Daily Devotional for March 2, 2011

Mark 8:11-13
The Pharisees came out and started an argument with Jesus. They wanted to test him by asking for a sign from heaven. Jesus groaned and said, "Why are you always looking for a sign? I can promise you that you will not be given one!" Then he left them. He again got into a boat and crossed over to the other side of the lake.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Most of us have probably heard of “Bill Engvall” – a comedian who gained popularity as part of Jeff Foxworthy’s Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Bill’s claim to fame is the phrase, “Here’s your sign!” His point is that people often say and do stupid things – or ask stupid questions that have obvious answers – and he says to them, “Here’s your sign.” For instance, he said he and his wife had all of their belongings packed in boxes on the driveway and were loading them into a U-haul, and a neighbor came over and asked, “Hey, you moving?” Engvall said he replied, “Nope! We just pack up all our stuff every few weeks to see how many boxes it takes! Here’s your sign!” (The sign says, “I’m stupid!”)

Now, let’s face it, we do need signs to tell us when to stop at an intersection… the speed limit… where to exit the highway, and more. But we don’t often need a sign to tell us when someone is being ridiculous. We do need a sign to tell us when stormy weather is headed our way… but we don’t need a sign to tell us the weather will be nice when the sun is shining.

We may need a sign to tell us when we are headed in the right direction as we choose a career, a mate, a residence, or even a new car. We may look for signs that our health is improving or declining… and make decisions accordingly. But when it comes to our faith in God, so many of us are wasting a lot of time and energy looking for a “sign” where none is needed. “Lord, just give me a sign! Lord, if this is right, make such-and-such happen, and I’ll know.”

I’m not saying that things won’t ever happen that you can take as a sign from God you are on the right track. But if you sit around waiting for Him to rain down smoke, fire and magic tricks to bolster your confidence, you need to re-examine your relationship and get reacquainted with the Heavenly Father and how He operates! The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus. They made fun of Him and wanted Him to prove Himself at every turn.

We are so often modern-day Pharisees. But we have an opportunity to do better. We can change and operate completely in faith and the promises of our Heavenly Father. We can accept any “signs” that might come our way… but only as an afterthought or affirmation of what we already know… that God is powerful and mighty to save. He is in the daily business of performing miracles, rescues, and doling out blessings to His children.

We don’t want a sign that says “I’m stupid.” We don’t need a sign from our Heavenly Father that says “I’m God and I can do anything.” We already have our “sign” … the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ told us everything we ever need to know. Now it’s time for us to act like we believe this – to walk daily in the confidence of God’s promises. I’m in – are you?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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