Daily Devotional for July 14, 2008

Romans 14:1
Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over them every time they do or say something you don't agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I have to admit… this is sometimes a hard one for me. It’s not that I think I have all the answers. I certainly do not think I know more about scripture and Christian faith than anyone else! But I really have a hard time being gentle with people who feel that natural disasters or world events are “God’s punishment” for our disobedience. I don’t feel all that welcoming toward those who insist that our country is doomed if we don’t “put prayer back into schools.” (When did it leave? You can pray silently anywhere - anytime!) These are my opinions – and not the heart of today’s message.

The point I wish to make from this scripture passage is that we all come to Jesus with our own “suitcase-full” of baggage and history. We have the opinions that have been ingrained in us since childhood by our parents, friends and peers. We recall our own personal experiences. We lay this all at the feet of Jesus… but it may take some of us a while to leave it there.

So those who have been convinced that things are one way or another may need time to come around to a new manner of thinking. Most likely, you have ideas and opinions that have been modified with time, experience, and influence from outside sources. If you have not changed your mind about something, you probably are not being very honest! But I can almost guarantee that if fellow Christians start to tell you repeatedly that you are wrong… that your thinking is off-base or un-Biblical, you will dig in your heels and hold onto these opinions!

I will never forget an experience I had almost 15 years ago. The teenage son of our dear friends was killed in a car wreck. I was talking on the phone with my cousin’s wife – one of the most faith-filled Christian women I ever knew – and I said, “This was God’s will.” Very kindly, but firmly, she said, “This was NOT God’s will! God did not make this happen! He may have allowed it… and He will use this for His purposes… but I will never believe that this was the will of God.”

When tragedy struck, I had always heard Christian family members and friends say, “It’s God’s will.” And I readily believed this! So when my cousin’s wife spoke to me with such conviction – yet so kindly – I began to investigate this for myself… to see what the Bible says about God’s will and human suffering. And a few months later, this dear woman was called to heaven after a lengthy battle with breast cancer. Her words replayed in my head as I thought about her outcome. I have seen the evidence of how God used her illness and death for His purposes – and rewarded her with a beautiful, healthy body in heaven. I know that God desires only the best for us… but sometimes He allows trials and tragedies. If nothing else, God uses these circumstances to say, “Lean on Me and let Me help you through this. Let Me show you how I can give you the courage, comfort and peace to overcome anything this world throws your way.”

My point is that we cannot cram our opinions – or the word of God – down anyone’s throat and expect them to come around to our way of thinking! We cannot criticize or chastise another person for his/her beliefs… even if they seem wacky and downright absurd! Remember, we came to Jesus with some pretty ridiculous ideas of our own… yet, He welcomed us with open arms. Should we do any less for others?

Ask God to show you how and where to approach those who are strong on opinions but weak in faith. You know the ones… the guy who says he is a believer and trusts God, yet falls apart when the tiniest “crisis” arises. You can name the person who has decided that God is on his/her side… and the rest of us are all wrong and headed for hell in a hand basket! You have met the people who accepted Christ, then went right back to their old ways of living. How will you treat them? How does Jesus treat you? Shouldn’t you offer fellow believers the same?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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