Daily Devotional for November 8, 2010

Proverbs 1:10-11
Don't be tempted by sinners or listen when they say, "Come on! Let's gang up and kill somebody, just for the fun of it!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“Everybody’s doing it!” How many times have we heard… or uttered… this phrase? We say this about everything from gossip to “fudging” on our tests and taxes to going places and doing things we know we shouldn’t. And yes, gang members probably say this about killing somebody for the fun of it!

But this passage is really a reference to much more than killing for sport. In fact, the “killing” refers to many things that we all do on a daily basis that “kill” the heart and soul of many, including ourselves. We are going to be tempted every single day to say and do things that are dishonorable to God, disrespectful to ourselves and others… and downright sinful. And quite often, our “excuse” will be… “Everybody’s doing it.”

We need to take a long hard look at the company we are keeping. Who is really influencing our thoughts and behavior? If we are putting ourselves in a position to be influenced – or even pressured – to behave poorly, we need to make a move in a different direction. If we are hanging out with people who are negative, biased toward one group of people or another, dishonest, disrespectful, or engaged in illegal and illicit behavior, we need to distance ourselves from them immediately. Even more subtle associations… like the person who continually drags you down emotionally or enables you to live an unhealthy lifestyle filled with junk food and inactivity… may be hurting your relationship with God and your Christian witness to others.

It really is true that quite often, we are known by the company we keep! But we can’t always determine if this company is appropriate for us on our own. We need the guidance of our Heavenly Father to show us how to choose wisely. We need to stay closely aligned with God, so that we are certain we are where we are supposed to be – with the people who help us be the best disciple for Christ – at all times. Anything less leaves us vulnerable to Satan’s attack… and sets the stage for us to “gang up and kill somebody” – if only figuratively.

We don’t think about this often enough, but being a Christian is a huge responsibility. We are the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth, and sometimes, I think He would like to perform a “Spiritual amputation!” Choose your company carefully. Ask God to show you where to be – and with whom you should be associated. Live in a way that honors the body of Christ and lifts up those whom you encounter. Whose company are you keeping these days?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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