Daily Devotional for December 14, 2014

December 14 ~ Isaiah 60:19-22
You won’t need the light
    of the sun or the moon.
I, the Lord your God,
will be your eternal light
    and bring you honor.
Your sun will never set
    or your moon go down.
I, the Lord, will be
    your everlasting light,
and your days of sorrow
    will come to an end.
Your people will live right
    and always own the land;
they are the trees I planted
    to bring praise to me.
Even the smallest family
    will be a powerful nation.
I am the Lord,
and when the time comes,
    I will quickly do all this.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
All around the world, the Christmas season is being heralded in song and light.  No doubt, thousands of churches presented special music this morning in honor of Jesus’ birthday.  I know ours did…from preschool “Little Ringers” who rang bells to accompany “Silent Night” to elementary school children who sang about “David’s Dynasty” to our adult choir who presented their annual Christmas Cantata.  Advent candles were lit, and there was a lighted Chrismon tree in our church’s sanctuary.  Even Burger King was playing Christmas carols to accompany our lunch!
Obviously, there is something special about songs we only sing for one month out of the year.  Lights and decorations that fill our homes, stores, churches and streets for these four weeks or so take on a magical air.  But at the heart of these enhancements, we are celebrating something incredible…the carefully crafted and orchestrated plan of God to bring Jesus to Earth to be our eternal light!
The great thing about Christmas is that anyone can celebrate, because Jesus came to earth for everyone.  Individuals, couples, small families, large families in every nation of the world can all participate.  God sent Jesus to be the Light of the WORLD!  This is reason to sing…to have parties, to light up our homes, and to exchange gifts in symbolic praise for the Ultimate Gift we have been given!
As you go about the coming days of this Christmas Season, consider the real message of lights, decorations and Christmas carols.  Stop to praise God for sending an Everlasting Light to fill our hearts, save us from our sins, and prepare a place for us for all Eternity!  Invite Jesus to dwell in your heart and celebrate His love and care every single day…and let these next eleven days be a giant revelry in His honor!
©2014 Debbie Robus

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