Daily Devotional for September 14, 2010

1 Timothy 5:2
…and treat older women as you would your own mother. Show the same respect to younger women that you would to your sister.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I was in a local place of business several years ago, and an elderly lady was at the service counter ahead of me. I knew this little lady. She was a faithful member of another church in my community … and a true servant to many. She was always caring for others and her family, and she was an extraordinary prayer warriors. The man at the counter who was assisting this lady was treating her as if she was an idiot. He was condescending, and downright rude. This poor little lady was probably having trouble hearing him and understanding his instructions … and I’m sure he had a lot of challenging customers. But this was no excuse. I was heartsick to see this happening.

While directed toward women, this scripture passage is really about how we treat people in general. Elderly people can certainly challenge our patience. And let’s be honest, some of us don’t treat our own mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and acquaintances all that respectfully at times. I know it’s hard. I know other people can sometimes test us and cause us to want to lose our tempers. But I also know that we often forget that the very people who upset us are those who have loved us through thick and thin, supported our endeavors and prayed for our well-being. I know that those who frustrate us are God’s children, and only He knows what is truly in their heart – and why they act as they do.

If you have ever been on the receiving end of disrespect, rudeness, ungratefulness, or even abuse and hatred, you know how bad it feels. These are not the stock in trade of Jesus Christ, and they have no place in our “repertoire” either! Again, we must set aside our own selfish feelings and ask ourselves, “How would Jesus treat this person?” This is hard to do sometimes, but nobody ever said being a disciple of Christ was easy. And compared to what He did for us on the cross, this truly is small potatoes. Treating others with respect and kindness should be a no-brainer, but the devil is doing all he can to see that we struggle with this. Who will win the battle? Don’t give Satan a second of satisfaction! Take the high road … honor your life in Christ, and treat others as well as He would.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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