December 2009 Devotionals

December 7 ~ Acts 15:8-9
He knows what is in everyone's heart. And he showed that he had chosen the Gentiles, when he gave them the Holy Spirit, just as he had given his Spirit to us. God treated them in the same way that he treated us. They put their faith in him, and he made their hearts pure.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

We are smack in the middle of the Christmas season. Everyone is whizzing around in the stores and trying to multi-task, stretch the budget, and please everyone on their lists with just the right Christmas gift. All around us, there are underlying stories we don’t see or know, and often they loom much larger for people during the holidays. There are people who are facing a major crisis – the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, a job loss, simply trying to get too much done and feeling stressed, and more.

We truly do not know what is in another’s heart – or on his/her mind. The teacher who seems grumpy and unpleasant may be facing huge problems at home. The store clerk who seems distracted and unaccommodating may have heartaches and burdens we can’t begin to know. The friend who doesn’t return phone calls or e-mails may be dealing with something that is totally overwhelming. Even GOOD news, like the arrival of a new baby or starting a new job or relationship can be stressful and distracting.

The point is, GOD knows everyone’s heart. Our job is not to try to figure out others… or to judge them based on behavior. Because God knows our heart and extends His grace and mercy to us, we must do the same to others. God gave us the Holy Spirit to live within our hearts and walk with us each minute of the day…and He does this for every single person who has committed their life to Christ. The peace, comfort and courage we wish for ourselves, we must wish for others. The kindness we wish the Holy Spirit would bring our way, we must extend outwardly to those around us.

So cut others some slack this season – and beyond. Realize that we don’t know others’ hearts – or their circumstances. Ask God to fill those you encounter with His Holy Spirit and to extend His peace their way. Act – and react – with a pure heart, and trust God to work in you and others. And thank Him for loving you so perfectly.

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 6 ~ Acts 14:17
But he showed that he was there by the good things he did. God sends rain from heaven and makes your crops grow. He gives food to you and makes your hearts glad.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

If you back up and read the verses before and after this one, you find that Paul and Barnabas were preaching in Lystra, and they approached the temple of Zeus. The priest and the crowds wanted to offer a sacrifice – to Paul and Barnabas! These men were horrified and told the priests and people, “We are humans just like you.” They went on to add that GOD made the sky, earth, see and all that is in them. They noted that God allows us free will. BUT… they added that even when we turn our backs on God and go a different direction, He never leaves us…He feeds us and fills our hearts.

Do you know that we are often like the people in Lystra? If we could only win the lottery – if we could only get this person to like us – if we were only thinner, richer, smarter, or more talented… everything would be hunky dorey in our life! These things are our idols… and we offer all sorts of sacrifices to them in order to make things happen. The crazy thing is… all the time we are spinning on our heads to get these things, God is meeting our needs. He may not meet them like we want Him to… but He does meet them. Our lives may not seem perfect to us… but God is making sure everything is working together perfectly to accomplish HIS will for us. And if we would only recognize this, our goals and desires would line up more often with His.

When I was a little girl, I had this beautiful spinning top. It was made of metal and plastic, with a rod and knob at one end, and a little metal spike on the other. You stood the top on it’s spike and pumped up and down on the rod and knob handle, and the plastic center portion began to whiz, whir and spin. And a portion of the center section unfolded like flower petals to reveal a beautiful ballerina inside who was dancing and spinning. The toy spun for several seconds, and the ballerina danced and spun, too. Then gravity took over, the top started to spin more slowly, and soon it fell over onto the floor. The ballerina was closed inside again… no longer dancing. For many of us, our lives are like this top. We pump ourselves up and work hard to keep the “top” spinning… and for a short time, our world opens up and everything seems beautiful and humming along well – the “ballerina is dancing!” But since we are human, we can’t keep this up on our own, and soon things have stopped spinning along… the ballerina is gone, and our world has fallen off its axis.

Only GOD can keep things spinning as they should. Only GOD can meet our needs every single day – and He does! Often we fail to recognize His power… and His work in and through us. Listen to the words of Paul and Barnabas… “we are humans” - but God is always there, making things happen for us… meeting our needs. Are you recognizing His presence these days? Is He making YOUR heart glad? Who is spinning your top?

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 5 ~ Acts 2:25-26
I always see the Lord near me, and I will not be afraid with him at my right side. Because of this, my heart will be glad, my words will be joyful, and I will live in hope.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

Sometimes, hope is all we have… and it is enough! I recently saw a high school friend of mine at the store, and I asked about her brother, who is dying of cancer. She knows that I know what it feels like to watch your brother battle a terminal illness. We talked about how hard it is to watch a loved one suffer, and she mentioned a mutual friend of ours who lost her battle with breast cancer three years ago. She said, “That’s been so hard for me… and we weren’t even close. I just don’t understand why this happened to her.” I told her that our friend told me over and over in her last years, “I will be okay.” And I trust in that a LOT! Because I know my friend is in heaven and truly okay, my heart is glad and my words about her can be joyful. I live in hope of seeing her again someday.

These days, there are a lot of things in our world that get us down. You may be struggling in school or having relationship troubles. The economy, the war, and a general sense of negativity in our country about so much is enough to make anyone grumpy! But if we keep our eyes focused on the Lord… if we see Him near us at all times, we have nothing to fear. Our heart can be glad – our words can be joyful. We can live in hope.

Someone said to me recently, “So often we want to just jump in and make things happen, when what we really need to do is wait on God to work everything out like He wants!” This is so true. We often jump the gun and worry and wring our hands and go through all sorts of gyrations, when what we really need to do is see the Lord near us and stay positive and hopeful.

I don’t know what you are going through today, but I do know God is with you. Have you looked up to see Him at your side? Can you at least try to be joyful and have a glad heart – can you at least give hope in the Lord a chance? I’m praying you allow Him to work in your life in all situations - I truly believe you will be blessed if you do. And maybe you can “set the example” for others to look for Him at their side, as well.

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 4 ~ John 16:33
I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

I don’t know why we can’t seem to “get this,” but God never promised us an easy life once we become Christians. If you can find a scripture in the Bible that says we’ll have a cozy, cushy life, please send it to me! What we ARE told is that we will have peace in our hearts. So while our children fight the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, we can trust God to meet their needs – and ours – and rest in that. While our aging parents and grandparents struggle with broken bones, dementia, and general decline, we can be thankful for their lives and influences and trust God to give us patience and courage for their latter years.

While we worry about our children and the “evil influences” of this world, we can trust God to keep them safe – and to give us the wisdom to provide them with the right lessons and role models for living for Him and overcoming these temptations. While we face serious – even life-threatening – illnesses and injuries, we can be joyful, knowing that God is healing our bodies and working in and through us.

I know people who never let anything get them down. I know others who are ready to “throw in the towel” at the first sign of trouble or challenge. The difference comes down to a choice… we can CHOOSE to rest in God and let Him fill us with peace, or we can CHOOSE to continue to flail around like we did before we became Christians. The latter is not an option for me… what about you? In the words of John 16:33, “Cheer up!” God has defeated the world and its “hold” on us… “take a chill pill” and relax in Him. Let His peace fill you and see you through every challenge this world offers.

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 3 ~ Luke 16:15
But Jesus told them: You are always making yourselves look good, but God sees what is in your heart. The things that most people think are important are worthless as far as God is concerned.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

I once worked for a manufacturer who said, “I don’t care what it costs to make the product – as long as it looks good!” If you think about it, this is a profound statement. I am afraid it is the “mantra” for many of us.

* “I don’t care who gets hurt, as long as I am “happy.”
* “I don’t care how much debt I have as long as I drive a nice car, wear designer clothes and live in a big house”.
* “I don’t care who I have to step over to get ahead.”
* “I’m not trying to please anyone but myself.”
* “I am going to ‘play’ now – I’ll settle down later. Besides, I go to church often!”
* “I don’t care what it costs me or others… as long as I look good and enjoy life!”

The trouble with this “stinkin’ thinkin’” is that God sees our heart. He knows how we really feel about Him and our faith on the inside. We must remember that looks fade… material possessions can be snuffed out in a minute… friends are fickle… jobs can be lost… fun is temporary. But living for Jesus is FOREVER! Serving in His name has not only lifelong benefits – they are also ETERNAL! Honoring God and striving to know Him better and live for Him every minute of the day – in even the smallest things – is what counts!

Look around you. There are people who “talk the talk” – but how many “walk the walk?” I’m not asking you to judge anyone but yourself... where do YOU fit into this picture? What’s in your heart… and is it showing on the outside? You may very well look great and be the life of the party… but at what cost? It’s time for a makeover, for many of us. It’s time to take stock of our heart and see where we fall short… and to ask God to show us how to begin making changes that will matter. Are you ready?

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 2 ~ Mark 12:33
It is also true that we must love God with all our heart, mind, and strength, and that we must love others as much as we love ourselves. These commandments are more important than all the sacrifices and offerings that we could possibly make.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

A friend sent me an e-mail and said, “I have been so poor in heart and mind lately yet I go through the actions to practice joy in my life and gratefulness and realize blessings. But how do I find pureness inside? I love the Lord and he loves me, and I know that, but these trials and tribulations sometimes take away the pureness…or does it? Please help!” This person was working hard to follow God’s commandments, but the “sacrifices and offerings” seemed to be getting in the way. I prayed about a response, and here is part of my reply... I pray that it will have meaning for you today.

First, I do not think that our trials and tribulations negate the purity of our heart. Moses questioned God, yet he was faithful and obedient - and God blessed him. Even JESUS asked God in the Garden of Gethsemane... if there was ANY other way to accomplish His purposes, please take the agony of the cross away. So I don't think that the purity of our heart is tied directly to our struggles or even lapses in faith.

I don't know your circumstances - and I don't need to know - but I can tell you that in my own life, I have experienced some difficult situations. It was hard to be patient ... and with at least some people, it was hard to be kind and civil. When I was proof-reading a recent devo about pure hearts, I know the Lord spoke to me and said, "You know, XYZ is my child, too." That is where the purity comes in! If you can be upset and disgusted with a situation or a person, yet still pray for them and realize that they are just as precious and important to God as we are, your heart is pure. Trust me, sometimes this is HARD to do!

In my own situations, I have had to totally surrender to God... knowing that He sees a much bigger picture than I do. I have no clue how these issues resolve, but I do know that I have done what I am supposed to do - I have asked God for help, and I have asked Him to help ME have a pure and right attitude about all parties involved. While it seems highly unlikely that some people will ever make a turn-around, that is not my responsibility - and I honestly don't know why I have so little faith that God could work a miracle in them... maybe this is a temporary lapse of faith on my part!

You may remember my mention of the man who allegedly shot and killed so many people at Ft. Hood a few weeks ago. Many said, “He should have died, too.” In other situations, I’ve heard people say, I hope So-and-So gets what’s coming to him/her! I understand that feeling... but I also understand how that grieves God. And believe me, there are people who irritate me, and I struggle with being kind and "pure" toward them. Those irritants are God's children, too... and we must pray for them and love them in Christ all the same.

When my dad and brother were both seriously ill, we all wore our feelings on our sleeves. There were days when my heart was broken - I was despondent, hopeless, and even fearful for the future... mine AND my loved ones'. But I still don't think that meant my heart wasn't pure. I stayed VERY close to God during that time, and He gave me joy and peace. Sometimes it was fake... like when people would stop me in Wal-Mart and ask, "Hey, how are you?" and I would reply, "I'm fine," while on the inside I was screaming, "My dad and brother are dying - how do you really THINK I am doing?" Still, I don't think that meant my heart wasn't pure. We aren't always supposed to share EVERY emotion with others! Maybe that is God’s grace working through us.

I am making a concerted effort to be more than just "civil" toward "irritants" in my life. I am working on greeting them with a sincere love in Christ for them as another child of God - equal with me in His eyes. I am working on letting God handle situations for me... because honestly, there are many I am not equipped to handle - and frankly, all God expects is for us to give our burdens to Him. That in itself is a test of our faith - and our heart!

In the midst of this holiday season, I am praying that God will give you peace. I know that the holidays can be trying times for some as we are thrust into situations that may involve people with whom we are not necessarily pals. I believe God is working with us to "grow" our faith through our trials and tribulations... as He always does. Love God with all our heart, mind, and strength - and love others as much as you love yourself. A pure heart will help you endure all of the struggles and challenges of everyday life…AND the holidays!

©2009 Debbie Robus


December 1 ~ Matthew 12:35
Good people bring good things out of their hearts, but evil people bring evil things out of their hearts.

(Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.)

One of the great blessings of living in a small town – and growing up here – is the interaction I now have with adults who influenced me as a child. And one of those was my second grade Sunday School teacher, Ms. Gloria. I no longer attend the same church as she, but I see her occasionally in the grocery store or at a social function, and she is always delightful. Ms. Gloria is one of the kindest, most loving women I know… and I know it stems from her love of God and service to Him.

Recently, this dear lady had a new floor installed in her basement. Consistent with her generous, loving personality, Ms. Gloria headed downstairs to offer the man installing the floor a soft drink and a sandwich for lunch. She didn’t realize the floor was slick with glue, and she fell and broke her arm. Surgery fixed the arm, and she is doing well. We talked on the phone recently, and she said, “I’m fine… I’m just waiting for this to heal because I want to be up doing things!”

Sadly, I know people who have done very well for themselves… but all at the expense of others. People who don’t know the whole story will say, “He/she is such a wonderful person and has accomplished so much!” What they don’t realize is that this person’s “accomplishments” have caused a great deal of misery for many others along the way. This person’s heart is evil, and the result may appear to be positive – but in truth, his/her every accomplishment is tarnished. You cannot attend church every Sunday and appear to be Godly and then stab people in the back the other six days of the week to advance your agenda!

Give me a “Ms. Gloria” any day of the week! And if we are honest and listen to what the scripture is saying, I believe this is God’s sentiment, too. Evil people who operate from a self-serving heart are missing the boat. People who love God and serve Him unselfishly, like Ms. Gloria, will be blessed again and again – even when they break an arm “in the line of duty!”

Check your heart… and check your motives. Make sure that what you say and do comes from a heart in tune with God and geared to serve Him. If you find that your heart is selfish or self-serving in any way, ask God to show you how to change this. Bear “good fruit” from a pure heart. You’ll be amazed at the results!

©2009 Debbie Robus

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