Daily Devotional for May 26, 2013

May 26 ~ Matthew 25:41-43
“Then he will turn to the ‘goats,’ the ones on his left, and say, ‘Get out, worthless goats! You’re good for nothing but the fires of hell. And why? Because—
I was hungry and you gave me no meal,
I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
I was homeless and you gave me no bed,
I was shivering and you gave me no clothes,
Sick and in prison, and you never visited.’
Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
Last week, for the first time since my grandmother’s death more than a couple of months ago, I returned to the assisted living facility where she had resided.  I visit with several residents and staff members there… many who have been lifelong dear friends.  One man told me, “You missed my birthday!  I’ve gotten a year older since you were here last.”  He celebrated 95 years on May 18th, and clearly, it was important to him that we acknowledge this milestone .  Another man, whom I only know as an acquaintance, told me that his wife passed away eleven days after my grandmother died.  I had no idea that this had happened, and I spent a few minutes offering my condolences to him - and remembering her. Still others were eager to hug me and tell me how much they miss my grandmother – and how glad they were to see me.  I promised to visit again… and I will.
There was a time in my life where I made giant “to-do” lists.  I spent hours/days/weeks/months trying to accomplish everything on the lists.  I set schedules and mental deadlines… and when things didn’t happen as they should, I beat myself up pretty badly over it all.  If only I were more organized… more focused.  Could I sleep less… or skip over something that was less significant? Many days, I hurriedly moved from one task to the next… eager to mark things off the list – and often more concerned with this than the quality of my work!
It took a long time, but I finally realized that a lot of the things on my list were never all that important in the first place… except in my own mind. Just because I say I’m going to clean the house on Tuesday doesn’t mean I can’t postpone these tasks in favor of a day trip with my husband – or a trip to the park with Timothy, Zola and Nathan.  It won’t be the end of the world if someone drops by and my house is not spotless!  When I get sick or someone needs my help and I don’t find time to write this daily devotional, the world will not fall apart!
If I never get all of my photos organized, closets cleaned, and all of those old greeting cards recycled into new ones, life will continue.  The fabrics calling to me from my “stash” may or may not become cute outfits for my little ones… but they will not go naked.  Thanks to restaurants and “take-out,” we will not go hungry if meals aren’t prepared… and there is nothing wrong with an occasional bowl of cereal for dinner!
On the other hand, these little ones won’t be little forever.  The opportunities to nurture and mold them - and teach them about the love, grace, mercy and tender care of Jesus - will wane as they grow…and outgrow us in the process!  The opportunities to visit elderly friends and loved ones will not last.  The tray of cookies or a hot casserole we deliver to a family going through a crisis will have a far bigger impact than missing a hot meal on our own table for one night.  Skipping an afternoon on the couch channel surfing in favor of a visit to someone who is house-bound – or in the hospital or in jail – will be far more impactful in the long run.  Working at the local soup kitchen or volunteering for a church or community event will mean more than getting your car washed, that shopping trip you were anticipating, or hanging out at the lake with your friends.  Taking time to write a note of encouragement – or thanks – or to drop someone an e-mail just to let them know you love them is more important than spending a half hour playing Angry Birds, Words with Friends, or Farmville!
Don’t misunderstand me… keeping things in order – keeping your homes, yard and vehicles clean…spending time with friends and family members… and even resting… are all important.  It’s great to have hobbies and goals.  But too many of us have become slaves to our schedules… and in doing so, we have become like “worthless goats” rather than Disciples who please God with our service and witness.  We have placed our focus on things that are short-term.  We are impatient.  We cannot see the bigger picture and how what we are doing now relates to God’s overall plan.
When I was visiting with the man at my grandmother’s facility who was recently widowed, he shared a compelling analogy with me.  He said someone had told him that God’s love and plans for us can be compared to a father and son who are standing behind a fence watching a parade.  The father is tall enough to look over the fence and see the entire parade, from beginning to end.  The son can only peer through a knothole in the fence.  He only sees what advances in front of him.  He cannot see the entire length of the parade until it passes before him.  This is a great description of our life in Christ.  He sees the entire parade… we only see the limited view from our “knothole.”  And often, we grow impatient… weary… bored and/or disgruntled… and too often, we move away and focus on our own personal agendas.
The time has come to stand still and wait for the entire parade.  We must re-evaluate our priorities and our “to-do” lists.  We need to spend time in prayer and meditation and ask God, “Is this really where you want me to expend my efforts and energy?”  When God presents us with an unexpected task or opportunity, we need to be prepared to say, “Sign me up!  I’m ready!”  - knowing that His plan will be far superior to our own.
In most instances, God’s “parade” looks altogether different than ours… but His is so much better!  If we follow God’s “parade,” He will grant us plenty of time for many of the things that we want to do.  If we are patient – and obedient – He will grant us plenty of opportunities for the things we feel are significant – and fun.  Won’t you ask Him to show you where you need to rearrange your priorities and your “lists”?  Are you ready to exchange your “worthless goat” agenda for the blessings and joy that come from His approval?  Will this be the day that you start to trust God for the “whole parade”… or will you continue to live with a “knothole” view?
©2013 Debbie Robus

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