if you think for one minute that God is going to let you “serve” Him by this “reverse psychology,” you are dead wrong!
Focus on doing what is right and what honors God. Focus on serving Him positively – and well… with every fiber of your being. Bad situations - wrong situations will come along, and yes, God CAN use them for good. But don’t be the catalyst for this sort of thing. Stay as far away from wrong situations as possible, and stay in God’s perfect will. THAT is service He can really use!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 16 ~ Romans 1:8
I thank God through Jesus for every one of you. That's first. People everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith, and every time I hear them, I thank him. And God, whom I so love to worship and serve by spreading the good news of his Son—the Message!—knows that every time I think of you in my prayers, which is practically all the time, I ask him to clear the way for me to come and see you. The longer this waiting goes on, the deeper the ache. I so want to be there to deliver God's gift in person and watch you grow stronger right before my eyes! But don't think I'm not expecting to get something out of this, too! You have as much to give me as I do to you.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Over and over again, we hear people who have won a contest, race, sporting event, or special award or recognition say, “I couldn’t have done it without Xxxx, Xxxx, and Xxxx.” They recognize, verbally at least, that others helped them. And honestly, in many circumstances, it’s a good thing there were others to help share the load! The collective effort of many can often accomplish far more than that of one person.
And so it is with serving God. Each one of us does our part, but collectively, we do much more! So when I see my brothers and sisters in Christ doing their part to serve Him, I am thankful – and blessed! I truly do thank God for them when they come to mind. I pray for them and ask that their efforts be blessed and multiplied.
Do you pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you ask God to bless their ministries and their service, just as He blesses you? Are you filled with joy when you hear about others’ lives of faith? We’re all in this together, you know… and the gift of serving alongside others is one the ways God blesses us. Don’t miss out on this… love your fellow servants. Pray for their ministries and for God to be glorified. Then sit back and watch Him work!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 15 ~ Acts 27:23
"Last night God's angel stood at my side, an angel of this God I serve, saying to me, 'Don't give up, Paul. You're going to stand before Caesar yet—and everyone sailing with you is also going to make it.' So, dear friends, take heart. I believe God will do exactly what he told me. But we're going to shipwreck on some island or other."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
If you have never studied the book of Acts, I encourage you to do so. It’s quite an adventure story, and this passage is no exception. Paul is being carted by ship to stand before Caesar, and the seas are rough and stormy, and the ship wrecks. Paul even tries to tell the sailors how to avoid the storm, but they won’t listen. Then, when they sail into the storm, Paul tells the others to be courageous and hang in there. He tells them that an angel has appeared and promised they will all make it – and for Paul, that means a court date before Caesar.
I wonder… if we were facing such a fate, would we encourage those around us to have courage and keep going? When the chips are down in our life, do we stop serving the Lord? When troubles come in our life, do we keep serving, stay joyful, “hang in there?” Or do we shipwreck, so to speak, and wallow in self-pity, sadness, frustration, or feelings of futility?
It is highly unlikely that we will ever even come close to facing the challenges, persecutions, struggles, physical illnesses and injuries, and mental and emotional abuse that plagued Paul. Yet he remained a positive, encouraging, faithful servant. If Paul can do it, surely we can! So pull yourself up, and take heart. You are going to make it… and God will give you everything you need to serve Him along the way!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 14 ~ Acts 24:14
"But I do freely admit this: In regard to the Way, which they malign as a dead-end street, I serve and worship the very same God served and worshiped by all our ancestors and embrace everything written in all our Scriptures. And I admit to living in hopeful anticipation that God will raise the dead, both the good and the bad. If that's my crime, my accusers are just as guilty as I am.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Have you ever really thought about the fact that you worship the same God that Adam and Eve worshiped? Have you ever considered that the same God Who told Noah to build an ark is the God Who speaks to you and me every day? Did you ever stop to think that Jesus prayed to the same God in the Garden of Gethsemane that we pray to in our church sanctuary on Sunday? When you stop and consider this, it is really quite amazing. When you realize that the same commandments God gave to Moses more than two thousand years ago are just as solid and true today, you can’t help but be moved. When you think about those who followed Jesus, long before our ancestors came to America, you have to be amazed that His teachings are just as real for us as they were for the disciples and others who followed Him from village to village.
Do you know the saying, “There is nothing new under the sun?” There is nothing new under God’s sun, either. He is the same God today as the God Who created the universe – and the earth and everything in it. We serve the same God that all of those who came before us have served – we read the same Bible they read and learn the same verses they learned. In this fast-paced world of new inventions every day, I find it comforting to know that God has not changed. When I hear my grandmother talk of the hundreds of things that have been invented in her lifetime, I am glad to know that she and I worship a God who has not been “reinvented” but remains steady and strong, powerful and perfect. I am glad to know that I will join these generations of servants someday in heaven as we bow before our Master and Savior to worship Him face to face.
Will you be there? Will you be counted among the Lord’s servants? I hope so… I pray so! Pick up your Bible today and study some of the old servants. See where God is leading you and how you fit into this story. Then someday I’ll see you at the King’s table, and we’ll share our stories of service with those who came before us!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 13 ~ Acts 2:14
That's when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency: "Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully and get this story straight. These people aren't drunk as some of you suspect. They haven't had time to get drunk—it's only nine o'clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen: "In the Last Days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams. When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit On those who serve me, men and women both, and they'll prophesy. I'll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, Blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red, Before the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous; And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
If you go back and read all of Acts 2, you will see that the Jews were upset because people were filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. The Jews thought these people were acting crazy – or that they were drunk! They did not understand that God was pouring out His Holy Spirit on those who served Him.
In the same way, there may be people who don’t understand your service. They may tell you “You do too much,” or “You are wasting your time.” They may resent the time you spend in service to God and wish you spent more of your time on THEM! They may be jealous of your talents and abilities and cover their jealousy with criticism. There may be people who accuse you of trying to “buy your way into heaven” with all of your good deeds… and there may be those who excuse their own laziness or lack of service by criticizing yours.
Don’t pay any attention to these people. Focus on God and serving Him. Go where He sends you and do what He tells you to do. He will show you how much time spent in service for Him is enough. He will open and close doors and windows to signal the right path for you to take. Call on Him for help and feel His presence. Feel the Holy Spirit poured out on you and revel in His glory and blessings!
©2008 Debbie Robus
Are You Serving or Being Served? - Week 2
April 12 ~ John 12:26
"If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You may be reading these devos each day and thinking, “… but I’m still just a kid. How can I serve at my age?” Or, you may be thinking, “I’m too old (or too busy, or too poor, or too sick) to serve.” Read the first line again… “If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me.” You can serve by following Christ and living for Him. You can serve by witnessing to others. You can serve by stopping to visit with someone in the grocery store or at school.
People serve in all sorts of ways. Every day, countless shut-ins in our community and others across the country receive “Meals on Wheels” that are delivered by volunteers. I know a woman in my community who organized a walking clinic for other women. She is helping them establish an exercise routine that will enable them to get fit and stay healthy for years to come – and boosting their self-esteem in the process. I know others who are doing all of the leg work to organize a race to benefit the local Christian Health Center. And speaking of the Center, those who give time and energy to this clinic are serving hundreds of area residents every week who can’t otherwise afford medical care and prescriptions.
My 95-year-old grandmother still calls people on the telephone to visit with them, ask how they are doing, and just to let them know someone cares. I know people who send cards – birthday, get-well, sympathy, congratulations – to let others know they are remembered and that someone is thinking of them. I know people who visit the sick and elderly to let them know they are not forgotten. I know people who are constantly cooking meals and inviting others to eat with them – or taking others out for a meal.
I know people who give a friend a ride to school and after-school activities. I know people who attend sporting events to cheer on their friends and/or the family members of their friends – or just people who attend their church. I know people who lead scout troops and Sunday School classes and choirs, and I know others who belong to “service organizations” like Rotary Club, Lions Club, and the Optimists.
There are thousands of ways to serve. Prayerfully ask God to show you how to follow Him and serve others. He will tailor opportunities to YOUR abilities and circumstances. If you want to serve Jesus, all you have to do is follow His lead.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 11 ~ John 12:1
Six days before Passover, Jesus entered Bethany where Lazarus, so recently raised from the dead, was living. Lazarus and his sisters invited Jesus to dinner at their home. Martha served. Lazarus was one of those sitting at the table with them. Mary came in with a jar of very expensive aromatic oils, anointed and massaged Jesus' feet, and then wiped them with her hair. The fragrance of the oils filled the house.
(Scripture from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My mother gave me a book entitled Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The book talks about people who are so busy “doing God’s work” that they forget to stop and focus on GOD!
Don’t get me wrong. Serving God is very important for us as Christians. But when we get caught up in the acts of service and forget the Reason behind it, God is not truly served. When we are more worried about how the Holy Communion tables are arranged than considering the amazing sacrifice represented by the bread and wine, we are “Martha servants.” When we get so caught up in making sure we memorize a certain number of scriptures or Bible passages, and yet we don’t really understand what those verses mean or how to apply them, we are being “Martha servants.” When we are more worried about whether we liked the sermon or the hymns/music sung, or we focus on getting to church on Sunday and then forget about our faith the rest of the week, we aren’t even “Martha servants!”
Martha was a wonderful woman, and Jesus loved her dearly. But her focus was on everything being just so in her service to Christ. She forgot to bow and truly worship Him and let the “fringe” trappings slide a bit. And we must learn from this. We must learn to focus on Jesus in EVERYTHING… and let the other things take care of themselves. They will, you know! Believe it or not, the church service, your daily routine, your appearance, the “rituals” and traditions… all of that will take care of itself if we just focus on Jesus. Be a “Mary servant.” Anoint Christ with the oils of service, love, devotion, study, prayer, and witness, and allow their fragrances to fill your house (heart). Give Jesus your very best, and see how far serving Him can take you!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 10 ~ Luke 22:27
"Who would you rather be: the one who eats the dinner or the one who serves the dinner? You'd rather eat and be served, right? But I've taken my place among you as the one who serves. And you've stuck with me through thick and thin. Now I confer on you the royal authority my Father conferred on me so you can eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and be strengthened as you take up responsibilities among the congregations of God's people.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
We probably do “carry out” two or three times a week at our house. With "carry out," there is still a bit of clean-up involved. So for that reason, I occasionally like to go to a restaurant where I am served. My food and drink are brought to my table, and when I’ve eaten, someone else does all of the cleaning. Some friends of ours go out for dinner almost every night. They work hard all day and feel too tired to cook at night, so they have a handful of favorite restaurants they visit, where they are known as “regulars.” I like to eat out occasionally, but I wouldn’t want to do this every night – or as often as our friends do – but I understand their situation, and their desire to sit back, relax, and be served their supper!
Because I understand the value of a meal that is served to someone else, I sometimes enjoy inviting guests to our home and serving them. I know that, especially for the women I invite, this is a real treat, and that makes me happy. It is not my responsibility to please these guests, but it is my joy.
Jesus didn’t have to serve us, but He did. He didn’t have to walk among us and sacrifice for us, but He did. We don’t HAVE to serve Jesus… in fact, He doesn’t want us to serve Him out of a sense of duty or obligation. He wants us to choose freely to serve because we see the joy in helping others in His name. He wants us to serve freely because we love Him and want to please Him and bring Him joy. Because of His sacrifices and service to us, we are free to choose to serve His kingdom and share with others… and to gather with Him at the most important table of them all someday – the Kingdom Table in heaven. There, I believe angels will serve us, and every day will be like “dining out.” When you consider what awaits Believers in heaven, who among us wouldn’t want to serve Him every day and share this good news with others? Are you being served? Are you serving in His name?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 9~ Luke 16:10
Jesus went on to make these comments: If you're honest in small things, you'll be honest in big things; If you're a crook in small things, you'll be a crook in big things. If you're not honest in small jobs, who will put you in charge of the store? No worker can serve two bosses: He'll either hate the first and love the second Or adore the first and despise the second. You can't serve both God and the Bank.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
When you shop at Wal-Mart or the grocery store, do you put your cart in the area reserved for returning shopping carts when you are finished, or do you leave it in a parking space? When you pick up an item in the store and then change your mind several aisles over, do you return it to where you found it or slip it onto an empty space in whatever shelf you are standing near?
Have you ever used a fake I.D.? Have you ever forged your parents’ signature on something, like a note for school? Have you ever opened a newspaper box and taken more than one paper? Have you ever received too much change when paying for something and kept it, considering the mistake “your lucky day?”
You may never have considered these things and others like them a big deal. You may have figured nobody got hurt or no one saw you. But Jesus says those who are honest in small things will be honest in big things, and it follows that even the smallest acts of dishonesty will give way to bigger and bigger deceits. You really can’t have it both ways. You serve God in ALL things, or you serve the devil. Whom do you choose to serve this day?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 8 ~ Luke 12:35
"Keep your shirts on; keep the lights on! Be like house servants waiting for their master to come back from his honeymoon, awake and ready to open the door when he arrives and knocks. Lucky the servants whom the master finds on watch! He'll put on an apron, sit them at the table, and serve them a meal, sharing his wedding feast with them. It doesn't matter what time of the night he arrives; they're awake—and so blessed!
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
One winter night in 1975, my husband and I were awakened by the ring of the telephone. My dad was on the other end of the line, and he was crying. The 23-year-old wife of one of his co-workers had been killed in a car accident. The woman’s younger sister was attending college at Arkansas Tech, where my husband and I were enrolled. My dad told me he had promised the young woman’s husband that we would bring her sister to Heber Springs.
My husband and I dressed and hurried across town to the dorm room of the sister. We had all been classmates together in high school, so we knew this person well, which made the drive home a little easier. We took her to her sister’s house, where the husband waited with his three-month-old baby and other family members. It was a tragic and very sad night. To add insult to injury, this man’s family owned the local funeral home, which made the whole situation even more difficult for everyone involved.
After getting the sister settled and spending some time with this young husband, we went to my parents’ house. I don’t know what time it was, but it was well after midnight – maybe as late as 3:00 a.m. The lights were on inside and out, and my mother was busy in the kitchen, scrambling eggs, making biscuits and muffins, frying bacon, and serving those at her table. I remember that my dad and at least two other funeral directors were there, and everyone was in shock and disbelief over what had happened. But somehow, the conversation was softened by the warmth and comfort of my parents’ home and my mother’s cooking. And I’m sure my mother was glad to have something to do that night. In serving others, she was blessed and comforted.
Isn’t that just how it is with Jesus? When we are at our lowest points, He is waiting with a light on and the warmth of His love and grace to comfort us. When we are celebrating a wedding feast, He is there. When everything is going along pretty smoothly, He is there. Do you know the old radio ad for Motel 6? The man says, “We’ll leave the light on for you.” That is just what Jesus does. His light is always on. His door is always open. Are you patterning this for others? Are you available every day at any time? Are you ready to serve Christ no matter the hour or the circumstances? It’s time to serve. It’s time to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s time we turned on the light for others in Jesus’ name!
©2008 Debbie Robus
"If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You may be reading these devos each day and thinking, “… but I’m still just a kid. How can I serve at my age?” Or, you may be thinking, “I’m too old (or too busy, or too poor, or too sick) to serve.” Read the first line again… “If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me.” You can serve by following Christ and living for Him. You can serve by witnessing to others. You can serve by stopping to visit with someone in the grocery store or at school.
People serve in all sorts of ways. Every day, countless shut-ins in our community and others across the country receive “Meals on Wheels” that are delivered by volunteers. I know a woman in my community who organized a walking clinic for other women. She is helping them establish an exercise routine that will enable them to get fit and stay healthy for years to come – and boosting their self-esteem in the process. I know others who are doing all of the leg work to organize a race to benefit the local Christian Health Center. And speaking of the Center, those who give time and energy to this clinic are serving hundreds of area residents every week who can’t otherwise afford medical care and prescriptions.
My 95-year-old grandmother still calls people on the telephone to visit with them, ask how they are doing, and just to let them know someone cares. I know people who send cards – birthday, get-well, sympathy, congratulations – to let others know they are remembered and that someone is thinking of them. I know people who visit the sick and elderly to let them know they are not forgotten. I know people who are constantly cooking meals and inviting others to eat with them – or taking others out for a meal.
I know people who give a friend a ride to school and after-school activities. I know people who attend sporting events to cheer on their friends and/or the family members of their friends – or just people who attend their church. I know people who lead scout troops and Sunday School classes and choirs, and I know others who belong to “service organizations” like Rotary Club, Lions Club, and the Optimists.
There are thousands of ways to serve. Prayerfully ask God to show you how to follow Him and serve others. He will tailor opportunities to YOUR abilities and circumstances. If you want to serve Jesus, all you have to do is follow His lead.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 11 ~ John 12:1
Six days before Passover, Jesus entered Bethany where Lazarus, so recently raised from the dead, was living. Lazarus and his sisters invited Jesus to dinner at their home. Martha served. Lazarus was one of those sitting at the table with them. Mary came in with a jar of very expensive aromatic oils, anointed and massaged Jesus' feet, and then wiped them with her hair. The fragrance of the oils filled the house.
(Scripture from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
My mother gave me a book entitled Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The book talks about people who are so busy “doing God’s work” that they forget to stop and focus on GOD!
Don’t get me wrong. Serving God is very important for us as Christians. But when we get caught up in the acts of service and forget the Reason behind it, God is not truly served. When we are more worried about how the Holy Communion tables are arranged than considering the amazing sacrifice represented by the bread and wine, we are “Martha servants.” When we get so caught up in making sure we memorize a certain number of scriptures or Bible passages, and yet we don’t really understand what those verses mean or how to apply them, we are being “Martha servants.” When we are more worried about whether we liked the sermon or the hymns/music sung, or we focus on getting to church on Sunday and then forget about our faith the rest of the week, we aren’t even “Martha servants!”
Martha was a wonderful woman, and Jesus loved her dearly. But her focus was on everything being just so in her service to Christ. She forgot to bow and truly worship Him and let the “fringe” trappings slide a bit. And we must learn from this. We must learn to focus on Jesus in EVERYTHING… and let the other things take care of themselves. They will, you know! Believe it or not, the church service, your daily routine, your appearance, the “rituals” and traditions… all of that will take care of itself if we just focus on Jesus. Be a “Mary servant.” Anoint Christ with the oils of service, love, devotion, study, prayer, and witness, and allow their fragrances to fill your house (heart). Give Jesus your very best, and see how far serving Him can take you!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 10 ~ Luke 22:27
"Who would you rather be: the one who eats the dinner or the one who serves the dinner? You'd rather eat and be served, right? But I've taken my place among you as the one who serves. And you've stuck with me through thick and thin. Now I confer on you the royal authority my Father conferred on me so you can eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and be strengthened as you take up responsibilities among the congregations of God's people.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
We probably do “carry out” two or three times a week at our house. With "carry out," there is still a bit of clean-up involved. So for that reason, I occasionally like to go to a restaurant where I am served. My food and drink are brought to my table, and when I’ve eaten, someone else does all of the cleaning. Some friends of ours go out for dinner almost every night. They work hard all day and feel too tired to cook at night, so they have a handful of favorite restaurants they visit, where they are known as “regulars.” I like to eat out occasionally, but I wouldn’t want to do this every night – or as often as our friends do – but I understand their situation, and their desire to sit back, relax, and be served their supper!
Because I understand the value of a meal that is served to someone else, I sometimes enjoy inviting guests to our home and serving them. I know that, especially for the women I invite, this is a real treat, and that makes me happy. It is not my responsibility to please these guests, but it is my joy.
Jesus didn’t have to serve us, but He did. He didn’t have to walk among us and sacrifice for us, but He did. We don’t HAVE to serve Jesus… in fact, He doesn’t want us to serve Him out of a sense of duty or obligation. He wants us to choose freely to serve because we see the joy in helping others in His name. He wants us to serve freely because we love Him and want to please Him and bring Him joy. Because of His sacrifices and service to us, we are free to choose to serve His kingdom and share with others… and to gather with Him at the most important table of them all someday – the Kingdom Table in heaven. There, I believe angels will serve us, and every day will be like “dining out.” When you consider what awaits Believers in heaven, who among us wouldn’t want to serve Him every day and share this good news with others? Are you being served? Are you serving in His name?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 9~ Luke 16:10
Jesus went on to make these comments: If you're honest in small things, you'll be honest in big things; If you're a crook in small things, you'll be a crook in big things. If you're not honest in small jobs, who will put you in charge of the store? No worker can serve two bosses: He'll either hate the first and love the second Or adore the first and despise the second. You can't serve both God and the Bank.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
When you shop at Wal-Mart or the grocery store, do you put your cart in the area reserved for returning shopping carts when you are finished, or do you leave it in a parking space? When you pick up an item in the store and then change your mind several aisles over, do you return it to where you found it or slip it onto an empty space in whatever shelf you are standing near?
Have you ever used a fake I.D.? Have you ever forged your parents’ signature on something, like a note for school? Have you ever opened a newspaper box and taken more than one paper? Have you ever received too much change when paying for something and kept it, considering the mistake “your lucky day?”
You may never have considered these things and others like them a big deal. You may have figured nobody got hurt or no one saw you. But Jesus says those who are honest in small things will be honest in big things, and it follows that even the smallest acts of dishonesty will give way to bigger and bigger deceits. You really can’t have it both ways. You serve God in ALL things, or you serve the devil. Whom do you choose to serve this day?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 8 ~ Luke 12:35
"Keep your shirts on; keep the lights on! Be like house servants waiting for their master to come back from his honeymoon, awake and ready to open the door when he arrives and knocks. Lucky the servants whom the master finds on watch! He'll put on an apron, sit them at the table, and serve them a meal, sharing his wedding feast with them. It doesn't matter what time of the night he arrives; they're awake—and so blessed!
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
One winter night in 1975, my husband and I were awakened by the ring of the telephone. My dad was on the other end of the line, and he was crying. The 23-year-old wife of one of his co-workers had been killed in a car accident. The woman’s younger sister was attending college at Arkansas Tech, where my husband and I were enrolled. My dad told me he had promised the young woman’s husband that we would bring her sister to Heber Springs.
My husband and I dressed and hurried across town to the dorm room of the sister. We had all been classmates together in high school, so we knew this person well, which made the drive home a little easier. We took her to her sister’s house, where the husband waited with his three-month-old baby and other family members. It was a tragic and very sad night. To add insult to injury, this man’s family owned the local funeral home, which made the whole situation even more difficult for everyone involved.
After getting the sister settled and spending some time with this young husband, we went to my parents’ house. I don’t know what time it was, but it was well after midnight – maybe as late as 3:00 a.m. The lights were on inside and out, and my mother was busy in the kitchen, scrambling eggs, making biscuits and muffins, frying bacon, and serving those at her table. I remember that my dad and at least two other funeral directors were there, and everyone was in shock and disbelief over what had happened. But somehow, the conversation was softened by the warmth and comfort of my parents’ home and my mother’s cooking. And I’m sure my mother was glad to have something to do that night. In serving others, she was blessed and comforted.
Isn’t that just how it is with Jesus? When we are at our lowest points, He is waiting with a light on and the warmth of His love and grace to comfort us. When we are celebrating a wedding feast, He is there. When everything is going along pretty smoothly, He is there. Do you know the old radio ad for Motel 6? The man says, “We’ll leave the light on for you.” That is just what Jesus does. His light is always on. His door is always open. Are you patterning this for others? Are you available every day at any time? Are you ready to serve Christ no matter the hour or the circumstances? It’s time to serve. It’s time to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s time we turned on the light for others in Jesus’ name!
©2008 Debbie Robus
Are You Serving or Being Served? - Week 1
April 7 ~ Luke 4:5
For the second test he led him up and spread out all the kingdoms of the earth on display at once. Then the Devil said, "They're yours in all their splendor to serve your pleasure. I'm in charge of them all and can turn them over to whomever I wish. Worship me and they're yours, the whole works."
Luke 4:8 - Jesus refused, again backing his refusal with Deuteronomy: "Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Do you know someone who has a job or a hobby that consumes them? Do you know someone who lives and breathes a sport like football, basketball, baseball, or racing cars? Do you know someone who is so caught up in chatting on the internet with friends or playing an interactive video game that they give it every spare minute, and then some? Do you know someone who loves to shop and spends countless hours and days at the malls and stores just looking at the items for sale – or worse yet, spending money like it was water for things they really don’t need or even truly want? Do you know someone who is "addicted" to watching television and can't miss "their shows?"
Do you know someone who is obsessed with food and is constantly thinking about where and what to eat - or watching food shows on TV, or cooking? Do you know someone who is consumed with fitness and spends an exorbitant amount of time at the gym, working out, running or cycling, or training for races? Do you know someone who is focused totally on another person – a spouse, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a child or grandchild, a best friend – to the extent that they spend all of their time and energy on this person? Do you know someone who is a workaholic – spending weekdays, nights, and weekends on their job or work-related projects?
All of these things and more are harmless activities in moderation. But many become single-hearted for their particular interest. And most of the time, Jesus gets pushed to the curb. IF there is any extra time, a Sunday service might be squeezed in to the schedule. IF there is a lull in the activity of interest – or more likely, a crisis – the Bible might be opened and a few minutes will be spent in prayer. IF somebody happens to ask about Jesus and our faith, we will take a little time to briefly tell them how important He is to us.
But is He really so important? Is Jesus really the single focus of our heart? Are we spending time with Him and making him first in our lives? Or are we worshiping the “kingdoms of the earth,” as the devil describes them? None of the things I have mentioned are bad in and of themselves – and in controlled doses. But they must be balanced with a steady diet of God’s Word, worship, prayer, and time spent in service for Christ. So where is your heart? Are you single-hearted – for the wrong things? Or are you putting Christ first and keeping other interests in their place? Don’t make anything or anyone else your god. Worship the One True God and serve Him single-heartedly!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 6 ~ Luke 1:36
"And did you know that your cousin Elizabeth conceived a son, old as she is? Everyone called her barren, and here she is six months pregnant! Nothing, you see, is impossible with God." And Mary said, Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say. Then the angel left her.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Imagine for a moment that you are a young woman, engaged to be married, and the whole town knows you and your family – and the family of the man you plan to marry. News travels fast in your little town, and like a lot of small towns, gossip is something of a pastime. You have done everything right. You have saved yourself for marriage. Your husband-to-be has respected your purity and not pressured you to compromise it. And then… you find out you are pregnant! More importantly, an ANGEL appears to you and clearly tells you that this child is from God, and that your infertile cousin is pregnant, too, because God allowed it.
What would you do? By all rights, your marriage will probably never happen, because your husband-to-be and his family will be so disgraced. How could this happen? How could God choose YOU, of all people… and what do you do now? If you are not left alone to raise this baby by yourself, you will most surely be run out of town in disgrace.
I find it amazing that Mary graciously accepted this news from the angel… and all that it meant. I find it particularly incredible when you consider that this “woman” was probably around 13 years of age… and yet she possessed a maturity far beyond her years. I find it completely astounding that this young girl in that particular time and place chose to believe that, truly, NOTHING is impossible with God. In essence, she told the angel… “it’s cool, I’m in” and she ran with this concept of immaculate conception.
Now I ask you… if a 13-year-old girl could accept that nothing is impossible with God some 2040+ years ago, why can’t we believe that today? We are so quick to throw up our hands and say, “I just can’t do it, Lord. That’s just too big for me or too much to handle.” C’mon now… is it really? Where is OUR faith? NOTHING is impossible with God. Will you let it be with you as God says? Will you roll up your sleeves and say, “It's cool, I'm in and ready to serve?”
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 5 ~ Luke 1:1
So many others have tried their hand at putting together a story of the wonderful harvest of Scripture and history that took place among us, using reports handed down by the original eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives. Since I have investigated all the reports in close detail, starting from the story's beginning, I decided to write it all out for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt the reliability of what you were taught.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
While this passage speaks to the question of the authenticity of Scripture, the words I want to focus on are “eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives.” Even today, people across the world are “serving the Word [of God] with their very lives.” Hopefully, for you and me, this will never be our challenge. But, on a smaller scale, we are often challenged to “serve the Word” with sacrifices.
When I was in high school, I was a majorette in the band. I was only a freshman, and most of the other girls on the majorette line were at least two years older. In order to raise money for band camp, we held several work days and a car wash. Our sponsor, a very nice man, thought it would be great for business if we advertised that we were “washing cars in bikinis.” My mother forbid me to wear a bikini even in our house, so wearing one to the car wash was totally not an option. And certainly today, this would not be considered politically correct, but in 1972, a lot of things were different. Anyway, I wore a bathing suit to comply with being part of the group, but my mother told me to keep my shorts and t-shirt on over it. I did, but my fellow team members were not happy with me at all. They laughed and ridiculed me for a long, long time over that. They also took me to task for not wearing a team uniform our mothers had made – “hip-hugger” shorts and a cropped top. Why my mother even made the outfit for me and then forbid me to wear it, I don’t know, but it never left my dresser drawer! In these and other “rules” of the house, my mother felt she was serving the Word and teaching me to walk in the ways of the Lord. All I knew was that I was not popular at all and was labeled several things, including a “goodie-two-shoes” and a “Jesus freak.”
For some of you, serving the Word will mean giving up your girlfriend or boyfriend. For some it may mean going against the wishes of your spouse. For others it may mean going against the wishes of your parents. It very well may cost you some “friends” and acquaintances. You may be called names and isolated by your peers. You may be ignored and/or avoided at work because you don’t participate in office gossip or dirty jokes or foul language. Did it hurt to be ridiculed by my team mates and classmates because of my faith? Sure! But it didn’t ruin my life. Would it be tough to say to your wife or husband, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your parents… “In such-and-such instance, I can choose to serve God, or I can choose to follow you, and I’m choosing God.”? Of course! Maybe your parents want to do things together as a family on Sunday and you want to go to church, and you take a stand to go to church, even if it means missing the family outing.
Maybe your girlfriend wants you to lie to your parents and tell them you’re staying at a friend’s house, when you are actually spending the night at her house while her parents are away, and you have to tell her that you will NOT lie! Maybe your husband is involved in illegal gambling, and he wants you to look the other way, and you confront him and tell him if he doesn’t stop, you will have to leave. Maybe your teenage daughter wants to dress in clothes that are too revealing and send the wrong message, or your young son wants to get a big tattoo across his back, and you have to tell her or him that they must comply with your wishes if they are going to live under your roof. The list is endless, but you get the idea. Serving the Word ain’t for sissies! But, it is so worth any “trouble” we may feel we are called to endure. Are you ready? Are you up to the challenge? Will you dare to serve the Word?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 4 ~ Mark 15:40
There were women watching from a distance, among them Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and Joses, and Salome. When Jesus was in Galilee, these women followed and served him, and had come up with him to Jerusalem.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You may not know this, but some churches do not believe that women are called to ministry. Hello! Have they read this passage? Well, they may say… it means women can serve, but only in roles traditionally suited to women. Believe it or not, some churches – and yours may be one – do not allow women to teach men in a Sunday School… or at least they have members who do not agree with this practice. Other churches do not allow women to be deacons or to serve in leadership capacities.
Jesus did not die on the cross for men only! Yes, women followed Jesus and “served” Him, but I believe Jesus would be the first to tell you His ministry would not have been the same without women and their service. I have heard it suggested that some of these women and other people financed Jesus’ ministry. Certainly there were those who fed and housed Jesus as He traveled from village to village, and some of those may have been women.
The point I want to make today is that God calls EVERYONE – men AND women – to serve Him. God calls men AND women to teach Sunday Schools, lead choirs, work with youth, children and adults, cook meals, minister to the sick and dying, and yes – preach! God does not see gender – He sees servants. Let’s not get bogged down in this and miss the bigger picture. And let’s not use it as a crutch- or excuse - not to serve when called. God is calling ALL of us to follow Him and serve Him, and scripture proves it!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 3 ~ Mark 2:25
Jesus said, "… Haven't you ever read what David did when he was hungry, along with those who were with him? How he entered the sanctuary and ate fresh bread off the altar, with the Chief Priest Abiathar right there watching—holy bread that no one but priests were allowed to eat—and handed it out to his companions?" Then Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made to serve us; we weren't made to serve the Sabbath. The Son of Man is no lackey to the Sabbath. He's in charge!"
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Suppose someone told you that from now on, purple was considered a holy color and only pastors and those in the church the pastor designated could wear purple on Sunday. You were not to ever wear purple on Sunday again unless the pastor said it was okay. How would you feel? Wouldn’t you want to have a fit and wear purple anyway? Or suppose the church adopted a rule that you couldn’t enter the sanctuary wearing your shoes. I know… it sounds absurd, doesn’t it?
Putting bread on the altar that only priests could eat was absurd, too, along with the rule that healing of the sick couldn’t happen on the Sabbath. Thankfully, Jesus showed us that we can keep the Sabbath holy without bending to such silly rituals and rules. In fact, rituals are just that – routines and traditions that are quite often the creation of men rather than God.
What is my point? We serve GOD, not rituals. We don’t serve a sanctuary, a certain kind of communion bread and wine (or grape juice), or a set schedule of how to worship on Sundays. The Easter Sunrise Service at a local park is just as holy as the 11:00 worship service at your church sanctuary. God is present at both. He can bless you and give you His word in each place… and on other days besides Sunday. So don’t get bogged down in the rituals and old laws of worship and miss the point. Focus on Jesus and serving Him, and remember that HE is in charge!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 2 ~ Matthew 20:24
So Jesus got them together to settle things down. He said, "You've observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It's not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served - and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
One night as our Praise Band rehearsed, a “sound man” adjusted our settings in the sound booth. Different band members kept telling him that my voice was too loud in their ear pieces. At one point, our leader told him that it seemed that my voice was just a little louder than everyone else’s, and he said, “Yes, because she is the leader, right?” He had assumed that I was the lead singer, possibly because I play the piano and it is often the lead instrument. But we all quickly explained to him that we have no lead singer… we are there to facilitate the congregational singing, but none of us should be any louder than the other.
Our goal as a Praise and Worship band is to serve – to be the catalyst for others to worship. The important thing is not our music or the prayers, or even the sermon! The important thing is drawing the Holy Spirit into the worship and helping others to feel His presence.
It is very hard for me to fully grasp Jesus serving ME, but that is exactly what He did with his death on the cross. If I want to be like Jesus, I have to humble my heart and serve others. Being a member of the Praise Band is an honor – and a responsibility. The platform is not our “stage” and we are not “superstars for Jesus.” We are humble servants sharing His love with others and encouraging them to draw near to Jesus for themselves. So how are YOU serving? Or are you? Check your attitude today and see if there are areas where the power is going to your head. Then make whatever adjustments are necessary to become a humble servant of Christ and experience His greatness and blessings for yourself.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 1 ~ Matthew 4:10
Jesus' refusal was curt: "Beat it, Satan!" He backed his rebuke with a third quotation from Deuteronomy: "Worship the Lord your God, and only him. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
“There is no such thing as Satan,” someone told me once. Apparently this person had not read Matthew 4:10, because Satan was – and IS – very real. Furthermore, if he would go so far as to try to tempt Jesus Christ, what makes us think for one minute he won’t try to tempt us?
I have been told more than once that Satan absolutely hates to hear the Word of God. When Satan tempts us, one of the best things we can do is recite a scripture passage we have memorized. Quickly we show Satan Whom we serve and remind him that he holds no power over us!
So memorize a few scriptures that you can apply to situations in your life, and when Satan strikes, give him a Scriptural “beat it!”
©2008 Debbie Robus
For the second test he led him up and spread out all the kingdoms of the earth on display at once. Then the Devil said, "They're yours in all their splendor to serve your pleasure. I'm in charge of them all and can turn them over to whomever I wish. Worship me and they're yours, the whole works."
Luke 4:8 - Jesus refused, again backing his refusal with Deuteronomy: "Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Do you know someone who has a job or a hobby that consumes them? Do you know someone who lives and breathes a sport like football, basketball, baseball, or racing cars? Do you know someone who is so caught up in chatting on the internet with friends or playing an interactive video game that they give it every spare minute, and then some? Do you know someone who loves to shop and spends countless hours and days at the malls and stores just looking at the items for sale – or worse yet, spending money like it was water for things they really don’t need or even truly want? Do you know someone who is "addicted" to watching television and can't miss "their shows?"
Do you know someone who is obsessed with food and is constantly thinking about where and what to eat - or watching food shows on TV, or cooking? Do you know someone who is consumed with fitness and spends an exorbitant amount of time at the gym, working out, running or cycling, or training for races? Do you know someone who is focused totally on another person – a spouse, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a child or grandchild, a best friend – to the extent that they spend all of their time and energy on this person? Do you know someone who is a workaholic – spending weekdays, nights, and weekends on their job or work-related projects?
All of these things and more are harmless activities in moderation. But many become single-hearted for their particular interest. And most of the time, Jesus gets pushed to the curb. IF there is any extra time, a Sunday service might be squeezed in to the schedule. IF there is a lull in the activity of interest – or more likely, a crisis – the Bible might be opened and a few minutes will be spent in prayer. IF somebody happens to ask about Jesus and our faith, we will take a little time to briefly tell them how important He is to us.
But is He really so important? Is Jesus really the single focus of our heart? Are we spending time with Him and making him first in our lives? Or are we worshiping the “kingdoms of the earth,” as the devil describes them? None of the things I have mentioned are bad in and of themselves – and in controlled doses. But they must be balanced with a steady diet of God’s Word, worship, prayer, and time spent in service for Christ. So where is your heart? Are you single-hearted – for the wrong things? Or are you putting Christ first and keeping other interests in their place? Don’t make anything or anyone else your god. Worship the One True God and serve Him single-heartedly!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 6 ~ Luke 1:36
"And did you know that your cousin Elizabeth conceived a son, old as she is? Everyone called her barren, and here she is six months pregnant! Nothing, you see, is impossible with God." And Mary said, Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say. Then the angel left her.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Imagine for a moment that you are a young woman, engaged to be married, and the whole town knows you and your family – and the family of the man you plan to marry. News travels fast in your little town, and like a lot of small towns, gossip is something of a pastime. You have done everything right. You have saved yourself for marriage. Your husband-to-be has respected your purity and not pressured you to compromise it. And then… you find out you are pregnant! More importantly, an ANGEL appears to you and clearly tells you that this child is from God, and that your infertile cousin is pregnant, too, because God allowed it.
What would you do? By all rights, your marriage will probably never happen, because your husband-to-be and his family will be so disgraced. How could this happen? How could God choose YOU, of all people… and what do you do now? If you are not left alone to raise this baby by yourself, you will most surely be run out of town in disgrace.
I find it amazing that Mary graciously accepted this news from the angel… and all that it meant. I find it particularly incredible when you consider that this “woman” was probably around 13 years of age… and yet she possessed a maturity far beyond her years. I find it completely astounding that this young girl in that particular time and place chose to believe that, truly, NOTHING is impossible with God. In essence, she told the angel… “it’s cool, I’m in” and she ran with this concept of immaculate conception.
Now I ask you… if a 13-year-old girl could accept that nothing is impossible with God some 2040+ years ago, why can’t we believe that today? We are so quick to throw up our hands and say, “I just can’t do it, Lord. That’s just too big for me or too much to handle.” C’mon now… is it really? Where is OUR faith? NOTHING is impossible with God. Will you let it be with you as God says? Will you roll up your sleeves and say, “It's cool, I'm in and ready to serve?”
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 5 ~ Luke 1:1
So many others have tried their hand at putting together a story of the wonderful harvest of Scripture and history that took place among us, using reports handed down by the original eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives. Since I have investigated all the reports in close detail, starting from the story's beginning, I decided to write it all out for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt the reliability of what you were taught.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
While this passage speaks to the question of the authenticity of Scripture, the words I want to focus on are “eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives.” Even today, people across the world are “serving the Word [of God] with their very lives.” Hopefully, for you and me, this will never be our challenge. But, on a smaller scale, we are often challenged to “serve the Word” with sacrifices.
When I was in high school, I was a majorette in the band. I was only a freshman, and most of the other girls on the majorette line were at least two years older. In order to raise money for band camp, we held several work days and a car wash. Our sponsor, a very nice man, thought it would be great for business if we advertised that we were “washing cars in bikinis.” My mother forbid me to wear a bikini even in our house, so wearing one to the car wash was totally not an option. And certainly today, this would not be considered politically correct, but in 1972, a lot of things were different. Anyway, I wore a bathing suit to comply with being part of the group, but my mother told me to keep my shorts and t-shirt on over it. I did, but my fellow team members were not happy with me at all. They laughed and ridiculed me for a long, long time over that. They also took me to task for not wearing a team uniform our mothers had made – “hip-hugger” shorts and a cropped top. Why my mother even made the outfit for me and then forbid me to wear it, I don’t know, but it never left my dresser drawer! In these and other “rules” of the house, my mother felt she was serving the Word and teaching me to walk in the ways of the Lord. All I knew was that I was not popular at all and was labeled several things, including a “goodie-two-shoes” and a “Jesus freak.”
For some of you, serving the Word will mean giving up your girlfriend or boyfriend. For some it may mean going against the wishes of your spouse. For others it may mean going against the wishes of your parents. It very well may cost you some “friends” and acquaintances. You may be called names and isolated by your peers. You may be ignored and/or avoided at work because you don’t participate in office gossip or dirty jokes or foul language. Did it hurt to be ridiculed by my team mates and classmates because of my faith? Sure! But it didn’t ruin my life. Would it be tough to say to your wife or husband, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your parents… “In such-and-such instance, I can choose to serve God, or I can choose to follow you, and I’m choosing God.”? Of course! Maybe your parents want to do things together as a family on Sunday and you want to go to church, and you take a stand to go to church, even if it means missing the family outing.
Maybe your girlfriend wants you to lie to your parents and tell them you’re staying at a friend’s house, when you are actually spending the night at her house while her parents are away, and you have to tell her that you will NOT lie! Maybe your husband is involved in illegal gambling, and he wants you to look the other way, and you confront him and tell him if he doesn’t stop, you will have to leave. Maybe your teenage daughter wants to dress in clothes that are too revealing and send the wrong message, or your young son wants to get a big tattoo across his back, and you have to tell her or him that they must comply with your wishes if they are going to live under your roof. The list is endless, but you get the idea. Serving the Word ain’t for sissies! But, it is so worth any “trouble” we may feel we are called to endure. Are you ready? Are you up to the challenge? Will you dare to serve the Word?
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 4 ~ Mark 15:40
There were women watching from a distance, among them Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and Joses, and Salome. When Jesus was in Galilee, these women followed and served him, and had come up with him to Jerusalem.
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
You may not know this, but some churches do not believe that women are called to ministry. Hello! Have they read this passage? Well, they may say… it means women can serve, but only in roles traditionally suited to women. Believe it or not, some churches – and yours may be one – do not allow women to teach men in a Sunday School… or at least they have members who do not agree with this practice. Other churches do not allow women to be deacons or to serve in leadership capacities.
Jesus did not die on the cross for men only! Yes, women followed Jesus and “served” Him, but I believe Jesus would be the first to tell you His ministry would not have been the same without women and their service. I have heard it suggested that some of these women and other people financed Jesus’ ministry. Certainly there were those who fed and housed Jesus as He traveled from village to village, and some of those may have been women.
The point I want to make today is that God calls EVERYONE – men AND women – to serve Him. God calls men AND women to teach Sunday Schools, lead choirs, work with youth, children and adults, cook meals, minister to the sick and dying, and yes – preach! God does not see gender – He sees servants. Let’s not get bogged down in this and miss the bigger picture. And let’s not use it as a crutch- or excuse - not to serve when called. God is calling ALL of us to follow Him and serve Him, and scripture proves it!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 3 ~ Mark 2:25
Jesus said, "… Haven't you ever read what David did when he was hungry, along with those who were with him? How he entered the sanctuary and ate fresh bread off the altar, with the Chief Priest Abiathar right there watching—holy bread that no one but priests were allowed to eat—and handed it out to his companions?" Then Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made to serve us; we weren't made to serve the Sabbath. The Son of Man is no lackey to the Sabbath. He's in charge!"
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
Suppose someone told you that from now on, purple was considered a holy color and only pastors and those in the church the pastor designated could wear purple on Sunday. You were not to ever wear purple on Sunday again unless the pastor said it was okay. How would you feel? Wouldn’t you want to have a fit and wear purple anyway? Or suppose the church adopted a rule that you couldn’t enter the sanctuary wearing your shoes. I know… it sounds absurd, doesn’t it?
Putting bread on the altar that only priests could eat was absurd, too, along with the rule that healing of the sick couldn’t happen on the Sabbath. Thankfully, Jesus showed us that we can keep the Sabbath holy without bending to such silly rituals and rules. In fact, rituals are just that – routines and traditions that are quite often the creation of men rather than God.
What is my point? We serve GOD, not rituals. We don’t serve a sanctuary, a certain kind of communion bread and wine (or grape juice), or a set schedule of how to worship on Sundays. The Easter Sunrise Service at a local park is just as holy as the 11:00 worship service at your church sanctuary. God is present at both. He can bless you and give you His word in each place… and on other days besides Sunday. So don’t get bogged down in the rituals and old laws of worship and miss the point. Focus on Jesus and serving Him, and remember that HE is in charge!
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 2 ~ Matthew 20:24
So Jesus got them together to settle things down. He said, "You've observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It's not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served - and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
One night as our Praise Band rehearsed, a “sound man” adjusted our settings in the sound booth. Different band members kept telling him that my voice was too loud in their ear pieces. At one point, our leader told him that it seemed that my voice was just a little louder than everyone else’s, and he said, “Yes, because she is the leader, right?” He had assumed that I was the lead singer, possibly because I play the piano and it is often the lead instrument. But we all quickly explained to him that we have no lead singer… we are there to facilitate the congregational singing, but none of us should be any louder than the other.
Our goal as a Praise and Worship band is to serve – to be the catalyst for others to worship. The important thing is not our music or the prayers, or even the sermon! The important thing is drawing the Holy Spirit into the worship and helping others to feel His presence.
It is very hard for me to fully grasp Jesus serving ME, but that is exactly what He did with his death on the cross. If I want to be like Jesus, I have to humble my heart and serve others. Being a member of the Praise Band is an honor – and a responsibility. The platform is not our “stage” and we are not “superstars for Jesus.” We are humble servants sharing His love with others and encouraging them to draw near to Jesus for themselves. So how are YOU serving? Or are you? Check your attitude today and see if there are areas where the power is going to your head. Then make whatever adjustments are necessary to become a humble servant of Christ and experience His greatness and blessings for yourself.
©2008 Debbie Robus
April 1 ~ Matthew 4:10
Jesus' refusal was curt: "Beat it, Satan!" He backed his rebuke with a third quotation from Deuteronomy: "Worship the Lord your God, and only him. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness."
(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)
“There is no such thing as Satan,” someone told me once. Apparently this person had not read Matthew 4:10, because Satan was – and IS – very real. Furthermore, if he would go so far as to try to tempt Jesus Christ, what makes us think for one minute he won’t try to tempt us?
I have been told more than once that Satan absolutely hates to hear the Word of God. When Satan tempts us, one of the best things we can do is recite a scripture passage we have memorized. Quickly we show Satan Whom we serve and remind him that he holds no power over us!
So memorize a few scriptures that you can apply to situations in your life, and when Satan strikes, give him a Scriptural “beat it!”
©2008 Debbie Robus
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