January 2010 Devotionals

January 7 ~ Proverbs 16:1-3
We humans make plans, but the LORD has the final word. We may think we know what is right, but the LORD is the judge of our motives. Share your plans with the LORD, and you will succeed.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

I’ve talked about this before, but several years ago, I decided that eight years of teaching kindergarten and first grade was enough for me. I needed a change. So I applied for a teaching vacancy in another elementary school in my town – a fifth grade position. One of the principal’s questions was, “What makes you think you could handle the switch from kindergarten to fifth grade?” I explained my reasons and my desire for a new challenge. The “grapevine chatter” was that I was a “sure thing” for this position. I was really excited… until the day the principal phoned me to say he had hired someone else.

I was devastated… hurt… angry. I could not understand why I was not selected for this position. And to be honest, as much as I felt I was ready for a change in the classroom, I was desperate to change work settings – or more to the point, administrators! I ended up teaching kindergarten for a ninth, and final year, and it was one of the best years of my teaching “career.” I think partly that was because after the devastation of not being selected for the fifth grade position, I began to ask God to help me figure out what to do next. And together with my husband, we began to seek a new direction for our lives, which ultimately led us to both quit our jobs and begin a new business together. We had a plan… and that made a huge difference!

Looking back, I see that God was making better plans for me. Had I gotten the teaching position, we might have both continued in our original careers. While that would not have necessarily been a bad thing, I can see that we have had so many opportunities to serve God by serving others through the years, and God orchestrated all of this perfectly. Were there “bumps in the road?” Absolutely! But I would have to say that most of those were self-inflicted – not listening to God and trying to “drive the car” ourselves.

If I could do anything over again, I would make more of a concerted effort to consult God about everything – to be sure He was guiding my plans at all times. I’m sure there were times that He sat back with His arms folded and just shook His head, knowing I was about to make a royal mess of things. We all do this… but we can do better. And those of you who are still teenagers or young adults can learn from my mistakes and star now to consult God about your plans. For those of us who are older, it’s never too late to begin seeking God’s will for our lives – and His perfect plans. From planning a trip or a weekend to planning your future, be sure you talk things over with God first, and everything will work out better than you could ever have imagined. The scripture is true…
“Share your plans with the LORD, and you will succeed.”

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 6 ~ Proverbs 15:22

Without good advice everything goes wrong-- it takes careful planning for things to go right.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Imagine if you went to a football or basketball game, and the coach showed up right before it started and told the team, “Just do whatever feels right out there tonight… I really don’t have a plan.” How do you think the game would go? What if the cheerleaders and the dance team didn’t practice and plan their cheers and routines? What if the band didn’t rehearse, and everyone just showed up and played whatever they wanted at halftime and throughout the game?

What if you went to church on Sunday, and nothing was planned? There was no bulletin, and no hymns or worship music had been selected. The pastor didn’t have any idea what he/she was going to say, and nobody paid any attention to the clock. Would this be a church service you would like to attend? It might sound like fun to think that your teachers were going to conduct classes without lesson plans, but honestly, I think you would be pretty disappointed when it came time to take college entrance exams and your benchmarks! Suppose nobody planned for restocking the shelves at the grocery store or your favorite fast-food restaurant.

Suppose you didn’t make any plans for your life… or even your day. That might work okay for a day or two – or maybe even a week or so – but eventually, everyone needs a plan. And not just any plan will do! Notice that this passage says that careful plans are needed in order for things to go well.

Notice, also, that the passage says everything goes wrong without good advice. Sometimes, we feel like we are perfectly capable of managing our lives on our own. But all of us need a little help from time to time… and clearly, good advice is worth its weight in gold. Don’t hesitate to seek help from people you respect and trust. Listen to those who have “been there/done that” and prayerfully consider what they have to say. Don’t be so cocky as to think you don’t need helpful suggestions or a plan… both are keys to successful living – and part of God’s plan for us! Plan well – and thoughtfully – using all resources that God provides. Make sure that He is in the details, and you will never be disappointed in the outcome.

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 5 ~ Proverbs 12:20
An evil mind is deceitful, but gentle thoughts bring happiness.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Turn on the television or go to the movies, and you will see and hear stories of people who plot and plan to harm others. And sadly, we have seen first-hand how the plots and plans of evil people can hurt … the Jewish Holocaust, 9-11, Rwanda, and more. We know that members of Al Qaeda wish to harm Americans and have all sorts of evil plans for us. We also know that there are those in our own country who would love to see harm come to certain races and socio-economic groups… or even our President. There may be people in our own school or community who wish to harm others. The fact of the matter is that there are evil minds in this world – Satan is alive and well!

But God calls us to be better than this - to live with a pure mind and heart, filled with love for others and plans to serve Him in peace and harmony. As Christians, our plans should only be those God gives us according to His will – plans to:
  • help others in Jesus’ name
  • spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus
  • serve God and share His love, power, grace and mercy with others
  • operate in joy and peace, and to make all efforts to get along, and much more.
You may have heard it said of someone, “He/she must lie awake at night thinking up new ways to make life miserable for others.” Never let this be said of you. Don’t go there. Don’t plan evil or harm toward anyone else, be it physical, mental, emotional, or otherwise. There is an old adage that “Failure to plan is a plan to fail.” Don’t fail to plan…and don’t plan for failure in your Christian living. Never operate out of an evil or spiteful mind. Plan to be happy – plan to serve God… and serve Him well! Gentle thoughts and positive planning are the keys to making God and yourself happy. What are your plans?

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 4 ~ Proverbs 3:29
Don't try to be mean to neighbors who trust you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Let’s say your neighbor does something that continually aggravates you. Maybe he/she plays the radio or stereo really loud with the windows open, and you can feel the pulse of the bass in your own home above the noise of your television. Or let’s say your “neighbor” has the locker above yours and is continually cramming too much stuff into the locker, which opens and spills out on the floor in front of YOUR locker. Feeling like a little revenge? Plotting a way to get even? Don’t do it!

The Bible clearly tells us not to plot and plan against our neighbor… even if they asked for it! Plan to get along. Find a way to resolve conflicts without trouble. Ask God to show you how to work out a good plan that creates harmony and peace for everyone. So often, we fail to talk to God about such things, either thinking we can handle them ourselves, or that they are too trivial for God’s time. Neither is correct. God can help – and He wants to do just that! Ask Him how to help you get along with your neighbor. Plan for success – not trouble – and plan to coexist with your friends and neighbors in peace.

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 3 ~ Psalm 146:3-4
You can't depend on anyone, not even a great leader. Once they die and are buried, that will be the end of all their plans.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My mother has been sharing with me lately the tragic story of a young widow in Kansas who is dying of cancer. Candice’s two children have already lost their dad, and now their mother is not doing well. Their grandmother also has cancer, so all these young children have ever known is illness, heartache, tragedy, and uncertainty. Candice recently sat her girls down before a surgery and explained to them that they would be taken care of, regardless of her outcome. It was the first time the children realized that their mother may die soon.

This young mother has signed over guardianship of her daughters to her sister, should she die. Other family, friends, and church members have stepped up to fill in the gaps, keep the girls in school and their activities, clean the house, visit with Candice, and more. As sad as this story is… there is a great lesson here for all of us, and the lesson is that we can’t plan for the unexpected – but God can help us manage it.

In other words, none of us plans for cancer, job loss, war, natural disasters, physical injury… or even death. And we all depend on others for many things each and every day. But when the rug gets pulled from underneath us, we must remember that God is still with us. He is still in control – and planning for our future. Our plans are temporary and precarious. God’s plans are perfect and last forever. Be sure that you consult God about every plan and make sure that He is on board. Take comfort in knowing that even the best laid plans may have faults and failures – but God will still be with you working out your future.

And say a prayer for Candice, her daughters and all of those she is depending upon these days. She knows God is in control of her life and their future. Ask Him to give her comfort and peace and to plan lives for her daughters that honor their family and glorify Him.

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 2 ~ Psalm 33:10-11

The LORD destroys the plans and spoils the schemes of the nations. But what the LORD has planned will stand forever. His thoughts never change.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Ask a young boy what he wants to be when he grows up, and he may tell you he plans to be a pro athlete or a rock star. Ask a girl the same question, and she may say she plans to be a model, actress, or TV host like Rachel Ray or Tyra Banks. And while plans, goals and aspirations are a great thing, we often are dreaming and planning on the order of sky diving without a parachute!

When I was young, my grandmothers used to tell me, “Become a doctor and make lots of money.” Another suggestion was that I become a nurse. There were two problems with these ideas… 1) I am squeamish around needles, and 2) nobody was consulting God to see what was included in His plans for me! So God saw to it that the grand plans of my childhood (which also included becoming an architect or a ballerina) were spoiled in one way or another. But the plans He had for me came to life. I can see now that God was ordering the steps of my life from the very beginning, and while I would have loved to design beautiful houses or dance in a lacy tutu, He wanted me to teach and work with people. He wanted me to write and serve in other ways.

Sometimes we think God is planning one thing, when He actually is thinking something altogether different. God gave me musical abilities that almost led me to a college degree in music. But I realized early on that He wanted me to enjoy my music and incorporate it into my life – but not as a career. Had I been more prayerful early on – and more earnest in seeking His direction, I might have seen this even more clearly. The point is, we need to seek God’s plans in all situations and at every turn. Start early – and if you are already an adult, it’s still not too late – even if it means changing directions. Make sure that your plans are God’s plans and not schemes and desires that you are trying to create on your own. What God plans will stand forever… and it will be perfect. Don’t you want to be part of His plans?

©2009 Debbie Robus


January 1 ~ 1 Chronicles 28:9
Solomon, my son, worship God and obey him with all your heart and mind, just as I have done. He knows all your thoughts and your reasons for doing things, and so if you turn to him, he will hear your prayers. But if you ignore him, he will reject you forever.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I’m guessing at least a few of us have made a New Year’s resolution or two. I don’t make resolutions every year, but this year, I decided it is time to clear the clutter. Now, for those of you who know me well, you know that I am a pack rat, so this won’t be easy… especially if you have seen my desk! But I am resolving to become more organized and neat… to “act not stack” the papers I receive in the mail… and to make better use of my time! This is more of a plan than a resolution for me. I plan to do better in 2010!

There is nothing wrong with making resolutions – and plans are certainly good. In fact, God has plans for each of us. And those individual plans are part of His “big plan” for the universe! Here’s where it gets a little complicated… God’s plans are perfect. Ours almost never are! And certainly, if we do not consult God – and obey Him – our plans are most likely going to fail.

There’s one more thing. Plans without prayer aren’t worth the time they take us to make them! Ask God to show you how to plan for your future. Seek His wisdom and guidance – and then follow it! He will see you through every step, whether your plans work out as you had hoped or not. But be assured, if you consult Him and obey, the outcome will be perfect for you.

This year, I resolve… to ask God to show me how to plan… and to guide my steps. And if He sees fit to help me keep my desk clean, that would be icing on the cake! Happy New Year!

©2009 Debbie Robus

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