August 1 ~ Ephesians 4:31-32
Make a clean break with all
cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another,
sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in
Christ forgave you.
quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002
by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs,
CO. All rights reserved.
Is there anyone on the planet
who hasn’t heard about the senseless slaughter of Cecil the lion? I
think even the most avid hunter can agree that this was reprehensible
conduct. Judging from the reports by news media, it seems that a lot of
us have taken this slaying pretty personally! Some seem ready for more
blood…this time, that of the lion’s killer!
If this Minnesota
dentist were to humbly and genuinely admit that he made a grave
mistake…and beg forgiveness…would you be willing to offer it? Before you
answer, consider this…1) regardless of how heinous this act was, it was
not directly committed toward you; and 2) scripture tells us to forgive
“as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you!” Now let me
ask you again…could you forgive this man? Could you stop calling him
names and stand in his presence without wanting to wring his neck?
this beautiful animal did not deserve to die. Any way you slice it,
what was done to him was disgusting and horrific. But what we do to
Jesus every day resulted in his torture and death on a cross…and yet He
readily forgives us when we humbly repent. We cannot even begin to
comprehend what Jesus endured because of our sins…from those that seem
petty and small to ones we consider to be huge. We directly impacted
His life with our transgressions. He has every right to turn His back
on us…call us every name in the book…and treat us terribly.
Jesus offers us kindness, compassion, grace, mercy, forgiveness…and the
promise of a mansion in Paradise when our earthly life is done. When
you consider all of this and how He forgives us…how can we possibly
continue to operate in unforgiveness toward anyone else…even someone who
maliciously murders innocent animals? How can we fail to forgive the
person who speaks ill of us…whether we get an apology or not? How can
we continue to hold a grudge toward the person who betrayed us in some
way…cheated us in business or life in general…or told lies about us?
How can we be unkind and mean-spirited toward those who are rude and
ugly toward us…knowing that Jesus would never do this?
We are
looking at what is truly a “What would Jesus do?” scripture passage…and
one that is tough for many of us to put into practice. For that, Jesus
also stands ready to forgive us. Who do you need to forgive today?
Where to you need to shift your attitude and operate in a spirit of
grace and mercy…recognizing that this is what Jesus does for you each
and every day? Will you ask God to help you “make a clean break with
all cutting, backbiting and profane talk” and become more sensitive and
We cannot bring back this magnificent lion…but we can
act in a manner that shows his killer the love and forgiveness of
Jesus. Are you ready to “step up your discipleship” and demonstrate
Christ’s teachings to ALL people? Will this be the day that you begin?
©2015 Debbie Robus
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