December 2009 Devotionals - Week 4

December 31 ~ 2 Chronicles 6:30
You know what is in everyone's heart. So from your home in heaven answer their prayers, according to what they do and what is in their hearts.

Colossians 3:1 and 16
You have been raised to life with Christ. Now set your heart on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God's right side.

Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Everywhere we look this week, people are talking about the things that happened in 2009 and looking ahead to 2010. We are making resolutions, remembering births and deaths throughout the year, listing the best/worst of everything from movies to weather events. And some of this activity is fun and harmless – and maybe even healthy. Reflecting is not a bad idea… nor is planning for the future.

But as we think about “the year that was” today and look ahead to a new, fresh start, let’s remember to consider our heart. We should all stop to evaluate how we did “Spiritually” in the last year and see where we need to improve. We should spend some time reflecting on our relationship with God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and noting what we “resolve” to do better as we move forward. Thank God for getting you this far. Ask Him to give you wisdom, courage, strength, and focus to accomplish much more for Him in the coming year. Know that He will look at your heart and see what is there… where your motives are pure and your faith is strong and genuine – and He will answer you according to His perfect will!

Happy New Year – may God bless you! Make this the year that the message of Christ completely fills your life and captures your heart. Make heaven your goal and Christ your guide, and 2010 will be an amazing year!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 30 ~ 1 John 2:28
[ Children of God ] Children, stay one in your hearts with Christ. Then when he returns, we will have confidence and won't have to hide in shame.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

I won’t name any names, but I know of more than one instance where siblings were being rambunctious, and something “bad” happened – a prized dish or piece of furniture was broken, or someone was injured. The responsible sibling felt so guilty and ashamed – and fearful of retribution – that he/she packed a bag and ran away – or hid! Somehow in the child’s mind, if he/she could just get away, the parent would have mercy. Perhaps they would feel so bad that the child was that upset - and the infraction would be forgotten, along with any punishment.

Most likely, the parent(s) admonished the child and reminded him/her that this is what happens when we are disobedient and act inappropriately. Punishment may/may not have followed. When we move away from the rules established by our parents, the outcome of our actions is, at best, often uncertain!

Unlike the transgressions of our childhood, moving away from a oneness with Christ has far more serious consequences. I don’t know about you, but I am not willing to risk Jesus’ return and the words… “What happened? What do you have to say for yourself?” I don’t want to have to even consider running away and hiding in shame (as if that would work anyway)! I want to stay close to Jesus… to hold Him near to my heart and to listen to Him at every turn. I want to live in confidence, not fear. Don’t you? Living with Jesus is not child’s play… we can’t toy with His love and grace and expect Him to coddle us like little children. It’s time to grow up… and to enjoy the grown-up benefits of a life in Christ. We will always be His “children” – but that doesn’t mean we can act like a child in our faith. Stay one in your heart with Christ and live confidently as His “child” until you meet Him face-to-face.

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 29 ~ 1 John 2:27
But Christ has blessed you with the Holy Spirit. Now the Spirit stays in you, and you don't need any teachers. The Spirit is truthful and teaches you everything. So stay one in your heart with Christ, just as the Spirit has taught you to do.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

The last time I was at the salon getting my hair done, the hairdressers were discussing permanent eyeliner and lip liner. Most women who have had this procedure find it to be a real blessing and time saver. They are always “presentable” and don’t have to spend as much time getting dressed each morning. These permanent “tattoos” never go away!

If you think about it, the Holy Spirit has been sort of “tattoed” on our hearts. He is there forever and never leaves us. We are always prepared and “presentable.” This is the “tattoo” for me! What about you? Have you invited the Holy Spirit to write permanently on your heart? Is He teaching you everything you need to know? If you have not invited the Holy Spirit to live within your heart yet, today is a great day to do so! Ask Him to show you the truth and to teach you every day… to keep you close at hand and one with Christ. Make this one “tattoo” you are certain to get and can’t live without!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 28 ~ 1 John 2:4
But if we claim to know him and don't obey him, we are lying and the truth isn't in our hearts.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Have you ever heard the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do”? I assure you, it’s not in the Bible! Jesus didn’t tell us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength – and to love others as we love ourselves – with the expectation that we would do something else!

When I taught kindergarten, I had three classroom rules… 1) be kind to others; 2) work and play quietly, and 3) respect the property of others. That pretty well covered everything. Have an argument with your table mate? You probably weren’t being kind to others. Raise your voice? That wasn’t working quietly. Take something that wasn’t yours – or misuse something in the classroom – that was disrespectful to the property. The children knew that there were distinct consequences for breaking these rules… and they also knew that there was no such thing as a gray area. We all knew that when a rule was broken, certain things would happen… first offense - a warning; two offenses - “time out;” three offenses - missed recess; four offenses I placed a call to their parents! It sounds almost too simple, but in several years I only got to the third consequence a few times – and maybe two or three phone calls were made.

There are consequences for Christians, too, and we can’t possibly be so dumb as to think God doesn’t know when we disobey Him. We can’t have it both ways, but somehow, unlike my five-year-olds, we seem a little more eager to test God and see what happens than they were! What does this say about us and our faith? Either we are Christians to the core and have the truth of Jesus Christ in our hearts, or we are lying and don’t really know Him. Which is it with you?

I pray that you will see that the only way to truly be a disciple of Christ is to follow Him with your whole heart. Any claim to be a Christian while acting otherwise is mere lip service. Not only is this disobedience heartbreaking and disrespectful to God, but it might mean you have not sincerely committed your life to Christ… and that could have Eternal consequences. Give yourself wholly to God. Serve Him not only with your voice… but with your whole heart and all of your actions. Live with truth in your heart and make your claims to know Him the whole truth. And while you are at it, be kind to others, work and play quietly, and respect the property of others.

2009 Debbie Robus


December 27 ~ 1 John 1:8
If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Have you ever felt a sore throat coming on, but you said to yourself, “I’m not sick. I’m not sick.” You tried to pretend that you were not getting a cold or the flu, but ultimately, you had to admit that yes – you were SICK! You were fooling yourself… and avoiding the truth! Maybe you had something important or fun you wanted to do and you didn’t want to be sick and miss it… or maybe you just didn’t want to be sick, period! Whatever the reason, you couldn’t admit the truth to yourself or anyone else.

Sin is much more serious than a sore throat or a few days of cold or flu. The “disease” often manifests itself more subtly than these “bugs.” We don’t realize how sins – especially those we deny – are affecting our lives… or the lives of others. And we surely don’t see how these sins affect our heart. If we live with untruth in our heart and fail to acknowledge that we have sinned, very little will go right for us in life. We will be living a lie… and Satan loves that! He will make you think that everything is great… that life is wonderful… that you have no worries. But He will be drawing you farther and farther from the truth – and from God.

Don’t let this happen. Admit that you have sins… confess them to God and ask Him to forgive you. Invite God to fill your heart with His truth and to wash you clean in the blood of Jesus. Live a life that is open and honest… with nothing to hide – to yourself or anyone else. There are medications that can help you with a cold or flu. God – The Great Physician – can cure you of your sins. What are you waiting for… don’t you want to be well?

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 26 ~ 1 Peter 3:4
Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Late in the afternoon on December 23rd, cousins called my mother to tell her that her beloved Aunt Zula Turney… the last remaing sibling of Mom’s father… was at the local ER, and she was in bad shape. Aunt Zula had been ill for some time now with congestive heart failure, breathing difficulties, and degenerative disks in her back. The doctors said her spine was like tissue paper. She was in terrible pain. Mom rushed to the ER to see Aunt Zula. Even though she wore an oxygen mask and was struggling to breathe, she tried to talk. She asked about my grandmother. Mom joked that at least her ambulance driver was handsome, and Aunt Zula laughed.

The doctors said nothing could be done… at age 91, Aunt Zula’s body was shutting down. A call was made to Hospice, and a hospital bed was placed in Aunt Zula’s home in Quitman, where she returned. The doctors said she could live hours or days. I think she barely made it home before she left this earth and went to heaven.If this scripture passage describes anyone, it describes my Aunt Zula. She was the mother of four children, eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. As a fourth grade teacher in Quitman for decades, she was “mother” to hundreds more. Many of Aunt Zula’s grandchildren attended Harding University, so she became “grandmother” to countless students there who filled her home on weekends – some even after her own grandchildren had graduated and moved out into the working world.

Christmas Eve, Mom said, “I don’t recall a time when Aunt Zula ever gave me advice or admonished me… she just lived by example.” One of Aunt Zula’s children contracted polio as a child, and she diligently worked with him on physical therapies so that he would not be crippled for life. She and her husband reared four children with only a pickup truck for transportation for many years. She worked hard to care for her family and earn her college degree, juggling the challenges of both in the forties and fifties without many of the modern conveniences we enjoy today. I almost never heard her complain.

Last year my mom wrote Truly Zula… Daughter of the Ozarks, and while I’m sure Aunt Zula was proud, she also seemed a little embarrassed that anyone would consider her life extraordinary and book-worthy. But I am quite certain that God considered her very special. The gentle beauty and spirit – the quiet peace of this little white-haired dynamo – did not go unnoticed.

My mom says Aunt Zula was her hero. I’m sure others will say the same thing. For me, Aunt Zula was a living example of 1 Peter 3:4, and an inspiration. I can’t say I have always lived quietly and gently as she did, but I can surely try to emulate her more in the coming years. And while we will all miss her, I find it truly fitting that God blessed her with such an incredible Christmas gift… a place at the feet of Jesus for His birthday. I know how important she was to us – and I’m sure she got a special seat at the Lord’s table for Christmas dinner.

We all need to learn to live more quiet and gentle lives – to have beautiful hearts. I know my Aunt Zula did… can I… can you? With God’s help, we can! Let’s start today… let’s develop hearts that will give our lives beauty that will last, even into eternity. Let’s live in way that honors God – a way He considers special. I pray you have an “Aunt Zula” in your life to emulate… and that you will do your best to develop a heart of quiet beauty and peace, as she did.

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 25 ~ James 4:8
Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Clean up your lives, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you people who can't make up your mind.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

I love how God works! When I drew up the outline for these devotionals months ago, God knew that this passage would be perfect for Jesus’ birthday! Think for a moment about the birth of Christ. Think about how people “drew near” to Him from across the land… shepherds, wise men, angels… even livestock! They knew that there was Someone special in that manger. They understood that this was a holy time, and they were in the presence of the Lord! And I believe they received a touch from Jesus, even then… I know their hearts were touched when they saw Him!

There is a saying… “If you don’t feel close to God, guess who moved?!” God never leaves us… but sometimes we don’t feel His presence very strongly in our lives. And it is always because we have drifted away and closed our heart. We have pocket doors in certain areas of our house. These are doors that slide into the wall when open, instead of swinging in and out like most doors. If you pull pocket doors together, you can get privacy and reduced noise without closing them completely. But if the opening is narrow, you may not be able to physically get in and out through it. We are like that with God. We may not completely shut the door to our heart, but if we pull it shut too much, God can’t get in, and we can’t hear Him or feel His presence!

Today, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, open the doors of your heart as wide as you can! Draw near to God, and feel Him draw near to you. Clean out the impurities of your heart. Toss them out the door and make room for God to fill you. This will be the best Christmas gift you could receive. Make up your mind today to celebrate Christmas every day of the year by letting God work in and through you. The best is yet to be for those who serve Him. May you feel the presence of Jesus in your heart today… and always. Merry Christmas!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 24 ~ James 3:14
But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and selfishness, don't brag or lie to cover up the truth. That kind of wisdom doesn't come from above. It is earthly and selfish and comes from the devil himself. Whenever people are jealous or selfish, they cause trouble and do all sorts of cruel things. But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere. When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Have you ever watched how a child behaves after he/she gets a new baby sister or brother? Especially if this child was a “one and only” for awhile and got used to garnering all of the attention, the “shock” of having to share can cause trouble. And in true child-like fashion, the older sibling causes all manner of trouble out of jealousy. Whether their lack of attention is real or imagined, the fact that they are no longer “front-and-center” at all times does not set well. So they cause trouble… and sometimes do cruel things to the baby.

In my case, the “older siblings” are our two cats… and the baby is our great-nephew, Timothy. And while neither cat has paid much direct attention to the baby, they have let us know that “Hey, I was first!” They become overly needy when Timothy is around… and they show out to get our attention. The gentle, sensible, kind, friendly cats we normally have are replaced with clingy whiners who get into mischief!

Are we like this? When we feel something or someone encroaching on our territory, do we become needy – or downright cruel? Do we over-compensate with grand gestures to try to convince others we are NOT selfish or jealous? Do we put on phony smiles and “play nice” to make others think we are wonderful and get in their good graces, when secretly, we wish all of the attention was on us?

The Bible tells us we are to be the real deal at all times. Does this mean it’s okay to be selfish and jealous? Absolutely not! Jealousy and selfishness are tools of the devil! When you feel these attitudes creeping into your heart, stomp all over them! Pray and read God’s word, communicate with a Christian friend – do whatever it takes to get rid of these feelings and return to a place of peace and the true wisdom of God. In other words, we must learn “get over ourselves,” and focus on being filled with God’s wisdom… and all of the blessings that result.

Today is a great day for this thought, because at Christmas time, we are often jealous of what others have. We are sometimes frustrated that we didn’t get what we wanted – our tree isn’t big enough, and we don’t have enough lights and inflatables in the yard! The devil loves to destroy the joy and true meaning of this season by filling our hearts with jealousy and selfishness – and painting fake attitudes on us outwardly. He loves to stir up trouble and take the focus off of Jesus! Don’t let him have this pleasure! Make this Christmas a time when you start to shake the dust of the devil from your boots – and sweep him out of your heart for good. Be real and wise in the Lord… be blessed and full of HIS peace… and celebrate Jesus with a sincere heart this Christmas!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 23 ~ Hebrews 10:22
So let's come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let's keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

As joyful and jovial as the holiday season is, for many, it’s time of great sadness. There may not be enough money to buy gifts for others and a holiday meal. The days around Christmas may be associated with a sad event. Suicide rates go up. People lose their homes to fires. Others “party too hearty” and die from alcohol-related accidents and drug overdoses. Those who are alone feel even more lonely and isolated as people gather and celebrate – and they are not included.

But for people of faith, no matter our circumstances, every day should be a day to celebrate our God and the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Gifts, holiday food, get-togethers, and more do not define our hearts or our faith – or at least, they shouldn’t! We should have confidence in God in all situations – and all seasons.

When you wear clean clothes, don’t you try hard to keep them looking nice? Aren’t you careful where you sit and how you eat, so nothing gets on the clothing and makes a mark? Just like water washes us clean… just like a winter snow covers the land and seems to make everything fresh and new… the blood of Jesus Christ has washed us clean of sin, evil, and all impurities. It is up to us to keep ourselves that way! Just like our clothing, we must be careful where we go, how we sit, what we “spill” on ourselves.

Let’s live like every day is Christmas… and by that, I mean, let’s celebrate our God and the birth of Jesus. Let’s focus on staying pure in heart, loving toward others, and upbeat and positive. Let’s live in such a way that exudes confidence in our faith that God will see us through every circumstance. Jesus paid the ultimate price to wash us clean our hearts and minds of evil and sin… it’s up to us to keep them that way!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 22 ~ Hebrews 8:10
"But now I tell the people of Israel this is my new agreement: `The time will come when I, the Lord, will write my laws on their minds and hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Recently a friend of mine posted on Facebook that her two-year-old daughter had announced that she had songs in her mouth and needed to sing ‘em! It sounds to me like the Lord has written on her mind and heart! When God touches us in this way, we can’t help but want to sing… if only to ourselves. When God writes on our mind and heart - and we recognize Him - everything about our lives changes.

As we grow, we often make things so much more complicated than they should be. We lose the playful abandon of a two-year-old and the ability to communicate so purely the feelings in our heart. This is a great day for us Christians… every day is a great day for us! God has written His laws on our minds and hearts. He is our GOD, and we are His people. Don’t we have songs in our mouth we need to sing?

©2009 Debbie Robus

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