Daily Devotional for February 23, 2014

James 1:27
Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
Several years ago, a friend shared an audiobook with me… So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore: An Unexpected Journey, by Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman.  This is the fictional story of a disillusioned pastor named Jake who has several encounters with a stranger who strongly resembles the mannerisms of the apostle John.  A review of this book on Amazon.com says in part…” Facing his own disappointment with Christianity, Jake must forsake the habits that have made his faith rote and rediscover the love that captured his heart when he first believed.”
Critics have claimed that this book just fuels the fire for bashing “institutional church”, which one person described as a place where “church members are hopelessly ignorant, able to recite chapter and verse but knowing nothing of the heart of Scripture.”  In one chapter, “Pastor Jake” is reminded of his childhood and “competitions” to learn Bible verses and earn “Gold Stars”…and the pressure and guilt he felt when he didn’t perform well in this endeavor.  This really struck a chord with me.
When I was a child, my church held an annual fundraiser for overseas missions.  A big map was hung above the choir loft, and every time someone donated a certain amount of money to this mission fund, a red bulb was lit on this map.  I so wanted my family to be able to light one of those bulbs.  But coming from a household of five whose budget was limited, this never happened.  And somewhere in my subconscious, I think I felt less valuable as a Christian witness - not because my family could not afford to contribute - but because we somehow didn’t fit in with those who did.  Now understand, a LOT of families in our church never gave enough to light a bulb…and this truly had nothing to do with how well we served others in God’s name. Plain and simple, it was a “religious” competition…”hot air” that truly was not about overseas missions as much as creating an image of “group participation”.  In actuality, this only divided the “haves” from the “have-nots” – even within the church body.
To this day, I feel a tad uneasy when I receive solicitations in the mail for legitimate donations… St. Jude’s Hospital, the American Cancer Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Arkansas Children’s Hospital – even my own church and its ministries.  How does one choose?  Where does one draw the line?  Are you a “bad Christian” if you donate to one cause and not another?  If you are serving and giving to the best of your ability - yet you continue to be asked by church leaders and charitable organizations to give more - does this mean you are not serving God well…or doing enough?  Is serving God about getting the “Gold Star”…or are we serving out of a heart for the “homeless and loveless” in the world?  Are we giving our money, time and talent to make a name for ourselves and soothe our conscience (or shush those who berate us)…or are we earnestly seeking God’s will for our lives and ministering to others according to His will?
It matters greatly how we answer these questions.  I firmly believe that God will provide for every need when we seek His will and act accordingly.  If God leads us to give money or donate to a mission fund or charity, we should certainly do so.  If God says, “Use your time and talents in this manner for my glory,” we should get up and get going!  If God presents us with people and circumstances for which our own life experiences give us firsthand knowledge - and the ability to comfort and encourage - we should step up and out and do exactly that!
Hear me on this…God doesn’t care if you never light a bulb on a map to raise funds for missions – or earn a badge or pin for attending a certain number of Bible studies - or learning x number of scripture verses.  God really could care less if we are “religious”!  What matters to God is that we eagerly seek His will for our lives…that we ask Him how, when and where to share the love and Good News of Jesus Christ with others…and that we spend every waking minute honoring Him with our faith and obedience.
I have to tell you, I’m a little tired of divisive tactics and “religious” people who want to make others look or feel badly because they are not doing enough…aren’t giving enough…aren’t high-profile enough in their ministry efforts and Christian witness.  God doesn’t want a show…He wants believers who have a true heart for Him and want to share His love with others.  The only “medal” or recognition we should be seeking is the words…“Well done, My good and faithful servant,” when we stand before the LORD on Judgment Day. Our focus should be on loving others and meeting their needs in Jesus’ name – each and every day…and letting God have the glory and recognition.
Where do you fit in this picture?  Are you working hard to earn an earthly medal?  Is your “religious” appearance nothing more than a “hot-air” performance?  Are you genuinely God’s faithful servant?  Are your ministries sincere, compassionate, heartfelt and God-sanctioned?  Isn’t it time they were?
©2014 Debbie Robus

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