Daily Devotional for November 3, 2014

1 Corinthians 15:10
But whatever I am now it is all because God poured out such kindness and grace upon me—and not without results: for I have worked harder than all the other apostles, yet actually I wasn’t doing it, but God working in me, to bless me.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Rise and shine
 And give God the glory, glory
 Rise and shine
 And give God the glory, glory
 Rise and shine
 And give God the glory, glory
 Children of the Lord

Do you remember this song we sang as kids?  It starts off…”The lord said to Noah: there's gonna be a floody, floody” - and “Rise and shine” is the chorus of this little song that has been around for decades.  I was unable to find its origin, although there are derivations of it sung as “spirituals” that may be centuries old.  But the theme seems to originate from Isaiah 60:1, which says, “Arise, my people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you.”
My Mam-ma Polly was a notoriously early riser.  She could accomplish more before 9:00 a.m. than most people get done in a day or more!  And a common question that she asked me a zillion times, it seems, was…”What have you done today?” Often, this was asked as I had my first or second cup of coffee - while still wearing my pajamas! She was not necessarily asking to make a point…I think she just assumed that the whole world “got up and at ‘em” like she did!  To be perfectly honest…my idea of “rise and shine” occurs somewhere later in the morning!
The thing is…while I marveled at all that my grandmother was able to accomplish each day, she brushed it off as “business as usual”…merely “all in a day’s work”.  In other word, her deeds were nothing special or extraordinary – certainly nothing that she would brag about!  My grandmother did not seek the praise of others for what she had done – especially if it involved helping someone else!  She was grateful for the energy and ability to do these things – and she knew WHO gave her the strength and power to accomplish them.
Did my grandmother work harder than most people?  Perhaps.  But she didn’t see it that way.  My grandmother was not the richest woman in the world, but her needs were always met.  She worked at more than one job out of necessity to pay her bills…but she gave of her time and talents out of the abundance of her heart and a spirit of gratitude for God’s blessings.  There was always room for one more at her table – even when it appeared there was only enough food for her own plate. She always had a clean spare bed if someone needed a place to stay.  She was ready to take food to a sick or grieving family…or to pack a shoebox for a Christmas mission project at her church.  She shared flowers from her yard and her creative talents to decorate for parties and church functions. She sewed perfectly tailored garments and created amazing quits – totally by hand – and she shared many of these with others.
I will admit…my grandmother had talents and creativity in spades.  But we all do in our own way…because God is “at the wheel”.  You may not be able to cook a meal or grow a flower – much less arrange the cuttings beautiful in a vase or create a hand-sewn quilt.  But God has plans to use you in some way…to bless you with “talents” and abilities that no one else has…to work through you to reach others in a way that nobody else ever could.  OUR JOB is to open our hearts and minds to the endless possibilities…to look at the needs that surround us and “RISE AND SHINE” to meet them under God’s power…then “give God the glory” for what He can do with us.
If we would wake up every morning and say, “Here I am LORD…what would You like for me to do today?”…our lives would be so very different.  I’m not suggesting that you start walking around telling everyone that you are something special…or that you are the hardest working disciple for Christ.  But I am suggesting that you open your heart and mind to the possibilities with God…and that you work hard every single day to give Him your best - whether anyone else recognizes it or not.  Operate from a place of incredible gratitude…as if you cannot possibly do enough to thank God for all that He has done for you…and see what happens! 
“Rise and shine…and give God the glory!”  If you are a child of the LORD…it’s time to act like it!
©2014 Debbie Robus

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