Daily Devotional for July 22, 2012

Luke 6:26-30
"There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular.

"To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person. If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The glass-topped coffee table on our back porch holds a potted begonia, some wrought-iron candleholders, and a decorative bird house. This house is presently the home of a rather ugly-looking, spotted Great Plains Toad, who I have named Frodo. Most of the day, Frodo sits in the birdhouse, draping his head out of the hole. At night, he often attaches himself to one of our windows and feasts on bugs drawn to the lamplight there.

I’ve kinda grown attached to Frodo. He’s cute, in an ugly sort of way. But I did my homework… he is also poisonous! Behind his eyes are glands that secrete a protective (to him) milky solution that could be toxic to dogs or cats who might find him fun to pursue. This substance can even cause some serious harm to a human, if one were to handle the frog and not wash your hands thoroughly afterward. My research indicates that Frodo may have come to this abode because his regular haunt – warm, damp ground in which to burrow – is not available right now. Ditto for his traditional fare of grubs, which he digs from the moist earth! So I will be kind to Frodo and allow him to stay in the birdhouse. I will “live generously” where he is concerned. But I will also see him for the potential scoundrel that he is… I’m aware of his truth!

There is a lesson here for all of us in our daily living. There are “scoundrels” among us… people who are a bit of a chameleon at best… changing with the wind or whatever best suits their desires at the moment. And while I don’t like to think I have any actual “enemies,” I know that there are people who only want what they feel I can give them… those who are nice enough to me when necessary but don’t actually give a hoot about my feelings or wellbeing. I recognize these people (most of the time)… and I hope I treat them generously in spite of their behavior - because God calls me to do so. I urge you to do the same.

I also ask that we would never be the scoundrel… that we would not treat others in a dishonest or disrespectful way or use them to get ahead or for our own benefit. I pray that we would operate in honesty and truth… love and genuine big-heartedness. God is calling us to be the real deal… to be sincere and authentic with others… but also to be charitable – even when we are being treated anything but kindly. It’s a tall order… but as we have discussed many times, we Christians were never promised “easy!”

I’m going to continue to allow Frodo to inhabit our birdhouse… but I won’t be doing anything to antagonize him! As for the “scoundrels” I encounter in life, I pray that I will have the wisdom to recognize them, the strength and courage to handle whatever they deliver, and the ability to treat them generously. In doing this, I hope that God will allow my best to shine through for Him. What about you?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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