Daily Devotional for July 2, 2012

James 1:12
God will bless you, if you don’t give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I sat behind a friend of ours at church yesterday and watched her play with a six-month-old baby she and her family are fostering. I thought about our little nephew, Timothy, and how fun he was at that age… and how sad we were when he moved away with his family. As I watched this baby cling to my friend’s neck while she cuddled him, I could see her efforts to infuse him with as much love as possible. I prayed that she would savor every minute she spends with him – and trust God to multiply the effects of her nurture – and that of other family members.

When you stop and think about the ministry of foster families, remember that most of these situations are temporary. Thank God for the loving families who are willing to welcome children who have no other options into their homes. But also ask Him to comfort these families when the children leave. I can assure you, these families will become attached to the children they nurture. And when they leave, the families will experience sadness – even if this represents a positive step for the child.

My prayer is that these families trust God to give them strength and courage to handle this role – and a glorious life because of it. As their faith is tested - and it surely will be - I pray that He blesses them with confidence and wisdom… and that they savor every minute that God grants them. I pray that they stay awake and alert… and recognize the hand of God at every turn.

My daily quote for today was this joke: “A Sunday school teacher asked her little students as they were on the way to a church service, ‘And why should we be quiet in church?’ A little girl replied, ‘Because people are sleeping.’” This would describe many of us. We are “asleep” to the promises and blessings of God. We don’t recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit and how He is caring for us in even the most difficult circumstances. And as a result, we fail to realize the fullness of a glorious life in Christ. We focus on the test of our faith. We are asleep to the possibilities for God to bless us – especially in times of extreme challenge.

I used the example of foster families today because I am surrounded by friends who are currently opening their hearts and homes to these innocent children. The challenges, pain and heartache that comes with being a foster family is fresh on my mind. But many of us are facing all sorts of “faith tests” – illness, financial difficulties, relationship issues, the challenges of aging… even a need for rain and drought relief. If we can learn to stay awake to the promises and possibilities of God… if we can recognize the Holy Spirit’s presence and trust Him to meet our daily needs… we can live a glorious life each and every day - with the hope of even more to come!

I recently told a friend, “Hang on… keep believing. I don’t know how God is going to work in this… I just know He will.” This is my message to you today. Whatever you are experiencing… however your faith is being tested… stay strong. Believe that God will see you through this. Acknowledge the blessings in your life today… because there are blessings! Live with the confidence of having the Holy Spirit with you at all times… and the promise of something even more glorious yet to come. God is with you. Wake up – and live faithfully!

©2012 Debbie Robus

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