Studies in the Psalms II - Week 4

October 31 ~ Psalm 118:1-4
1-4 Thank God because he's good, because his love never quits.
Tell the world, Israel,
"His love never quits."
And you, clan of Aaron, tell the world,
"His love never quits."
And you who fear God, join in,
"His love never quits."

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

I am not a quitter! And honestly, sometimes I pursue a situation long after I should probably let it go and move ahead. But I can’t seem to give up – on people OR projects! I guess I am an eternal optimist – or maybe I have “rose-colored glasses” – but I know that God can work miracles where we see no hope. I guess I truly take this passage to heart. I know God never quits on us… so how can we quit on others? God never stops loving us, caring about us, working in our lives to effect positive change. So we must not quit either!

I can think of several times when I surely wanted to quit, can’t you? I have looked back at events in my life… at prayer journals and photo albums… and I see people and events that seemed completely beyond help and hope. But we prayed for them anyway. When it seemed that all was lost and this person was doomed to a life of despair and misfortune, we believed that God could change their thinking and behavior – and their future. When it seemed that a church would split completely in two and possibly dissolve, we believed that God would intervene and strengthen His children and help them to heal. When it seemed that disease would devastate a body and snuff out a life, we called on the Great Healer – and He performed miracles.

Today, you are challenged. Maybe you have just come through mid-terms with less than stellar results, and you are wondering if it is worth the effort to stick with school. Maybe you are in the middle of a relationship that is dissolving – or has dissolved – and you are hurt, angry, and ready to give up on ever loving or being loved. Maybe you are older and in poor health, and you are wondering why God is keeping you here – trapped in a body that doesn’t work like it should. You are wondering how much longer you have on this earth and what your days will bring. Maybe you are a young parent facing horrific economic challenges. You are worried about how you will feed your children, much less send them to college, and you wonder what you may have to sell/sacrifice in order to survive. Maybe you are a “boomer” nearing or just beginning retirement, and you wonder if your investments are going to be sufficient to support you through your “Golden Years.” Maybe you are in a “Spiritual funk.” Your church is struggling, as people question their faith and which direction God is leading them, and you wonder what – and where – God is leading YOU!

Please read today’s scripture passage again. God’s love NEVER quits! That is all you need to remember. No matter how dark it seems now… no matter how uncertain your future may appear… God is still GOD… and He NEVER quits! If you continue to serve Him – to seek Him – to communicate with Him (which means talking to Him AND listening!) – He will answer. God will deliver us… HE will rescue us! God NEVER quits – so neither can we!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 30 ~ Psalm 116:12-19
12-19 What can I give back to God
for the blessings he's poured out on me?
I'll lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God!
I'll pray in the name of God;
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it together with his people.
When they arrive at the gates of death,
God welcomes those who love him.
Oh, God, here I am, your servant,
your faithful servant: set me free for your service!
I'm ready to offer the thanksgiving sacrifice
and pray in the name of God.
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it in company with his people,
In the place of worship, in God's house,
in Jerusalem, God's city.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

We are nearing the month of November, when our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and being thankful for all of our blessings. This passage is a great outline for how to praise God well. While we can never praise Him enough, there is always more each of us can do to recognize His amazing power and love for us and to acknowledge how grateful we are.

My husband and I have been talking lately about ways to serve God more. And surely, all of us can do this. We don’t have to sell all of our worldly possessions and move to Africa or China to become missionaries. There is plenty we can do in our own backyard. I visited with a dear member of our church recently who is one of my “heroes.” Ms. Peggy may be an octogenarian, but she accomplishes more for the Lord in a day than many of us do in a month! Ms. Peggy is a “lay visitor,” which means she visits people in need… those who are sick, shut-in, lonely, or who just need some occasional company. She tells me that she visits five days a week… usually three to four people per day! In between, she cooks for others and delivers hot soup, warm baked goodies or a casserole, or she invites friends, neighbors and acquaintances to her home for a meal. She also rarely misses an event at our church. If Ms. Peggy isn’t there, you can bet she must be either sick or busy doing for others!

I’m not saying we have to all start visiting three to four people every day of the workweek. Personally, if I started visiting ONE extra person a week, that would be more than I am presently doing. And in visiting that one person, I would be giving back to God for what He has done for me. But there are dozens of ways you can serve, regardless of your age or your time constraints. Here are just a few suggestions that any of us could easily accomplish:
  • Call someone to see how they are doing.
  • Send a card/note – get-well, sympathy, birthday, congratulations, or just “thinking of you”.
  • Prepare a double batch of brownies and share the extras with a neighbor, a shut-in, your college advisor’s office staff, or even the church staff!
  • Offer to run an errand for someone – or call someone who doesn’t get out much and offer to pick up a few things at the store for them as you shop for yourself.
  • Coach a little league team or mentor/tutor children after school.
  • Offer to babysit a young mother’s children so she has a couple of hours to herself.
  • Spend thirty minutes praying for people you hardly know – and those you do!
  • Ask someone how they are doing – and hang around to hear their answer!
  • Offer to pray for someone – or with them – or take advantage of chances to share God’s love and message with someone else.
  • Perform random acts of kindness, like returning shopping carts to the carousel or store, opening doors for others, leaving a more-than-generous tip at a restaurant or fast-food establishment, stopping to say “Hello” to the greeter at Wal-Mart, or giving your child’s teacher a little “just because” gift/treat.
  • Rake an elderly person’s leaves, return your neighbor’s garbage cans from the curb, or thank your cashier and wish him/her a nice day.
I could list more ideas, but you get the picture. And yes, each of these acts of love and service are ways of thanking God and acknowledging HIS love for us. If God calls you to go to Africa or China and serve Him, by all means GO! But God may call you to serve your immediate family, your roommate, your spouse, your friends, and your community. Get busy looking for ways to do this. Ms. Peggy and others like her have raised the bar pretty high, but I believe we are up to the challenge. Where would you like to start?

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 29 ~ Psalm 116:7-11
7-8 I said to myself, "Relax and rest.
God has showered you with blessings.
Soul, you've been rescued from death;
Eye, you've been rescued from tears;
And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling."

9-11 I'm striding in the presence of God,
alive in the land of the living!
I stayed faithful, though bedeviled,
and despite a ton of bad luck,
Despite giving up on the human race,
saying, "They're all liars and cheats."

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

If you have been reading these devotionals for awhile, you know that about 19 months ago, I fell and broke my ankle. I really did a number on my left foot. The doctor initially gave me a fiberglass cast, so for about 10 days, I could not shower. I was reduced to “sponge baths” in the bathroom sink, and I was miserable. Once that cast was removed and I was given a Velcro “boot,” I was able to remove it for showering. My wonderful husband placed a wide kitchen step-stool in our shower. This allowed me to sit safely under the streaming water lather in rich soap, wash my hair, and relax. I still remember how soothing the first shower felt. I sat on the stool and felt all of the tension leave my body as I completely relaxed and let the stream of warm water wash away all of my stress and frustration.

I find it interesting that in our “normal” day-to-day life, a few months can whiz by in what seems like a heartbeat, and we look back and wonder where they went. But let us become incapacitated – unable to walk, confined to bed, or impaired in some way - and the “wait” to recover seems like an eternity. We operate in the context of the world’s rules and standards… the “make it happen now!” culture. We get caught up in the lies and deception of humans who weigh us down with the “blame game” and basing every event on good – or bad – luck.

What we often fail to remember is that GOD is “navigating the waters” with us. He is guiding us and keeping us from stumbling far more often than we realize. And when we do fall, He is there to see us through the recovery… to set us back up and help us “stride” on both feet again. He is there to wash away our stress and frustration like the warm shower… to lather us with blessings… and to wipe away our tears. In Him, we are restored and faithful. Luck has nothing to do with it… it is ALL God!

So what does this mean for us? It means that no matter what we are enduring, God is with us. Nothing is too big for Him. He will be with us through any trial. He will set us back on our feet and shower us with love and blessings. All we have to do is acknowledge Him and let Him work in and through us. When I think of that first warm shower, I am soothed and blessed. And when I think of God’s “shower of blessings,” that feeling is times ten! Sit and relax in God today and let Him shower you with blessings, love and mercy – He has plenty to go around!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 28 ~ Psalm 116:1-6
1-6 I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy.
He listened so intently
as I laid out my case before him.
Death stared me in the face,
hell was hard on my heels.
Up against it, I didn't know which way to turn;
then I called out to God for help:
"Please, God!" I cried out.
"Save my life!"
God is gracious—it is he who makes things right,
our most compassionate God.
God takes the side of the helpless;
when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Do you know someone “at the end of their rope?” Does this describe you? Is “hell hard on your heels?” In other words, is the devil giving you all you feel you can handle – and then some? We’ve all seen movies where a character is hanging by a thread – or the grip of someone’s hand. Death and destruction seems imminent, and in the nick of time, a rescuer arrives… maybe a superhero or someone who is momentarily equipped with what seems like supernatural powers.

In the real world, we truly do have a Superhero – our Rescuer, our Savior – the Lord God Almighty! HE will make things right. When we take a wrong turn or make a bad decision, GOD will show us how to get back on track and turn things around. If you have lived very long at all, you have experienced a time when you felt like nobody was hearing you. You were talking, hinting, maybe even begging to be heard and helped, and it seemed nobody answered. But we see clearly in this Psalm that GOD IS listening. He is listening so intently, and He is hearing us. The answers may not come exactly how and when we want them, but God WILL answer, and He will never fail us.

Recently I took my grandmother for a checkup with her cardiologist, and after the exam, he looked at us and said, “Let’s just tie a knot in this rope and hang on.” That is my advice to you today, based on this Psalm. You may be near the end of your “rope,” but tie a knot and hang on. God hears you… He is gracious… He WILL save you. Praise be to God for His grace and mercy!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 27 ~ Psalm 112
1-10 Hallelujah! Blessed man, blessed woman, who fear God,
Who cherish and relish his commandments,
Their children robust on the earth,
And the homes of the upright—how blessed!
Their houses brim with wealth
And a generosity that never runs dry.
Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people—
God's grace and mercy and justice!
The good person is generous and lends lavishly;
No shuffling or stumbling around for this one,
But a sterling and solid and lasting reputation.
Unfazed by rumor and gossip,
Heart ready, trusting in God,
Spirit firm, unperturbed,
Ever blessed, relaxed among enemies,
They lavish gifts on the poor—
A generosity that goes on, and on, and on.
An honored life! A beautiful life!
Someone wicked takes one look and rages,
Blusters away but ends up speechless.
There's nothing to the dreams of the wicked. Nothing.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Have you ever had someone ask you a “question of faith” and you wished you could call to mind a scripture to answer them? It is a good idea for us to build a small mental cache of scriptures, so that we are not caught off guard when this happens. And one passage that could prove very helpful is Psalm 112. I would encourage you to grab a Bible and read this Psalm in the NIV or King James Version and then compare it to the translation here. I believe it will give you added insight and depth of meaning for these verses.

Here are some questions Psalm 112 might help you answer:

  • Why is being a Christian so great… what’s in it for me? (all verses)
  • I feel so helpless/hopeless about my children… will they ever find God? (verse 2)
  • Why should I kill myself working hard, when others seem to breeze along and have things handed to them? (verse 3)
  • This situation makes me so mad… I just want to “kick some butt!”or… They got just what they deserved! (verse 4)
  • I’ve worked hard for what I have… why should I have to share it with others? (verse 9)

I’m sure there are dozens of other situations where this passage and many other scriptures would apply, but these were some that readily came to mind for me… and all from ONE PSALM! So my point is that God’s word is not just to teach, bless and encourage US… but also to equip us to witness to others and share His love with them. Memorize a few verses to share, or at least keep a mental list of a few you can readily look up to share with others. God’s word is as relevant for us today as it ever was. All we have to do is open The Book!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 26 ~ Psalm 107:33-41
33-41 God turned rivers into wasteland,
springs of water into sunbaked mud;
Luscious orchards became alkali flats
because of the evil of the people who lived there.
Then he changed wasteland into fresh pools of water,
arid earth into springs of water,
Brought in the hungry and settled them there;
they moved in—what a great place to live!
They sowed the fields, they planted vineyards,
they reaped a bountiful harvest.
He blessed them and they prospered greatly;
their herds of cattle never decreased.
But abuse and evil and trouble declined
as he heaped scorn on princes and sent them away.
He gave the poor a safe place to live,
treated their clans like well-cared-for sheep.

42-43 Good people see this and are glad;
bad people are speechless, stopped in their tracks.
If you are really wise, you'll think this over—
it's time you appreciated God's deep love.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

This is a great scripture for today, because this is the day that we finally get to see “The House that Job Built” on ABC’s Extreme Makeover Home Edition. In this one-hour episode, which airs at 7:00 p.m. Central Time, we will see how hundreds of people – maybe even more than a thousand – came together for seven days to build the McCully family a safe, comfortable home.In case you are wondering what this has to do with today’s scripture, consider this… Job’s home had more than seen better days. In fact, after he received a double lung transplant last December 11th, Job finally returned to his home in Bigelow, Arkansas, in late February. But the house was no longer safe for him. From what I am told, the house sits under a giant hill, and water had run in and soaked the flimsy framing and created mold. Job’s lungs are so delicate, and frankly, the house was not safe for ANY of his family. So they had to leave their home once again, and move to a rental nearby.

This is where God stepped in and truly “changed the wasteland.” He gave a poor, struggling - but FAITHFUL – family a new place to live. He steered the campaign by friends and loved ones to JAM the mailbox at ABC with postcards asking the crew to come to Job’s house. He sent so many volunteers to aid with the project that many were turned away because there just wasn’t enough for them to do. He sent a construction crew and landscapers and all manner of support from skilled labor to build a safe, secure home – and a retaining wall to hold back the water in the future! He sent creative people to make the house fun and beautiful, warm and cozy.

So tonight, grab a box of tissues and set your TV on ABC… spend an hour seeing for yourself how God can change a wasteland into a safe place to live. Appreciate God’s love – be amazed and speechless. And when the hour is over, keep on being amazed and praising God for such a miracle as Job and how God cares for him. What God does for Job… He will do for us, too. He may not give us a new house – we may not need/deserve one! But He WILL bless us and deliver us from our “wasteland," restore us to a life of safety and blessings, and care for us like sheep!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 25 ~ Psalm 107:17-32
17-22 Some of you were sick because you'd lived a bad life,
your bodies feeling the effects of your sin;
You couldn't stand the sight of food,
so miserable you thought you'd be better off dead.
Then you called out to God in your desperate condition;
he got you out in the nick of time.
He spoke the word that healed you,
that pulled you back from the brink of death.
So thank God for his marvelous love,
for his miracle mercy to the children he loves;
Offer thanksgiving sacrifices,
tell the world what he's done—sing it out!

23-32 Some of you set sail in big ships;
you put to sea to do business in faraway ports.
Out at sea you saw God in action,
saw his breathtaking ways with the ocean:
With a word he called up the wind—
an ocean storm, towering waves!
You shot high in the sky, then the bottom dropped out;
your hearts were stuck in your throats.
You were spun like a top, you reeled like a drunk,
you didn't know which end was up.
Then you called out to God in your desperate condition;
he got you out in the nick of time.
He quieted the wind down to a whisper,
put a muzzle on all the big waves.
And you were so glad when the storm died down,
and he led you safely back to harbor.
So thank God for his marvelous love,
for his miracle mercy to the children he loves.
Lift high your praises when the people assemble,
shout Hallelujah when the elders meet!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Did you see the movie The Guardian? According to The Internet Movie Data Base (, “Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Ben Randall (Kevin Costner) is the only survivor after his helicopter is forced down and crashes into the water during a rescue mission at sea. Ben is coping with the loss of his entire crew when he is assigned to teach at the Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers School. He doesn't want any other men to die during a rescue, so he uses his own training methods that put the new recruits through the toughest test they will ever encounter during a mission.” One of the other characters in the movie, Capt. William Hadley, played by Clancy Brown, has this line… “There is a legend of a man who lives beneath the sea. He is a fisher of men, the last hope of all those who have been left behind. Many survivors claim to have felt his gripping hands beneath them; pushing them up to the surface; whispering strength until help could arrive. But this, of course, is only a legend.”

I’m here to tell you that this is no legend! There IS a “Fisher of Men” in the sea, on land, and in the air… and He is JESUS. He is not the last hope… but the ONLY hope! Many survivors (Christians) HAVE felt His gripping hands beneath them, pushing them up to the surface, whispering strength. Jesus IS our help – in sickness, in health – in the depths of the seas of our sin and despair, and safely back in the harbor of His love.

There are sensational rescue scenes in
The Guardian, but none of these compare with the real rescue GOD can bring to His children – including you and me! Thank Him for His amazing love and mercy… and call on Him to lead you safely to the harbor of living in His will.

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 24 ~ Psalm 107:10-16
10-16 Some of you were locked in a dark cell,
cruelly confined behind bars,
Punished for defying God's Word,
for turning your back on the High God's counsel—
A hard sentence, and your hearts so heavy,
and not a soul in sight to help.
Then you called out to God in your desperate condition;
he got you out in the nick of time.
He led you out of your dark, dark cell,
broke open the jail and led you out.
So thank God for his marvelous love,
for his miracle mercy to the children he loves;
He shattered the heavy jailhouse doors,
he snapped the prison bars like matchsticks!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

We’ve all seen movies or television shows where someone is in jail or prison, and they are thrown in “the hole.” Dark, damp and cold, probably very smelly, and desolate… nothing but a slab for sleeping, maybe, and a toilet… and a slot in the door to slide meals through to the prisoner. The persons depicted on TV and in the movies in these situations seem pretty desperate. Their hearts do seem heavy… and there really isn’t a soul in sight to help.

I’m told that in many of these situations, the only “thing” a person is allowed is a Bible. Honestly, isn’t that the ONE THING you would really need? I know firsthand of someone who was sent to “the hole” for misconduct in the general prison population, and there he was given a Bible. As he read it, God broke open the bars around his heart and led him out of the darkness of a life filled with anger, hate, despair, and sin. He felt the Mercy and love of God snap his “prison bars” like matchsticks. He was still physically in jail, but his heart was free.

Praise God we don’t have to go to actual prison to find God. Praise God we don’t have to be in spiritual bondage, either. There are times when we are so consumed with sin that it feels like we have been separated from God and dismissed to a dark cell. That is our own doing – our choosing the ways of the world (and the devil) – and that does separate us from God. WE choose the prison of our hearts – but GOD holds the key to free us.

Isn’t it about time we cut to the chase? Why waste one minute in the dark, smelly, cold “hole” of sin, when God stands ready to shatter the heavy jailhouse doors and lead us into a life of love and light? If you are free, thank God. If you are still feeling the chains and bars of a prison of sin in ANY area of your life, call on God to free you NOW! Then praise Him for His miraculous love and mercy.

©2008 Debbie Robus

October 23 ~ Psalm 107:1-9
1-3 Oh, thank God—he's so good! His love never runs out.
All of you set free by God, tell the world!
Tell how he freed you from oppression,
Then rounded you up from all over the place,
from the four winds, from the seven seas.

4-9 Some of you wandered for years in the desert,
looking but not finding a good place to live,
Half-starved and parched with thirst,
staggering and stumbling, on the brink of exhaustion.
Then, in your desperate condition, you called out to God.
He got you out in the nick of time;
He put your feet on a wonderful road
that took you straight to a good place to live.
So thank God for his marvelous love,
for his miracle mercy to the children he loves.
He poured great draughts of water down parched throats;
the starved and hungry got plenty to eat.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Have you ever been really, really thirsty? Let’s say you are watching a baseball game on a very hot summer day. You go to the concession stand and purchase a soft drink or a bottle of water, and in the blink of an eye all of the quenching liquid has run out. At best, you are left with a few chips of ice… but most likely, the container is drained to the last drop. Yet you are still thirsty… parched and needing more. That is not a good feeling, is it?! You may even say, “If I’d only had about a half a cup more, I would have been satisfied.”

The first verses of this Psalm tell us that God’s love never runs out. Sadly, most of us probably don’t “thirst” for God’s word as much as we should, but I would venture to guess we ALL “thirst” for as much of His love as we can get. And you know what? There is more than enough! As it says in the second half of this Psalm, many of us have to stumble around “on the brink of exhaustion” before we cry out to God – “in the nick of time.” But the GOOD NEWS is that God is right there… ready to answer… ready to quench our “thirst” for Him and then some! “Great draughts of water down parched throats” – think of your thirst at the ballgame. Wouldn’t you have loved to have “great draughts of water?” With God’s love, you can!

Stop wandering around. Don’t wait until the last minute or things are desperate or you are “half-starved and parched with thirst.” Call out to God TODAY. Let Him meet your every need to overflowing. Thank God for such generous love and grace… and drink up!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 22 ~ Psalm 103:19-22
19-22 God has set his throne in heaven;
he rules over us all. He's the King!
So bless God, you angels,
ready and able to fly at his bidding,
quick to hear and do what he says.
Bless God, all you armies of angels,
alert to respond to whatever he wills.
Bless God, all creatures, wherever you are—
everything and everyone made by God.
And you, O my soul, bless God!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Do you have things you keep ready at all times? For me, it is a partially packed overnight bag that I can quickly throw my cosmetics, toothbrush and hair dryer into and be ready to go. When I had family members who were ill and I was making frequent sudden trips to hospitals in Little Rock, I learned to keep this bag packed and handy. I also keep my “auction” bag ready – filled with plastic bags, bubble wrap, a visor, a notebook and pen, sunscreen, etc. – so that I don’t get where I’m going with half of the things I want/need. For you, it may be keeping your book bag by the door, ready to head to class. Others may keep a fishing tackle box packed and organized – or your guns clean and ready for hunting trips. Mothers may prepare individual sack lunches the night before so that their children can dash out the door the next morning without delay.

The point is that all of us have preparations we make for certain events and situations. And God is no exception. His angels are waiting “at the ready” to guide and protect us. He is watching over us night and day. The Holy Spirit is walking with us and speaking to us, anticipating our every need. I’m talking heavy-duty, Almighty preparation here! If you want to “travel in High circles,” this is your chance – you won’t get bigger “Celebrity status” than to be cared for by the God of the Ages!

Love like this deserves my highest praise. God deserves every blessing I can send His way, because I promise, He is sending far, far more in the opposite direction! For me, God IS King… what about you? Are you blessing Him and praising Him and His creations? Shouldn’t you be?

©2008 Debbie Robus

Studies in the Psalms II - Week 3

October 21 ~ Psalm 103:6-18
6-18 God makes everything come out right;
he puts victims back on their feet.
He showed Moses how he went about his work,
opened up his plans to all Israel.
God is sheer mercy and grace;
not easily angered, he's rich in love.
He doesn't endlessly nag and scold,
nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve,
nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth,
so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
he has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children,
God feels for those who fear him.
He knows us inside and out,
keeps in mind that we're made of mud.
Men and women don't live very long;
like wildflowers they spring up and blossom,
But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly,
leaving nothing to show they were here.
God's love, though, is ever and always,
eternally present to all who fear him,
Making everything right for them and their children
as they follow his Covenant ways
and remember to do whatever he said.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Oh, how I love Psalm 103! The words of these verses are so encouraging. If this passage sounds vaguely familiar, take a look at the phrase “And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins.” In many translations, this phrase says that our sins are scattered as far as East is from West! Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t that a promise to hang on to and remember? When someone tells me, “I don’t know if God can ever forgive me… I’ve asked Him, but I have done such despicable things” – I am more than happy to tell them that Psalm 103 says that God will scatter the sins of those who ask His forgiveness… “as far as East is from West!” Hallelujah! That is so, so comforting!

You know, when you commit a crime and are convicted, you usually have to “do the time.” And some crimes are so serious that a record of them follows you forever. Certainly many of our sins are so serious, so horrible that by all rights, the stain of them should follow us the rest of our lives. But PRAISE GOD, He does not operate in the ways of the world. In Him, our stains are washed away by the blood of Jesus, and the slate is wiped clean. I am so humbled by this. I am filled with joy over even the THOUGHT that God would love me enough to do this.

1 Corinthians 8:3 says “But if any man love God, the same is known of him.” (KJV). In The Message, this scripture is translated as “We never really know enough until we recognize that God alone knows it all.” I am so grateful that God DOES know it all… and He loves me anyway. Remember – God scatters the sins of those who ask His forgiveness as far as East is to West – and praise Him for such amazing love!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 20 ~ Psalm 103:1-5
1-2 O my soul, bless God. From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
don't forget a single blessing!

3-5 He forgives your sins—every one.
He heals your diseases—every one.
He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Are you discouraged? Has school, work, poor health, family struggles, the economy, loss of loved ones and more got you down? Psalm 103 is your “rescue” Psalm! God is your answer! Remember, you can’t wear the garment of praise and the garment of despair at the same time! So let’s put on that praise garment, and with everything in us, let’s bless the holy name of God!

I strongly encourage you to not only read and re-read today’s verses, but you might want to jot down Verses 3-5 and keep them in your pocket or your purse! Remind yourself that God forgives your sins, heals your diseases, saves you from hell, crowns you with love and mercy, wraps you in goodness and keeps you forever young in His presence! This is GREAT NEWS! This is fabulous information to keep handy! Times ARE troubling. People are worried, upset and concerned about a myriad of issues. But GOD is still in control… and these verses are a wonderful reminder and explanation of how - and why - He deserves our praise… now more than ever!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 19 ~ Psalm 100:4-5
4 Enter with the password: "Thank you!"
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him.

5 For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love,
loyal always and ever.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Let’s look at these verses in the King James translation:
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

(Scripture taken from the King James Version, 1987 printing. The KJV is public domain in the United States. To read this passage from The Message, go to and do a passage lookup.)

I think it is important to see this Psalm in the old translation of King James – the poetry – and to study it in tandem with the contemporary language of The Message as we examine what it means for us today. What if your password to access your e-mail account required you to “thank” the computer? “That’s absurd!” you might be saying. And you are right. Your computer, while a wonderful invention that makes your life – and mine – so much easier in many ways, does not deserve thanks and praise on the level due our God! The psalmist is telling us to come before God with praise and thanksgiving – blessing His name – because He is sheer beauty, all-generous in love and mercy, loyal and true forever and ever! He is giving us distinct, detailed steps for approaching our God in prayer and praise!I’ve been reading about prayer lately – and how people have “styles” of prayer just as varied as their personalities. Some pray with history – reminding God of how He worked in the past. Some pray with immediacy, calling on God to do TODAY what he has done for others in days of old. Others pray with love – interceding on behalf of people who don’t even know a prayer is being offered. Still others pray with confrontation – calling out the devil and rebuking him in the name of Jesus, believing that God will “have their back!” And often, we pray a “mix” of all of these prayer styles. The interesting thing is that in all prayer styles, there are common denominators. And one of these is praise. Terry Teykl, pastor and author of How to Pray After You’ve Kicked the Dog, says that “Praise is the physical manifestation of faith. It is your emotional expression of love, gratitude, reverence and adoration to your heavenly Father. It is the speed bump that will arrest your thoughts and enable you to honor God, build your faith and persevere as you wait for an answer.” (p. 186)

Tekyl further cites Isaiah 61:1-3
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” (Scripture taken from the King James Version, 1987 printing. The KJV is public domain in the United States. To read this passage from The Message, go to and do a passage lookup.)

The point Rev. Teykl makes is that “the ‘garments of praise’ simply cannot be worn at the same time as the ‘spirit of despair’.”(p.191) And that is the point I want us to get today from this passage. Our “password” to reach God – the key to prayers that unlock answers from God and mercy that is everlasting, and truth that endures forever – is PRAISE and THANKSGIVING! I don’t know about your “wardrobe,” but I do not want mine to contain any spirit of despair. I’m wearing my “garments of praise and thanksgiving” – are you?

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 18 ~ Psalm 100:1-3
1-2 On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter,
sing yourselves into his presence.

3 Know this: God is God, and God, God.
He made us; we didn't make him.
We're his people, his well-tended sheep.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

The King James Version of this scripture passage is probably familiar to you:
1 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
(Scripture taken from the King James Version, 1987 printing. The KJV is public domain in the United States. To read this passage from The Message, go to and do a passage lookup.)

We talked yesterday about “making a joyful noise,” and that is what most people focus on in this Psalm, and yes, it is important. But today I want us to think about Verse 3 – and how God made us. Notice in The Message translation, it says that God made US – we did not make HIM! I think this is really important, because some of us seem to have forgotten WHO is God here… WHO is really in charge! We try to be like someone else instead of who God made us to be. We want what others have, and that’s nothing new. Go back and read the story of David and Goliath. King Saul tried to get David to wear his armor. It was far too big and heavy for David, and in the end, he did not wear it as he faced the giant.

But how often do we put on someone else’s “armor?” How often do we fail to thank God for who and how He made us, because we are so busy trying to be like someone else? We want the same house, car, clothes, job, social status, body, hair, athletic ability, family, friends, and more as the person we look at and assume “has it all.” I will never forget once when my car was full of junior-high aged girls, and we were discussing houses. The family of one of the girls was building a massive home… thousands of square feet, several levels and rooms on a scenic lot. Certainly no one else in the car had a house anywhere near as large or opulent as this girl’s – and some of the girls lived in homes that would be considered quite minimal by comparison. I was asking about the house - when it would be completed, what this girl’s room would look like – and she answered my questions. But she added, “I would much rather have XYZ’s house, though. My house is a HOUSE – hers is a HOME!”

Let’s face it… things are not always as they seem. The opulent house, the beautiful body, the athletic ability, money, cars, and other “armors” we may desire to “wear” are not always as wonderful as we think. Sometimes these things are “big and heavy” and do not fit us at all. Why? Because they are not what God intended. Maybe He intended for you to drive an old clunker, be ten or twenty pounds chunky with frizzy hair that won’t lie still, but a Sunday School teacher who would tell countless small children about His love. Maybe He intended for you to work a nine-to-five hourly job and go home to a small frame house with a squeaky door – and maybe you don’t have an athletic bone in your body, but on Saturdays you help unload supplies at the local food pantry and witness to countless needy people. Maybe He gave you wealth and every advantage, but He intended for your life to be one of public service and philanthropy with those gifts, through donations to charities and going on mission trips.

The point is, God made EACH of us for a purpose… and it is not to chase the dream of being something or someone else! We are to be all that we can be, within His framework, and to focus on Him – His service, His glory and His praise. If we remember WHO made us and do all we can to live up to His design, God will bless us and care for our every need. Make a joyful noise – serve the Lord with gladness - know that HE is GOD, and we are His people… His sheep whom He loves and blesses.

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 17 ~ Psalm 98:4-9
4 Shout your praises to God, everybody!
Let loose and sing! Strike up the band!

5 Round up an orchestra to play for God,
Add on a hundred-voice choir.

6 Feature trumpets and big trombones,
Fill the air with praises to King God.

7 Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause,
With everything living on earth joining in.

8 Let ocean breakers call out, "Encore!"
And mountains harmonize the finale—

9 A tribute to God when he comes,
When he comes to set the earth right.

He'll straighten out the whole world,
He'll put the world right, and everyone in it.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

On the evening of October 10th, I checked my e-mail and found a message from our church volunteer coordinator. The subject line said “Death of a Church Member.” Reluctantly I opened the message, not sure whose name I would find. What I discovered took my breath. It was Dave Pierce, age 61, a newly licensed Methodist minister. Earlier this year, Dave became pastor of two small churches near Batesville, Arkansas. He had been to visit members of these congregations and was returning home. His motorcycle hit a deer… Dave was killed.

My heart sank. Anyone who knew Dave knew him to be one of the most exuberant, joy-filled, overflowing Christian men on the planet. You couldn’t have a sad conversation with Dave. In my experiences with Dave, he was always “up!” I was heartsick for his family, his friends, and his church family – especially the two congregations he had served for about four months, and all the Walk to Emmaus Community who loved him so dearly. I knew that Dave will be sorely missed by many.

But I was also filled with joy for Dave, because THIS was the day he waited for – the day when He would meet Jesus face-to-face. I envisioned Dave standing at the feet of Jesus and talking and talking – he will have so much to discuss with the Master! And as this Psalm suggests, I envisioned the “heavenly orchestra” – a full ensemble with more than one hundred angels in the choir. I envisioned all of nature harmonizing - and the purest, sweetest, richest songs of praise being offered to God for someone like Dave! I could almost hear the orchestra and choir as they thundered a “Welcome Home!” song that thanked God for men like Dave and his ministry on God’s behalf. And when Dave was comfortably settled at the feet of Jesus, I could hear him shouting, “Encore! Encore!” before the music started again.

We don’t have to wait until a loved one goes to heaven to sing praises or “strike up the band” to glorify God. Dave would be among the first to tell us to be joyful HERE and NOW – to celebrate God with everything we have in us, and when we’re done, to shout “Encore” and do it all over again. I cannot be sad about Dave or other believers who sit in the presence of God today. I must honor their hard work and witness on earth by continuing the music and praise with all I have in me. “Let loose and sing! Strike up the band! Shout your praises to God, everybody!” Let all the earth join in and glorify His name!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 16 ~ Psalm 98:1-3
1 Sing to God a brand-new song. He's made a world of wonders!
He rolled up his sleeves,
He set things right.

2 God made history with salvation,
He showed the world what he could do.

3 He remembered to love us, a bonus
To his dear family, Israel—indefatigable love.

The whole earth comes to attention.
Look—God's work of salvation!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Do you ever get tired… I’m talking bone-weary tired? Do you ever feel like all you want to do is just lie down, close your eyes, and shut out the whole world? Have you ever been so tired that, despite your best efforts to stay awake, you fell asleep? Have you ever started watching something on TV - or a movie, and the next thing you knew, the credits were rolling and you had slept through it?

We all get tired. Many of us truly are fatigued… so worn out from the work and stress of our daily lives that we can fall asleep virtually anywhere, anytime! It’s not that we are not loving, caring, conscientious people. We care about our families, our spouses, our jobs, our church, our community, our home, and more. But we have a limited capacity, and sometimes, we just literally tap out (or is it “in”?) and exhaust our resources!

I am so thankful that God NEVER tires. His love is indefatigable! He never runs out of energy or resources for us. While our life’s “movie” plays, God never sleeps. He is “on the clock” 24/7/365 for us! Now, how can we do anything BUT praise such love and care? God’s salvation is ALWAYS at work for us… His sleeves are rolled and He is constantly setting things right in our world of wonders! Sing to God a brand-new song today… a song of praise and thanksgiving for His endless energy and love!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 15 ~ Psalm 97:7-12
7-8 All who serve handcrafted gods will be sorry—
And they were so proud of their ragamuffin gods!
On your knees, all you gods—worship him!
And Zion, you listen and take heart!

Daughters of Zion, sing your hearts out:
God has done it all, has set everything right.

9 You, God, are High God of the cosmos,
Far, far higher than any of the gods.

10 God loves all who hate evil,
And those who love him he keeps safe,
Snatches them from the grip of the wicked.

11 Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God's people,
Joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil.

12 So, God's people, shout praise to God,
Give thanks to our Holy God!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

I watched a cable television program recently about socialite women in Atlanta. You can’t imagine how self-absorbed and over the top these women were – and how much money they spent on the stupidest things. But it was all very important to them. You might say they made their image and how others perceived them their “false god.” One of the ladies in the group threw a party, and the guest list was carefully scrutinized. She told her personal assistant that she did not want any “riff-raff” getting into the party. Security personnel were placed at the front door of the house, and names were checked off to ensure that everyone who entered was truly on “the list.”

Two other socialites arrived at the party together. Both of these women had gone to great lengths to get their hair, makeup and clothing just right for the big event. One lady named NeNe (I am NOT making this up!) had gone on and on about how she was going to outshine the hostess. She said, “When I walk through the door, everyone is going to notice and say, ‘Oooooo… NeNe is here!’”

Well, you can probably guess what happened. There was an error of sorts, and when NeNe walked through the door, she was not on the guest list, and security guards asked her to leave! She was more than hurt – she was absolutely furious! She created a scene on the front lawn, and then she and her friend left the party – and the other guests continued to celebrate with the hostess. And I am sure in subsequent episodes of this program, viewers will be privy to an all-out war between “NeNe” and the party hostess!

Now, this was a rather far-flung illustration of this scripture passage. But consider this… these people – both women AND men – are worshipping money and the lifestyle and image it can buy. I don’t know their personal life – and certainly I don’t know their heart and faith, spiritually. But it occurs to me that if they spent less time on themselves, homes, cars, clothes and parties – and more time focusing on God and serving Him, they wouldn’t get into these messes. It’s a matter of priorities. The Bible says we cannot serve two masters – and we can’t serve money and God, either. At some point, God will say, “Enough,” and those who have served other “gods” will not be on His “guest list!”

I don’t know about you, but I do NOT want this to happen to me! Scripture tells us that God loves those who love Him and desire to serve Him. Money will get us nowhere in heaven, and honestly, money and other false “gods” have no lasting power even on earth! They are as fickle and temporary as the wind… here today and gone tomorrow! What LASTS… what MATTERS… is GOD! Serve Him gladly – and only HIM! Others will be caught by surprise – and disappointed – when their “gods” fail them. Our God Almighty will NEVER fail. Serve God alone, and enjoy the security and abundance of His blessings.

©2008 Debbie Robus

Studies from the Psalms II - Week 2

October 14 ~ Psalm 97:1-6
1 God rules: there's something to shout over!
On the double, mainlands and islands—celebrate!

2 Bright clouds and storm clouds circle 'round him;
Right and justice anchor his rule.

3 Fire blazes out before him,
Flaming high up the craggy mountains.

4 His lightnings light up the world;
Earth, wide-eyed, trembles in fear.

5 The mountains take one look at God
And melt, melt like wax before earth's Lord.

6 The heavens announce that he'll set everything right,
And everyone will see it happen—glorious!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

When I was a very little girl, my maternal grandparents had a storm cellar in their yard. My grandmother was terribly afraid of storms. She had witnessed the destruction and death that resulted from a couple of tornadoes that ripped through our town when she was a child. So it seemed like nearly every time a cloud came up in the sky, we were whisked to the storm cellar to ride out the storm. This left a sold imprint on me, and I had a fairly strong fear of storms throughout my childhood.

But one summer evening, my dad’s parents took me to visit an aunt an uncle on their farm. My grandmother’s sister took me to the front door of this home, and as we stood peering out the screen into the distance, she held me close to her and talked softly as we watched fluffy thunderheads emit brilliant flashes of lightning. She talked of how this was just “heat lightning” and could not harm us – how it was truly beautiful… and God’s creation… a little “summer gift” of light, so to speak.

To this day, I enjoy “heat lightning.” Several times during the spring and summer, our skies are illuminated by fluffy white clouds or even a dark “line” that emits flashes of brilliant color and light. Now, mind you, I am not too fond of the bolts that pierce my driveway and are accompanied by loud blasts of thunder! THOSE do cause me to tremble in fear. But they do serve to remind me of God’s power and His rule. I am reminded that HE is in charge… and His thunder echoes this authority indisputably!

God is more than a force of nature… His power and authority are counterbalanced by His love and mercy toward each of us. Just like my great-aunt, His arms wrap around me and He whispers gently, “Don’t be afraid. I have come to bless you and give you joy and peace.” Sometimes He has to “thunder” home his message to get our attention. But the message is the same… God RULES! Give Him glory and praise!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 13 ~ Psalm 96:10-14
10 Get out the message—God Rules!
He put the world on a firm foundation;
He treats everyone fair and square.

11 Let's hear it from Sky,
With Earth joining in,
And a huge round of applause from Sea.

12 Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals, come dance,
Put every tree of the forest in the choir—

13 An extravaganza before God as he comes,
As he comes to set everything right on earth,
Set everything right, treat everyone fair.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Don’t laugh, but when I read this, I immediately thought of the animals dancing and singing “The Bare Necessities” in the movie
The Jungle Book. Here are selected verses from the lyrics:

Look for the bare necessities - The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities - Old Mother Nature's recipes
That brings the bare necessities of life

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam - I couldn't be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree - To make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants - And take a glance at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few - The bare necessities of life will come to you
They'll come to you!

Look for the bare necessities - The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife - I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease - With just the bare necessities of life

And don't spend your time lookin' around
For something you want that can't be found
When you find out you can live without it
And go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you something true - The bare necessities of life will come to you

Now admit it, doesn’t this song make you want to sing and dance? And honestly, isn’t it true that God supplies all of our “bare necessities.” We fret and stew and run around like “fancy ants” for things that we want and can’t find, when all along, we already have everything we need. God has provided an “extravaganza” for His children. He has set everything right… everyone gets a fair shake at enjoying all He has provided. It is up to US to recognize the gifts. We can learn a lot from this simple song… we can be reminded to “be still and know that He is God.” God has given us the bare necessities…that’s why we can rest at ease in Him!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 12 ~ Psalm 96:1-9
1-2 Sing God a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Sing to God—worship God!
2-3 Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea,
Take the news of his glory to the lost,
News of his wonders to one and all!
4-5 For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs.
His terrible beauty makes the gods look cheap;
Pagan gods are mere tatters and rags.
5-6 God made the heavens—
Royal splendor radiates from him,
A powerful beauty sets him apart.
7 Bravo, God, Bravo!
Everyone join in the great shout: Encore!
In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might.
8-9 Bring gifts and celebrate,
Bow before the beauty of God,
Then to your knees—everyone worship!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

This time of year, I love to watch the “harvest moon” rise. Several months each autumn, for about a half-dozen evenings, a red-orange glow appears on the horizon, and quickly this giant fiery ball rises into the sky. From my back porch, it looks enormous as it moves ever upward. I enjoy sitting out in the cool night air and drinking in the bright glow as the moon towers high in the sky and reflects light over the earth. I can’t imagine anyone who could experience this and not be awed by the magnificence of God!

This month’s “full” moon is still three days away, but if the skies are clear in your area in late afternoon, you should be able to get a pretty cool “moonrise” - and for most of the nights this week, weather permitting, there will be great views - and wonderful illumination of all God has created. These will be even better in mid-November as the days shorten and the red-orange ball rises at dusk. Don’t miss it! If you live in an urban area with lots of “city lights,” it would be worth the drive to “get out of town” a bit and find a spot where you can truly experience the “royal splendor” of the moon’s rising.

Sit quietly and reflect on God’s amazing gifts – and power. Thank Him for giving us such beauty in something as simple – and free – as an autumn moonrise. Worship Him with a few friends – or by yourself as an act of personal communion with the Holy Spirit. If the weather is cloudy in your area, try again the next month. Take a few minutes this fall to bow before the beauty of God. If this doesn’t make you want to shout “Bravo, God, Bravo!” – nothing will!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 11 ~ Psalm 92:10-14
10-14 But you've made me strong as a charging bison,
you've honored me with a festive parade.
The sight of my critics going down is still fresh,
the rout of my malicious detractors.
My ears are filled with the sounds of promise:
"Good people will prosper like palm trees,
Grow tall like Lebanon cedars;
transplanted to God's courtyard,
They'll grow tall in the presence of God,
lithe and green, virile still in old age."

15 Such witnesses to upright God!
My Mountain, my huge, holy Mountain!

(Scripture from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

My grandparents lived in the same house for over 50 years. It was surrounded by tall oak trees that towered over their home and helped to make it shady and cool on hot summer days. As a child, I spent hours under a massive oak tree just outside the back door of the house, playing in sandy dirt between the enormous roots. When I played beneath that tree, there was an intrinsic sense of security and joy. The branches towered over me and provided shelter and shade, and in my little world, all was well. In later years, many of the trees in my grandparents’ yard became too large and susceptible to high winds that could cause damage to the house, so they had to be removed. The tree under which I had played as a child was cut down, leaving a large trunk base that was over 3 feet in diameter and massive, deep roots that snaked across the yard. For many years, the trunk remained and reminded us of days gone by and times spent beneath the old oak.

Trees seem to be a great analogy for Christian living and God’s strength. I would like to think that my life in Christ would be like an old oak tree… strong and sure, with deep roots and full branches that reach out to minister to those around me. I know that even the strongest tree occasionally loses a few branches and twigs (which could be likened to my sins)… but those that are nurtured by rich soil and a good climate (as in God’s grace and mercy and the blood of Jesus) persevere and thrive. And just like the big tree in my grandparents’ yard, my time on earth will end. I hope that my “legacy” is a large trunk with deep roots… that my witness for God will be solid and far-reaching and a “shade” for many.

Barbara Walters used to ask celebrities, “If you could be a tree, any tree, which kind would you be?” My question to you is not which kind of tree you would be, in the context of an oak, maple, elm or hickory… but more importantly, how deep will your roots run… how much “shade” (blessing and witness) will you provide? Will your legacy be long-lasting and pleasing to God? If you are not as strong in the Lord as you could be, I encourage you to take whatever measures necessary to nurture your “roots” and to grow tall in Him! Considering all of this, which kind of tree are you becoming?

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 10 ~ Psalm 92:1-9
1-3 What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God!
To announce your love each daybreak,
sing your faithful presence all through the night,
Accompanied by dulcimer and harp,
the full-bodied music of strings.

4-9 You made me so happy, God
I saw your work and I shouted for joy.
How magnificent your work, God!
How profound your thoughts!
Dullards never notice what you do;
fools never do get it.
When the wicked popped up like weeds
and all the evil men and women took over,
You mowed them down,
finished them off once and for all.
You, God, are High and Eternal.
Look at your enemies, God!
Look at your enemies—ruined!
Scattered to the winds, all those hirelings of evil!

(Scripture from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Recently, I took a walk along a roadway that parallels a nature trail near our house. This was not an “exercise walk” – I took my time and stopped to really study the plants and trees along the way. I took my camera with me and chronicled my trip with photographs. Along the route, I captured images of acorns on an oak tree… the fruit of a French Mulberry bush… a bee perched atop a frond of Goldenrod. I photographed honeysuckle, delicate daisy-like flowers, and several varieties of little purple flowers. In a close-up, the intricacies of their stamen and petals came to life. A sheaf of grass and the cottony seed particles of a ragweed stem took on a beauty rarely noticed. The clusters of sumac berries hung blood-red, and surprisingly, they brought to mind the blood of Jesus as He hung on the cross and died for you and me.

My point is that we pass by “weeds” every day and hardly give them notice, yet God has invested much time and creativity in making even a weed incredibly detailed and beautiful. I think it is important for us to pay close attention to the second part of this scripture passage, where the psalmist refers to the wicked popping up like weeds and God mowing them down. That seems like a direct contradiction to what I just described, doesn’t it?

But consider this… everything God creates has beauty and potential… God created weeds, but He did not intend them to be wicked, just as He doesn’t intend for US to be wicked. This reminds me of the phrase “the devil is in the details.” In and of themselves, weeds are not bad things. Certainly along a nature trail, they cause no harm and can be quite beautiful. In your rose garden or flower bed, they may be a nuisance and choke out what you intentionally planted there. And we are created with every bit as much love and care as God gave the weeds… yet we have the potential to “grow” in the wrong places and in the wrong directions.

Today I challenge you to find beauty in unusual places and in the mundane “weeds” of life. I also challenge you to be the beautiful creation God intended… to be happy in the Lord – and to share your joy in Him with others. I challenge you to examine your life and see where you might be a “weed” or have potential to become one! Take all necessary steps to “mow down” these tendencies before they escalate and begin to ruin you. Bask in the joy of our amazing Creator and the beauty He has given us. Today, I pray that the only weeds in your life are those you admire along the roadside.

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 9 ~ Psalm 91
1-13You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow,
Say this: "God, you're my refuge.
I trust in you and I'm safe!"
That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you—
under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around,
drop like flies right and left,
no harm will even graze you.
You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
watch the wicked turn into corpses.
Yes, because God's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling.
You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
and kick young lions and serpents from the path.
14-16 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

I love this Psalm. When we need comfort, we usually think of Psalm 23, but I hope after we look at Psalm 91, it will become one of your favorites, as well. The King James Version begins, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” In my back yard, I have a little bird feeder that sits on the ground. It is a plastic mold of large hands… a man’s… with a bird perched upon them. The base says “by His hands we are fed.”

I sat and studied this container the other day and thought about what the hands represented. I thought of the hands of Jesus… how they were nailed to the cross for you and me… how they broke five loaves of bread and fed more than five thousand men, plus women and children. I thought of the arms attached to those hands, and I had this image of Jesus, dressed in a silky white robe, engulfing me in those arms. Imagine how wonderful it would be to snuggle close to His chest, wrapped in His arms, patted by those hands. I can almost feel His heartbeat… can’t you?

As I look out across the valley behind my house on a sunny day, fluffy clouds often float by and cast shadows over the landscape. First one spot and then another will be covered by the darkness as the cloud blocks the sun for a few minutes. In the hot summertime, those moments in the clouds provide great relief from the sun. Even if only for a brief few minutes, the vegetation feels a respite from the stress and strain of the sun’s scorching rays. And so it is with God. He is sheltering us with His shadow… protecting us from the evils and traps of sin that would visit us. His arms engulf us and shelter us and provide us with a safe haven. We can rest in His arms any time we like… all we have to do is call on Him, and the invitation is extended.

We tend to focus on ourselves – on the negative things that happen to us, more than the positive. We often fail to realize that for every “bad” thing that happens in our lives, God is sheltering us and protecting us from dozens of others. It is not His will that we would ever have to endure trouble, heartache, traps and snares of sin – serpents and wickedness. It is we who step out of His shadow… not the other way around. But we can just as easily step back in… by calling on Him. The arms are wide open… the shelter is ready, and He’ll even throw you a party! You can cast all of your cares upon the Lord. It’s all up to you - the next move is yours!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 8 ~ Psalm 90
1-2 God, it seems you've been our home forever; long before the mountains were born,
Long before you brought earth itself to birth,
from "once upon a time" to "kingdom come"—you are God.
3-11 So don't return us to mud, saying,
"Back to where you came from!"
Patience! You've got all the time in the world—whether
a thousand years or a day, it's all the same to you.
Are we no more to you than a wispy dream,
no more than a blade of grass
That springs up gloriously with the rising sun
and is cut down without a second thought?
Your anger is far and away too much for us;
we're at the end of our rope.
You keep track of all our sins; every misdeed
since we were children is entered in your books.
All we can remember is that frown on your face.
Is that all we're ever going to get?
We live for seventy years or so
(with luck we might make it to eighty),
And what do we have to show for it? Trouble.
Toil and trouble and a marker in the graveyard.
Who can make sense of such rage,
such anger against the very ones who fear you?
12-17 Oh! Teach us to live well!
Teach us to live wisely and well!
Come back, God—how long do we have to wait?—
and treat your servants with kindness for a change.
Surprise us with love at daybreak;
then we'll skip and dance all the day long.
Make up for the bad times with some good times;
we've seen enough evil to last a lifetime.
Let your servants see what you're best at—
the ways you rule and bless your children.
And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us,
confirming the work that we do.
Oh, yes. Affirm the work that we do!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

“Why, God, why? I work hard and get to be old, and what do I have to show for it except a lot of work and heartache?” I had to laugh at the verse about all we can remember is the frown on God’s face. My dear precious Grand-dad Arlie had what we called “the Arlie frown.” It was a dark, foreboding furrow of his eyebrows over his coal black eyes, and we knew when we saw it that he was displeased over something. I have learned in recent months that he inherited that frown from his mother and HER mother… and generations before me knew that same look and all it conveyed.

While we grandchildren and cousins laugh about that facial expression today, we also remember the love and kindness of this same grandfather. In my Sunday School class, we have been studying the book of Genesis lately and examining God’s creation of the earth and all who inhabit it. One of the things we have looked at closely is the “timeline” and how a day in our mind is like a blip on the screen for God. We see our lives in minutes and hours – He sees our lives in total, from beginning to end – and he knows how our story starts and finishes before we ever are born.

While my grandfather was a faithful Christian and a wonderful man, he was also a workaholic. He worked six days a week pretty much all of his life. He worked so much that, to my grandmother’s dismay, he returned to work the day after they were married. Family vacations were almost non-existent. The only trips he ever took were those he “won” through his insurance agency – and he considered that “good business.” At the end of his career, he had no hobbies and few outside interests, and his story is repeated countless times by men and women around the world.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hard work, and I admit, I’ve inherited many of my grandfather’s tendencies – from a messy desk with piles of papers to his penchant for becoming absorbed in work to the occasional “Arlie frown.” But I think the point of this Psalm is that life IS short… and we need to stop and evaluate how we are spending our time. Are we wasting a lot of it dashing here and there trying to get to the next deadline? Are we doing so many things at once that we end up doing all of them poorly? Are we selling God – and ourselves – short?

There are several good e-mails that circulate frequently, supposedly from little old ladies or gentlemen who have sage advice about living every day and not saving your best underwear for a special occasion or holding onto grudges and becoming bitter and cynical in our old age. But I will leave you with this today… when was the last time you stopped and really looked at a tree or a flower or the view out your window? When was the last time you really paused and looked at your child – or even your pet – and asked lovingly, “What do you need or want today?” When was the last time you realized that watching a television program or reading the newspaper can wait, that doing the dishes or putting that load of laundry in the dryer is not as important as hugging your spouse or pausing to pray and thank God for His blessings? When was the last time you did something for someone else instead of spending an hour playing solitaire on the computer? When was the last time you simply took a walk and inhaled the aroma of fresh air and contemplated God and how He is always working in your life? Isn’t about time you did at least one of these things?

I got so much more than the “Arlie frown” from my grandfather… and we all get far more than that from God each and every day. It’s time to “stop and smell the roses.” It’s time to slow down and let the loveliness of God rest on us. Take time for His blessings, and He WILL affirm you and your work.

©2008 Debbie Robus

Studies from the Psalms II - Week 1

October 7 ~ Psalm 89:38-52
38-52 But God, you did walk off and leave us,
you lost your temper with the one you anointed.
You tore up the promise you made to your servant,
you stomped his crown in the mud.
You blasted his home to kingdom come,
reduced his city to a pile of rubble
Picked clean by wayfaring strangers,
a joke to all the neighbors.
You declared a holiday for all his enemies,
and they're celebrating for all they're worth.
Angry, you opposed him in battle,
refused to fight on his side;
You robbed him of his splendor, humiliated this warrior,
ground his kingly honor in the dirt.
You took the best years of his life
and left him an impotent, ruined husk.
How long do we put up with this, God?
Are you gone for good? Will you hold this grudge forever?
Remember my sorrow and how short life is.
Did you create men and women for nothing but this?
We'll see death soon enough. Everyone does.
And there's no back door out of hell.
So where is the love you're so famous for, Lord?
What happened to your promise to David?
Take a good look at your servant, dear Lord;
I'm the butt of the jokes of all nations,
The taunting jokes of your enemies, God,
as they dog the steps of your dear anointed.
Blessed be God forever and always!
Yes. Oh, yes.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

I was taught to “respect my elders” – and to respect God’s authority. In fact, I grew up pretty well believing that it would be sinful of me to question God. He is, after all, GOD! But think about this… there are times in all of our lives when we DO question God – “Where are you?” “Why is this happening to me?” “Why, God, why?” In other words… “How could You DO this to me? I thought you LOVED me!” And all the while, you may be cringing a little, expecting a lightning bolt or some other form of Divine intervention or punishment for your insolence!

This passage is one of many examples in the Bible where God is questioned. Jesus asked on the cross, “Why have You forsaken me?” It took me a long, long time to understand that it is okay to question God… as long as we are listening for His answer. It is okay to open a dialog with Him… but we have to stick around to hear what He has to say! We are human. We will wonder from time to time where God has gone as things unfold in our lives. We will have to sometimes look under every rock and in all nooks and crannies to discover God’s plan and how He is using certain situations. But I assure you, He IS still with us, and He does have a plan!

Remember two things… 1) questioning God is not a bad thing – IF you sincerely and seriously seek His answer; and 2) even when it seems God has left the building, continue to praise Him. I promise He is still there… and He needs to hear from you… and He must be praised even in your darkest hours, because He is STILL on the throne blessing you, whether you see it or not. There is an old adage, “If you don’t feel close to God, guess who moved.” Talk to Him…hear what He has to say, and remember to praise Him for all He has done.

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 6 ~ Psalm 89:19-37
19-37 A long time ago you spoke in a vision,
you spoke to your faithful beloved:
"I've crowned a hero,
I chose the best I could find;
I found David, my servant,
poured holy oil on his head,
And I'll keep my hand steadily on him,
yes, I'll stick with him through thick and thin.
No enemy will get the best of him,
no scoundrel will do him in.
I'll weed out all who oppose him,
I'll clean out all who hate him.
I'm with him for good and I'll love him forever;
I've set him on high—he's riding high!
I've put Ocean in his one hand, River in the other;
he'll call out, 'Oh, my Father—my God, my Rock of Salvation!'
Yes, I'm setting him apart as the First of the royal line,
High King over all of earth's kings.
I'll preserve him eternally in my love,
I'll faithfully do all I so solemnly promised.
I'll guarantee his family tree
and underwrite his rule.
If his children refuse to do what I tell them,
if they refuse to walk in the way I show them,
If they spit on the directions I give them
and tear up the rules I post for them—
I'll rub their faces in the dirt of their rebellion
and make them face the music.
But I'll never throw them out,
never abandon or disown them.
Do you think I'd withdraw my holy promise?
or take back words I'd already spoken?
I've given my word, my whole and holy word;
do you think I would lie to David?
His family tree is here for good,
his sovereignty as sure as the sun,
Dependable as the phases of the moon,
inescapable as weather."

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Promises… we all make them. Some we keep – others fall by the wayside. God set David – a man after His own heart – aside and promised to bless all of his descendants. God did NOT say that the way would always be easy for everyone in David’s lineage… which includes us… but He did say he would not throw us out, abandon us, or disown us.

What I would like for you to take away from this today is that God gave David His word – whole and holy – that He would never leave us! Does that mean we won’t have trouble? No! Does that mean that people will never disappoint us or do bad things? Absolutely not! Does that mean there will be no consequences for rebellion? No way! So, just what DOES it mean? It means that God will love us and bless us – sometimes when we don’t deserve it. He will protect us, even when we feel like we are not being protected. Imagine how much WORSE things might be without God’s protection! He will sometimes allow us to wallow in our poor choices and sinful mistakes. But He will always be waiting, just a prayer away… for us to turn toward Him.

I can remember when a man’s word and a handshake were his bond. There are still a few people in the world that fit this description. If they say it, you can “take it to the bank.” Sadly, though… we want most promises these days in writing – and in triplicate! I am so thankful that the promises of God are indisputable… they are as sure as the sun, as dependable as the phases of the moon… as inescapable as the weather… and they are mine and YOURS! Never give up… on yourself or others… God hasn’t, so why would we?

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 5 ~ Psalm 89:5-18
God! Let the cosmos praise your wonderful ways,
the choir of holy angels sing anthems to your faithful ways!
Search high and low, scan skies and land,
you'll find nothing and no one quite like God.
The holy angels are in awe before him;
he looms immense and august over everyone around him.
God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who is like you,
powerful and faithful from every angle?
You put the arrogant ocean in its place
and calm its waves when they turn unruly.
You gave that old hag Egypt the back of your hand,
you brushed off your enemies with a flick of your wrist.
You own the cosmos—you made everything in it,
everything from atom to archangel.
You positioned the North and South Poles;
the mountains Tabor and Hermon sing duets to you.
With your well-muscled arm and your grip of steel—
nobody trifles with you!
The Right and Justice are the roots of your rule;
Love and Truth are its fruits.
Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise,
who shout on parade in the bright presence of God.
Delighted, they dance all day long; they know
who you are, what you do—they can't keep it quiet!
Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us—
you've been so good to us! We're walking on air!
All we are and have we owe to God,
Holy God of Israel, our King!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Isn’t Google amazing? We can search for virtually anything and everything, and find dozens, if not thousands of returns – all sorts of answers to our everyday questions. Late night comedian Craig Ferguson likes to joke that he saw this or that on the Internet – “so you know it’s true!” That’s a funny joke, but we all know – or we SHOULD know – that just because something is in print doesn’t mean it is the truth. And so it is with Google. Your search can result in truth AND everything from half-truths to out-and-out lies.

Thankfully, the search for God has only ONE result. There is no other like Him. There is nothing or no one who compares to God – who can even come close to being as powerful, magnificent, artistic, creative, loving, knowing, amazing as He! This is HUGE! It’s enough to make me want to dance and shout and sing! I looked at the passage about God’s vibrant beauty getting inside us – and walking on air – and I was reminded of recent days when the air has been crisp and cool and the skies have been clear. The leaves of the trees are starting to turn yellow and red, and the birds and squirrels are hopping about storing up food for the winter. I watched a bald eagle soar over the river just outside my back steps, and I was awed by God’s incredible handiwork! It is worth shouting and singing about, isn’t it? How can we keep quiet… how can we be sad? God has blessed us from the cosmos to the depths of the ocean!

Truly, “all we are and have we owe to God.” You can Google until the cows come home, but you will never find anyone to compare to Him. Do a little happy dance and praise Him today!

©2008 Debbie Robus

October 4 ~ Psalm 89:1-4
1-4 Your love, God, is my song, and I'll sing it! I'm forever telling everyone how faithful you are.
I'll never quit telling the story of your love—
how you built the cosmos
and guaranteed everything in it.
Your love has always been our lives' foundation,
your fidelity has been the roof over our world.
You once said, "I joined forces with my chosen leader,
I pledged my word to my servant, David, saying,
'Everyone descending from you is guaranteed life;
I'll make your rule as solid and lasting as rock.'"

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

For nearly thirty years, I have dabbled in genealogy… researching my ancestors. When my grandparents were all still living, it was fun to sit down at the kitchen table for an afternoon with them and aunts and uncles and note their recollections on a legal pad. From those visits, I gleaned information about family traits, physical characteristics, and more. Sometimes, I got a sense of my “Spiritual background” as my relatives would tell of this church affiliation or that… or my grandmother would talk about going to “Sunday singings” or pie suppers. What I discovered was that, for most of my ancestors, a relationship with God has always been a major factor in their daily living. Oh sure, there were a few “characters” along the way who probably never darkened a church door, but over and over I have been told of “Godly women” and faithful men who served the Lord actively in their churches and by their daily living. My foundation is solid through the generations, built on the love and the word of God. That is truly the most important part of my legacy!

On October 6, 2003, my cousin Olivia was born. Even before she arrived, her mother talked of how she wanted this little girl to know about her family… to learn about the lives of her ancestors and to know them through stories and pictures. She talked of wanting Olivia to be brought up with Christian values and a love for God above all others… and even now she talks of how we must do all we can to ensure that this happens! It is a way of “paying forward” our legacy – and even the legacy we were granted as far back as King David!

I don’t know your story. I don’t know what twists and turns your family tree has taken or how solid your foundation is. But I do know that you have an opportunity to move ahead with a foundation built on the love and fidelity (solidness) of our Heavenly Father. You can start today to serve Him in a way that will become YOUR legacy to hand down to future generations. What you do – how you live and Who you serve – DOES have an impact… on you AND those who follow. What will future generations say about you? What will be remembered? I pray that it would be such a powerful testament to Jesus Christ that “EVERYONE descending from you is guaranteed life.” Now THAT is a legacy with eternal value!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 3 ~ Psalm 86:11-17
11-17 Train me, God, to walk straight;
then I'll follow your true path.
Put me together, one heart and mind;
then, undivided, I'll worship in joyful fear.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord;
I've never kept secret what you're up to.
You've always been great toward me—what love!
You snatched me from the brink of disaster!
God, these bullies have reared their heads!
A gang of thugs is after me—
and they don't care a thing about you.
But you, O God, are both tender and kind,
not easily angered, immense in love,
and you never, never quit.
So look me in the eye and show kindness,
give your servant the strength to go on,
save your dear, dear child!
Make a show of how much you love me
so the bullies who hate me will stand there slack-jawed,
As you, God, gently and powerfully
put me back on my feet.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone’s arrogance? Quite often, when someone takes a stand about an issue, there will be those who will champion them with arrogance and indignity. Let’s say, for instance, you stand up to your boss, your teacher, or your parent about something that you feel is wrong. Suppose your boss accuses you of being a slacker, when in truth, you are working overtime behind the scenes, but your boss is so self-absorbed that he/she does not notice. Or, because the work you are doing is not directly benefiting him/her, it is not deemed to be important, and your boss really makes the workplace unpleasant for you.

Suppose one or both of your parents have a drinking problem, and you express concern – not only for their well-being, but your own – and you are grounded for your comments. Or suppose your teacher uses a racial slur in class or is demeaning to a student, and you speak up, and the teacher becomes indignant and starts making things hard for you. Suppose a classmate is constantly picking on you or your friends, pointing out your physical flaws and what they see as their own superiority.

How do you react? What do you do when doing the right thing causes trouble for YOU? Do you kick and scream and fight back? It’s a tough call – I know! But I think this scripture gives us insight into the answer. When we are confronted by “bullies and thugs” – or as another translation puts it, “arrogant people” – we must “take the high road.” We must turn to God, and let Him handle these situations. He never quits on our behalf… even when it seems the “bullies” are winning. As long as we are sure that we are staying in His will… as long as we are doing what God tells us to do and acting in love and faithfulness, God will handle the rest.

Just as the scripture says, someday the “bullies and thugs” will get theirs. God will see to that… and they will be standing “slackjawed” wondering why we are still standing – why they were unable to knock us down. I’m not saying you have to be pushovers – or that it is wrong to stand up for yourself or what is right. But when you encounter those who wish to “take you down a notch,” just keep on doing what you are doing. There is no bully too big for God to handle. Walk straight and right, certain of the “wholeness” of your heart and God’s place in it, and He will handle everything else.

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 2 ~ Psalm 86:1-10
1-7 Bend an ear, God; answer me. I'm one miserable wretch!
Keep me safe—haven't I lived a good life?
Help your servant—I'm depending on you!
You're my God; have mercy on me.
I count on you from morning to night.
Give your servant a happy life;
I put myself in your hands!
You're well-known as good and forgiving,
bighearted to all who ask for help.
Pay attention, God, to my prayer;
bend down and listen to my cry for help.
Every time I'm in trouble I call on you,
confident that you'll answer.

8-10 There's no one quite like you among the gods, O Lord,
and nothing to compare with your works.
All the nations you made are on their way,
ready to give honor to you, O Lord,
Ready to put your beauty on display,
parading your greatness,
And the great things you do—
God, you're the one, there's no one but you!

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

In 1959, The Coasters recorded a song titled “Charlie Brown.” The punchline at the end of each verse was “Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?” And isn’t that our “mantra” so often. We feel like EVERYBODY is picking on us – everything is happening to US. We are just plain pitiful, and we want everybody to know it… and to feel sorry for us! And we do this to God, probably more than anyone else. We want Him to know how bad we have it… and we want Him to DO SOMETHING about it!

I find it interesting that just like us, David threw himself on the pity pot and somewhat demanded that God help him. And then to compensate, he did his little “butter” routine... “Oh, God, You are so awesome. God, You are so forgiving. There is none like YOU, God!” And all of this is true, but can I tell you something? You are NOT fooling God. He sees what you are doing. If you are living one way, and when you get into a mess, you fall on your knees and demand that God fix things for you, He can see right through that.

On the other hand, troubles will come to all of us – and especially to faithful Christians – because let’s face it, Satan cannot stand it when we are serving God and not him. So he will do all he can to stir the “trouble pot” and give us things that cause us to struggle and stress and even question our faith. And when we humbly, sincerely give God credit and ask for help, He listens – and answers.

The KEY is two-fold – 1) how we are living when the challenges come and Who we are serving; and 2) the spirit with which we ask God for help and praise Him. If we are doing the “buttering up” routine and expecting God to rescue us from a mess we helped create through our own sinful nature, we had better figure out another way to fix things. And the “pity pot” needs to go. It just doesn’t have a place in the life of a faithful Christian. God will never allow us to take on more than we can handle if we trust him Him and serve Him wholeheartedly. He doesn’t need us to point out all of our virtues to Him as a justification for His help. We need to serve the Lord with gladness, thanksgiving and praise. We need to call on Him for help at all times. And then we need to believe He will do just that!

©2008 Debbie Robus


October 1 ~ Psalm 84:8-12
8-9 God-of-the-Angel-Armies, listen:
O God of Jacob, open your ears—I'm praying!
Look at our shields, glistening in the sun,
our faces, shining with your gracious anointing.
10-12 One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.
I'd rather scrub floors in the house of my God
than be honored as a guest in the palace of sin.
All sunshine and sovereign is God,
generous in gifts and glory.
He doesn't scrimp with his traveling companions.
It's smooth sailing all the way with God-of-the-Angel-Armies.

(Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved. For copies of The Message call (800) 366-7788.)

I don’t know about you, but I really do not enjoy cleaning. Oh, sure… I enjoy a clean home and having things neat and orderly… but I do not enjoy the process… the “getting there.” I have tried to follow the suggestion of the Deuteronomy 16:15 – “God, your God, has been blessing you in your harvest and in all your work, so make a day of it—really celebrate!” In other words, even making your house clean and neat serves God. But I’ll be honest, some days this works better than others! When there are more fun things I would rather be doing than cleaning, I have to really remind myself of the rewards – both earthly AND heavenly – of sticking to the chores!

In the same way, there are times when we don’t really want to work at keeping our Spiritual “house” clean. There are Sundays we would rather sleep in than get up and go to church. There are days we get “too busy” with the things of the world to stop and pray or read God’s word. There are times when our mouth engages before our brain, and we say things that are displeasing to God. We give Satan an inch, he takes a mile, and we end up in huge messes that will take more than a couple of hours in an afternoon to clean up and repair!

Another translation of this Psalm says something to the effect that “better is one day in God’s house than thousands elsewhere.” Truly, it would be better to keep our heart right and our Spiritual “house” in order and neat and clean than to have thousands of days on beautiful Greek island beaches – wonderful as that might be. It would be better to please God and keep myself holy in His sight than to have a few minutes – or even a few days – of perceived “pleasure” in some sin or another. Keeping my Spiritual “house” clean – scrubbing the floors of my heart and wiping out any hint of Satan’s presence – may not be the most fun in the world, just like scrubbing the floors of our house (or cleaning our room and doing the laundry!), but it is so worth it. God doesn’t scrimp on us… why would we even think of doing this to Him?

The next time you clean your room or your house, do your laundry, mow the yard, or even do the dishes… try to think of it as an extension of cleaning your Spiritual house. It’s just one more way you are making EVERYTHING sparkling and worthy of God’s occupancy. Better IS one day in His house than thousands elsewhere. Where do you need to do some “picking up” today?

©2008 Debbie Robus