Daily Devotional for January 8, 2012

Psalm 148:1-4
Shout praises to the LORD! Shout the LORD's praises in the highest heavens. All of you angels, and all who serve him above, come and offer praise. Sun and moon, and all of you bright stars, come and offer praise. Highest heavens, and the water above the highest heavens, come and offer praise.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

One year ago this day, my cousin J.D. and a woman named Angie were married. While all wedding anniversaries are milestones, what makes this one particularly worthy of mention lies in the story of how these two were brought together in the first place… and how God works in our lives each and every day. On his website at www.kingdomcallministries.org, J.D. tells his story… how he became consumed with both using and dealing drugs as a teenager… how he was in and out of rehabs and jails – and ultimately he was incarcerated in prison for more than three years. True to his nature and the pull of the devil on his heart, J.D. was rebellious and uncooperative, and he became a frequent visitor to “The Hole” – also known as solitary confinement.

J.D. writes that… “Being sent to prison relegates you to a low class. Being sent to a prison within in a prison places one in the top ranks of the biggest losers… that is where I was. Most, I’m sure, had given up on me ever becoming a productive human being. My life was a mess, my brain was shot, and my situation was hopeless.” J.D. got some of it right… a few people did give up on him. But others did not. We prayed, we encouraged… and God kept working. And one day while sitting alone in “The Hole,” J.D. had a visit from Jesus that totally transformed his life.

After his release from prison in 2007, J.D. returned home and found a job – and a church home. He grew in his faith and found that God was calling Him to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others… to be a living testament to His ability to make a way where none seems possible. It wasn’t easy… and Satan would not go away. In 2009, J.D. awoke in a hospital with virtually every bone in his face broken, and his jaws wired shut. He had been involved in a horrible logging accident where a pine tree fell directly onto his face. In his words…“Satan had tried to take me out with that pine tree and had come awfully close to succeeding.”

But J.D. recovered fully from his injuries, and he began to share the word of God wherever a church would invite him to speak. He spent his days immersed in prayer and studying God’s word. He trusted God to provide for his needs via “love offerings” and a small business he managed selling chainsaws and parts online. And one evening as he stopped to attend a tent revival near Romance, Arkansas, he greeted the evangelist and his assistant – a woman named Angie, who would soon become his wife.

In the past year, J.D. and Angie have begun their own ministry and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others in churches and via tent revivals from Arkansas to Indiana. The young man who was hopeless and helpless is now using his own story of rescue and redemption to offer the hope and promise of a life in Christ to others. And at every turn, he and Angie are praising God for His faithfulness… and encouraging others to do the same.

J.D. and I have laughed and agreed that the God who can fix him can fix anybody! But really, this is no laughing matter… it’s the plain and simple truth. I don’t know what you are facing. I don’t know your challenges… your concerns… your needs and fears. But I know that God can accomplish ANYTHING. So I am asking you to hang on… to keep the faith… to never give up… and to always… ALWAYS, give Him the praise He so richly deserves. To God be the glory for rescuing J.D. and uniting Him with Angie. To God be the glory for the miraculous and wonderful things He is doing – and will continue – in each of our lives. Won’t you come and offer Him YOUR praise today?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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