Daily Devotional for October 6, 2014

Luke 10:8-9
If the people of a town welcome you, eat whatever they offer. Heal their sick and say, “God’s kingdom will soon be here!”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few years ago, our high school football team traveled quite a distance for a playoff game at the end of the season.  The opponent welcomed them, treated them graciously, and even provided team members and the coaching staff with “sack lunches” for the long bus ride home after the game. They may have provided the same for others, but I only heard about the team and its staff being fed.  We were in “enemy territory”...but those folks treated our people with warmth and hospitality.  I have no doubt they would have “healed our sick” if we had any!

Okay, so I’m being a little silly...but the point is that we are not to discriminate.  God didn’t send Jesus to die for our sins so that we could serve Him selectively.  We don’t get to say...”I don’t like his politics” or “I disapprove of her lifestyle” or even “Those people are the enemy” and decide that any other person is not worthy of our ministry or our message.  Since we are not necessarily traveling into the villages of strangers, as were the Disciples of Jesus’ day...we are to be welcoming of those who come into our circle of influence. And when we are approached by others, we are to be cordial and kind...to embrace them where they are – differences and all – and love them in Jesus’ name.

I don’t remember the outcome of that playoff game.  I don’t even remember for sure the city to which our team traveled.  But I do remember their kindness...and I still hear people talk about their gracious hospitality from time to time.  Now that’s impact!  The question is...are we living in such a way that others talk about us like this? 

Is our treatment of those we encounter - and our reaction and response to them – a reflection of the teachings of Jesus? Are we gracious, merciful, loving, compassionate, and accepting of the people we encounter to the point that they walk away saying...”I want what he/she has!”?  Do we truly represent Jesus to others in a way that makes them want to sign on as His disciple?  Is’t it time we did?

©2014 Debbie Robus

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