Daily Devotional for April 22, 2014

1 John 4:17
And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Greg’s niece and her family came for a visit during Easter.  We all got together at Greg’s brother’s for a cookout one night, and as the adults sat around the fire pit and visited, 10-year-old Chase asked me to toss a football with him. Three dachshunds belonging to a couple of family members were in the back yard with us…and they do not like sudden noises or movements.  Chase got a little rambunctious at one point, and I think he squealed.  The dogs came running…barking, growling, and surrounding us.  Without a second thought, Chase screamed, turned his back to me and scooted up as closely against me as he could get…and I wrapped my arms around him tightly until the dogs moved away.
I honestly do not know whether those little dogs would have hurt our nephew…but I would have done all I could to prevent it…and Chase instinctively knew that.  In a moment of great fear, he knew just what to do…and where to turn.
There are many times in our lives when we face something frightening or unsettling.  It may not be as “at-your-heels” as three barking, growling dogs…but we all encounter situations that disturb us or cause us worry and concern.  What do you do when this happens?  Is God so ever-present in your life that you instinctively back up to Him and allow His arms to engulf you?  Do you have a pervading, often inexplicable sense of calm…even in the midst of a situation that would understandably panic most people to their core?
A few months ago, I met with a high school “small group” of senior girls.  I shared with them a couple of times in recent years where I had experienced some gut-wrenching events that I honestly did not think I could bear.  I related to them how I prayed and begged God to somehow prevent these things from unfolding…and how I trusted Him when I could see that they were going to happen anyway.  When the unthinkable happened…God covered me in His peace and steeled me with calm and reserve that I could not comprehend - nor fully explain.  He sheltered me from the worst of the pain and heartache, because He knew I could not handle it on my own.  I backed up against God, and He wrapped me in His arms and held on tightly.
Maybe you have been through a similar situation - or are experiencing one of these even now…
  • You have watched as a loved one suffered and slowly inched out of this life and into the next…and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
  • Someone you loved was suddenly taken from you…leaving you shocked, bewildered, and feeling totally lost.
  • The “rug was pulled out from under you” at work – and you lost your job or your hours were cut.
  • Bills are piling up, and you seem to be on a path to lose your home or your car, despite your best efforts to come up with the payments.
  • You are failing a class or two…and no matter how hard you study, you can’t seem to grasp enough of the information to pass the tests.
  • You are sick, or you have been injured and can no longer participate in a beloved sport…pick up your kids, grandkids or a precious pet…perform routine household chores or even to the things that make your life enjoyable.
  • You have a relationship breakdown…and you feel a disconnect with a partner, spouse, friend, relative, or acquaintance – and a separation or division of some sorts seems imminent.
  • You keep reliving events from your past, and you can’t seem to forgive those who have hurt you – much less trust them again…and you can’t forgive yourself for any of your past lapses and failings.
  • Despite your best efforts to be a “good person”, your life seems to be crumbling on several levels.  You are unsettled, irritable and negative, nervous and uneasy…and there doesn’t seem to be any “light at the end of the tunnel”.
I get it…I’ve been right there with you in many of these situations.  But I as I told the girls in the “small group”, I have learned that God is always, always with me.  If I will stay close to Him and trust Him completely…He will protect me.  My fears will subside, and God’s peace and calm will cover me.  I admit…I have to remind myself of this often - or maybe GOD reminds me!  The fact is…Satan is NOT happy when we rest in the LORD and let Him have our troubles.  HE is the barking dog who nips at our heels and says, “Be afraid…be very afraid!”
So kick the devil to the curb today.  Back up against God and allow Him to hold you close.  Give HIM your worries and fears…and every facet of your life…and see how much better things can go.  I can’t promise that you won’t have any more troubles or fearful experiences.  In fact, I almost guarantee that you will!  But with God to hold you close, you can face them with confidence…assured that He will always protect you.  And on the Day of Judgment, you will recognize His presence and protective hand as He welcomes you forever into His perfect peace.
When the “dogs” of the devil come nipping at your heels…where will you be standing?
©2014 Debbie Robus

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