Daily Devotional for January 14, 2012

Acts 2:22-26
Now, listen to what I have to say about Jesus from Nazareth. God proved that he sent Jesus to you by having him work miracles, wonders, and signs. All of you know this. God had already planned and decided that Jesus would be handed over to you. So you took him and had evil men put him to death on a cross. But God set him free from death and raised him to life. Death could not hold him in its power. What David said are really the words of Jesus…

"I always see the Lord near me, and I will not be afraid with him at my right side. Because of this, my heart will be glad, my words will be joyful, and I will live in hope.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The other day, someone said to me, “Timothy must have gone home… you haven’t mentioned him as much lately in your devotionals.” Indeed, Timothy did go back to live with his mother in early December. But not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. A flip through the TV guide reminds me of NickJr. and the shows he loves on that channel. The pre-game warm-up music at the high school basketball game reminds me of how much he loves to dance. His toys, books, crib and stuffed animals make me think of how much he loves to play.

When we talk on the telephone, and I hear his happy little voice, I am filled with joy at how he is the same carefree child - whether he is at our house or his own some six-plus hours away… and my heart is glad. I know that I will see him again, and I truly do carry him in my heart in the meantime.

More importantly, I carry Jesus in my heart. He fills me with joy and gives me hope in all situations. And the more I learn to recognize His presence at my right side, the more I operate in joy and faith… and less in fear and negativity. I like to think that, because of Jesus and His power and presence, there is plenty of room in my heart for Timothy and so many others I love dearly. Because I acknowledge Jesus’ supreme existence and authority in my life, He has filled me with a sense of gratitude and joy for all of His gifts… including family and friends who help give my life a purpose. Because of Jesus, I can find joy even in the challenges of life, like missing a loved one who has gone to heaven – or a precious two-year-old little boy who has moved several hours away.

How important is your relationship with Jesus? Is He your daily Companion… always at your right side? Does He make your heart glad… your words joyful? Do you live in His hope? I will tell you that this is not an instantaneous thing. You can’t just magically snap your fingers and feel completely at peace and fulfilled in Jesus. It takes time… and work. You have to get to know Him… to study His word… to read about the promises and miracles of Jesus… and to trust them. You have to spend time in His presence and truly get comfortable and familiar with Him… and to build your faith. But the end result is so worth the effort.

I pray that today you will begin taking steps to grow closer to Jesus… to know Him in a way that brings hope and encouragement to everything about your life. I pray that you would know Him in such a profound way that your heart is glad, no matter what… your words are joyful… and He truly does expand your heart to encompass all that He wants to bring your way. Who stands at your right side these days?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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