Daily Devotional for July 17, 2012

Romans 12:9-10
Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Everywhere you turn, someone is promoting a particular fitness routine… Insanity Workout®, P90X®, Boot Camp, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and countless others are taking the country by storm as people seek a way to get fit – and fast! What all of these workouts have in common is a lot of focus on your body’s “core” – or “center.” In order to develop true strength and fitness, you build up your mid-section, abdominal and lower back muscles. These represent your “core” or “center.”

Once your core is strong, you have more stamina and are less prone to injury. Your workouts are more effective. You are able to lift more, exert your body for longer periods of time, and your overall health improves. But you MUST strengthen your body’s core!

Here’s the message for today… in order to be Spiritually fit and strong, you must build up your heart, which is the core of your life in Christ. I’m not talking about your physical heart… I’m referring to the center of your soul… the place where the Holy Spirit resides. In order to be a loving, faith-filled, Spiritually healthy Christian, you must maintain a strong Spiritual “core.”

What constitutes a strong Spiritual “core?” Read these verses in Romans 12 again. Love from the center of who you are - and never fake it! Be the real deal. Truly love others with the love of Christ… remembering that you are often just as unlovely as the next guy – yet Jesus always has open arms to embrace you. Look for the good in all situations… and turn away from anything that is evil. This includes gossip, backbiting, revenge and spite, hatred, bigotry, dishonesty, and deliberate mistreatment of others, to name a few. Focus on putting others first. Compliment others… build them up in good times, and support them when life brings them difficulties. Quit asking “What’s in it for me?” Instead, ask God, “Who can I bless in Your name today?”

When you start to share the love of Jesus as outlined in these verses and other passages of Scripture… when you truly operate from a strong, sound Spiritual core…amazing things can happen. Blessings flow - in all directions and in ways you can’t begin to imagine. We are all so bad to put off our workouts – to say, “I’ll start tomorrow, next week, or next year.” Don’t do this with your Spiritual core. Start exercising today. Look for ways to build up your heart… opportunities to love others as Jesus loves you. Strengthen your Spiritual core, so that you have the stamina and power to handle everything life gives you. And get ready to be blessed beyond measure in the bargain!

©2012 Debbie Robus

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