Daily Devotional for October 31, 2012

October 31 ~ Matthew 7:13-14
“Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention."

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

A few months ago, I decided I wanted to “amp up” my workout routine. So I ordered a DVD I had seen advertised several places, including on the “Dr. Oz” show, which I considered a valid endorsement of this product. I even tried a “test workout” posted on Dr. Oz’s website first to see if I thought I could handle this regimen. The people who were featured seemed to be normal, ordinary folks like me who had transformed their bodies and their health with this workout. I knew it would be hard work… I just didn’t know it would verge on physically impossible for someone my age… and demand almost-super-hero strength from people of any age!

If I kept at it, I might be able to do the entire routine… in oh, maybe five to ten years! But meanwhile, I need something that is going to keep me fit and healthy each and every day – and allow me to still be able to function (and breathe!) afterward. This workout left me gasping for air on a daily basis. I determined that what works best for me is a slower, steadier approach… the routines I have been using for a few years now. While I have to stay focused to keep my interest level high and achieve maximum results, I find that their basic, no-nonsense exercises get the job done. Day in and out, this approach sustains my needs and keeps me on the right path to health and fitness.

In our Spiritual life, we sometimes look for the “quick fix.” We want God to meet our needs… and we want Him to do it NOW… on our timetable, and OUR WAY! Sometimes we decide that the latest “program” will help us get on track. I have shelves filled with books by Max Lucado, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, Tommy Tenney, and others. I have two CD cases filled with albums by Christian artists. I’ve bought Bible study guides and downloaded charts for reading the entire Bible in one year. And every one of these tools has merit. I have gained a lot of knowledge from Christian authors and their experiences. I wouldn’t trade my CDs and the joy and peace their music brings me for anything. I think study guides are great for Christians who desire to grow in their knowledge of scripture and Bible history. But these do not make me a stronger Christian in and of themselves.

By the same token, some people feel that the phrase… “you reap what you sow,” means that God blesses those who volunteer the most, give the most money to the church, or do the most “good deeds.” But surely we all know by now that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor. While we are called to serve others in His name – and to give back to God and support missions and ministries – this does not put us into a “fast lane” toward becoming “Super-Christians!”

What I need on a daily basis is the “meat and potatoes” of a relationship with God… prayer, digging through the Bible on my own and discovering what God is saying to me, the fellowship and encouragement of other Christians, and time spent exercising my faith through service to others. This is my “daily regimen” – the “workout” that keeps me fit and strong in my life as a Disciple of Christ. It is vigorous and demanding… but the results are steady and long-lasting. I am taxed – and occasionally breathless – but never spent to the point that I get discouraged and quit. My “daily workout” with God is never more than I can handle… and certainly keeps me invigorated and on my toes. God pushes me to my limits sometimes… but never beyond them. I know that He will always supply me with everything I need for whatever He asks.

In recent years, I’ve learned to be content with many things. I know that I won’t be model thin – or 25 again. But I can be fit and healthy. Even though I grow every day in my faith, I have largely learned to “let go and let God” – and this is HUGE! I trust Him more to handle the worries and cares of my day. I am satisfied with His choices over my own. I can always improve, but I feel that I have significantly turned a corner in many areas of life. And one of the things I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt is that there are no true “quick fixes” in life.

Very few people get rich quick – and stay that way. Even fewer who chart a fast track to weight loss or extreme muscle tone manage to maintain it. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking for a faith that has some staying power. I’m looking for a relationship with God that is everlasting… one that will keep me fit, strong and healthy every single day. I’ll take a “steady diet and exercise routine” to build my relationship with God over a shortcut any day of the week! What about you?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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