Daily Devotional for February 24, 2014

1 Timothy 1:19-20
Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked. Hymenaeus and Alexander are two examples. I threw them out and handed them over to Satan so they might learn not to blaspheme God.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I watched a documentary on NBC about Olympic figure skaters Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding.  You may know the story of these two women who were rising stars in the figure skating world… both poised to win Olympic medals in 1994 at Lillehammer, Norway.  Kerrigan was attacked after a practice one day and hit in the knee with a metal bar.  Harding would later be implicated in a convoluted – and poorly executed – scheme to injure Kerrigan so that she could not contend for Olympic gold…thus, freeing the way for Harding to win the medal.  As Kerrigan lay in the hallway, crippled from the attack, she cried out, “Why?!  Why, me?!”  Some have made fun of her and criticized her as a “whiner,” while others maintain that she was in excruciating pain and offered a legitimate reaction.

Pastor Joel Osteen recently preached a sermon titled, “All is Well.”  He encouraged listeners to focus on repeating this phrase – and truly believing these words…regardless of what is happening in our lives.  He maintained that with God at the helm, all truly is well…all the time.  These are encouraging words.  This is an incredibly hopeful thought…and one that represents “perfect timing” for many people I know who are experiencing a “season” of difficulty and challenge.  The fact is that this is a timely thought for many people on any given day.  If we truly do rely on God to meet our needs…if we honestly believe that He will make a way where none seems possible…then certainly “all is well”.

Given this thought to ponder, we look at Paul’s words to Timothy – in particular, verse 20 when he says that he threw out Hymenaeus and Alexander (two pastors) and “handed them over to Satan”.  What does this mean?  How can this be?  I went in search of explanation and discovered an insightful online sermon by Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.  If you have time and really want to dig into this message, go to
 http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/54-9 and read/listen to what he says.  He cites numerous scripture passages to solidify his view…including instances in the Old and New Testament where a believer was handed over to Satan…for “refining”…for “proving the validity of their faith”…and “for greater effectiveness”.  But in all situations, the purpose was not to literally give these people to the devil…but ultimately, to bring glory to God - and a deepening of their relationship with Him.

So what does this mean for us as Christians?  Stop and think about your life and the lives of others.  Do you know someone who just can’t seem to catch a break?  I’m talking about a faith-filled Christian who seems to experience one challenge after another for a period of time…physical illness and/or injury, the loss of loved ones, perhaps a job loss or difficulties at school – or some problem in their home life.  Perhaps you or someone you know have gotten to the point where you wake up in the morning and ask, “What else can possibly go wrong?”

Here’s the thing…even Jesus was delivered to Satan…but He was not defeated by him.  God’s hand of protection never left Jesus…and He won’t leave us, either. We may go through some truly rough, heartbreaking, painful times in our lives…but God will still meet our needs…and ultimately, “all is well”.  As faith-filled Christians, this is the message we must internalize…and the hope and encouragement that we must offer others.

Our job is to operate with compassion and empathy…to honestly offer sympathy to others who seem to be in the pit of despair and desperation.  But at the same time, we must offer them hope.  We must assure them that God will not leave them in this pit…even if He allows them to visit for a while.  We must demonstrate confidence and faith in our own lives when things appear to be impossible…and we must use our own bleak “seasons” as tools to encourage others who are troubled.  We must pray fervently for God to work in us and those to whom we minister, so that the results He desires are manifested…and His power and everlasting care are glorified.

God will not hand us over to Satan “lock, stock and barrel”…but He will do whatever it takes to refine us and make us the most faithful, hopeful, and effective Disciples we can possibly become. We must look at the challenges before us - and those presented to others - as opportunities to stretch and grow in our faith and ministry.  We must be ready to learn from them…and to trust God for the outcomes.  And all the while, we must demonstrate that…“All is well”.

Has God handed you over to the devil for a season?  If so, are you remaining steadfast in your faith?  Are you growing in your reliance on God’s wisdom, power, and love?  Are you encouraging others and offering them compassion and empathy…even as they seem to fall into a pit of despair and the tricks and battering of Satan’s attempts to wear them down and reclaim them?  Will this be the day that you look up and grab God’s hand and say, “Whatever You throw at me, I will not let go.  All is well!  All is well!”?  Don’t you think it’s time you did?

©2014 Debbie Robus

Click on 2.23.2014 #607  "All is Well"


Anonymous said...

All is well is for ppl whose life ain't fallin a part. I truly believe a God of peace,grace knows when 2 lay off.. My only prayer is that my bad season don't take my family down with me but I don't think can be helped.I enjoyed ur blog&thoughts.

Debbie Robus said...

"Anonymous"...I pray that you will seek God even as your life is falling apart...that you will know that He has not deserted you...and that you will believe that He can truly make a way where none seems possible.

I wish I were personally able to convey to you how God has met my needs when everything seemed to be falling apart around me... and yes, others seemed to be involved. Many appeared to be "circling the drain" together. But God was still at work...still meeting needs behind the scene...and in the end, HE made the difference.

When we are able to fully fall into the arms of God and rest in the confidence that He is caring for us, all can truly be well, no matter what is happening on the surface. This is my prayer for you and your family.

May God's love and care cover each of you today and give you peace and hope.