Daily Devotional for August 20, 2015

Leviticus 19:18
Stop being angry and don’t try to take revenge. I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Do you know someone who is so angry with another person that he/she cannot be in the same room with them?  I am sad to say that I do. I know people who can barely be civil to each other and speak a few words - much less share space.  I also know people who are so bitter and angry that they have sought ways to harm another person – mentally and emotionally, if not physically.  The energy and emotion expended by these folks is exhausting – and sad.  And I believe that this breaks God’s heart.

I count myself blessed to say that I have never been one to hold a grudge – at least not for very long.  I have people with whom I have established mental and physical boundaries.  There are a few folks with whom I have little contact, because it’s just better that way for both of us.  There are certain situations and events that I avoid, because I know that they will either offer the opportunity for conflict – or there is a potential for discussions and actions that might upset me.  But I do not avoid such people or situations out of judgment or disdain - and certainly not out of anger.

God has shown me how to handle potentially upsetting and unpleasant people and situations.  Once in a while, such an encounter will be inevitable.  But I have asked Him to guide me…to keep me calm and collected…and to shield me from any lasting feelings of ill will or displeasure.  I have asked God to give me a heart for forgiveness and compassion toward others…even those who “rub me the wrong way” in some manner.  And while I am a work in progress, I can say that He has generously granted me great peace in this area.

Conflicts and difficult folks are an inevitable part of life.  But God wants us to allow Him to handle these people and situations.  He wants us to focus on loving all people – at all times.  He wants us to offer others kindness…to share a smile and a loving attitude - even when we feel that the person doesn’t deserve it!  I get that this is sometimes hard to accomplish…I truly do.  But I can assure you that when you surrender these feelings to God and allow Him to handle things, you will experience inexplicable peace and calm.  This may not happen instantly, but God will soothe and settle you.

Don’t try to take matters into your own hands…and don’t let anger and resentments fester.  Spend some time in prayer and meditation, and ask God to show you how to control your feelings…and to surround you with peace and calm as you surrender these people and situations to Him.  Ask God to fill your heart with love and compassion…and let Him handle the rest.  He will do this…are you ready to let Him?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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