Daily Devotional for November 21, 2014

Psalm 35:9
I will celebrate and be joyful
    because you, Lord,
    have saved me.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
No doubt you have watched at least one football game where a player broke free from the blocks and tackles of defenders and sprinted down the field for a touchdown…perhaps with an opponent or two hot on his heels - yet unable to catch him.  When the ball carrier realizes that he is going to make it safely into the end zone, you can almost read the sense of “wild abandon” in his body language.  It is as if he sees an imaginary “savior” waiting for him…arms outstretched…saying, “Come to Poppa!”  The runner scores…the crowd goes wild with celebration and exuberance…and the opponents lick their wounds and regroup for another play!
Maybe it’s because we’re in the throes of football season, but this was the image I got as I read this verse from Psalm 35.  I pictured myself running toward God… arms outstretched to receive me…the worries and pressures of the world nipping at my heels from behind – yet unable to take me to the ground.  I know that the “enemy” is continually regrouping…plotting and planning his next move.  But I also know that God is always several steps ahead of the opponent!
So I celebrate my rescue and redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ.  I thank God for His wisdom, protection, grace, mercy, love and care…for planning for my future and always keeping me safe from the schemes and snares of the devil and his cohorts.  For me, every day represents “touchdowns” and “extra points”…a veritable “party in the end zone” with God Almighty!
Recently, the Arkansas Razorbacks celebrated a victory over the LSU Tigers…breaking a 17-game losing streak in conference play.  When the game ended, Razorback fans stormed the field, reveling in the joy, relief and release of this monumental win.  If only we could celebrate God’s victories in our lives half as much!
It says something about us as Christians that we can’t seem to muster even a portion of this excitement over something so precious and vital in our lives.  We will talk about a big sports play for days/weeks/months.  We will replay it on “highlight reels” for years to come. Yet we can hardly mention God’s name and acknowledge His importance in our lives…much less give Him even a portion of the praise and recognition that He so richly deserves.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a good football game…or with celebrating a great play.  These happy moments are blessings from God just as much as any other.  But we need to take inventory of our priorities and make sure that God is at the forefront…that in our jubilation over things of this world, we don’t neglect our gratitude for Him.
Sometimes only the length of an outstretched arm separates us from a tackle by the devil…and the grip of God’s grace.  Won’t you thank God today for giving you that last burst of energy to sprint toward the “end zone” and the safety of His love and care?  Isn’t it time to celebrate our victory in Jesus Christ?  Will this be the day that you begin?
©2014 Debbie Robus

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