Daily Devotional for August 14, 2012

Proverbs 21:23
Watch your words and hold your tongue; you'll save yourself a lot of grief.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Have you ever written an e-mail and hit the “send” button prematurely? Maybe you were in mid-sentence. Or you said something you shouldn’t because you didn’t edit first. Or maybe you sent the e-mail message to the wrong person(s). There is plenty of room for error with e-mail, if we are not careful.

There is also plenty of room for error with our spoken words. If we don’t stop and think about what we are going to say, things are spoken that shouldn’t be. We offer opinions that should be kept private… we say hurtful things… we judge and are judged for our comments. And I am guilty as the next person. My mouth engages before my brain does, and sometimes I have to deal with the grief over what has been said.

I have asked God to help me handle this. And lately, I’ve caught myself starting to write something in an e-mail message that I shouldn’t, and I’ve edited. I have opened my mouth to say something and realized that the comment would be better left unspoken. When I write a note to someone, I’ve begun to put it down in “Notepad” first, and I read it over a few times to make sure it says the right things in the right way.

God wants us to carefully edit before speaking, writing or acting. All it takes is a couple of minutes, a deep breath, or a “count to ten”…and a chance to utter a little prayer for guidance. With practice, you will get better at this. I find that I catch myself a little more often these days. I hear God saying, “You don’t really want to go there.” I take a moment to stop and think about my words or actions… and I’m often quite relieved that I did.

We are all going to say and do things we shouldn’t from time to time. But we have a greater chance of reducing the frequency of this when we stay in close communion with God. We must ask Him to help us check our language and actions – to engage our brain beforehand rather than afterward. And when we do make a mistake, we should ask God to help us do all we can to quickly and wisely make amends. Let Him help you edit before you hit the “send” button. Allow God to help you watch your words and hold your tongue…you’ll be glad you did!

©2012 Debbie Robus

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