Daily Devotional for May 15, 2013

May 15 ~ Ecclesiastes 8:11
Because the sentence against evil deeds is so long in coming, people in general think they can get by with murder.
Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
When children are little, their parents tell them not to run into the street… to come back when they call to them…to answer them right away when they speak.  And if they don’t, there are consequences.  But generally, the parents cut the child a little slack, allowing for them to grow and learn.  As children turn into teenagers and do not return phone calls or texts… do not pay attention to what is said… and do not follow certain rules, there are stiffer consequences.  Still, it may seem the kids are “getting away with murder.”
When these teens leave home, become adults, and do not pay bills on time and/or answer creditor’s calls…when they do not show up for work and do a good job… when they don’t pay the rent and handle their responsibilities – or they break the law – the consequences are harsher.  There comes a day when Mom and Dad can no longer make things okay in every situation… where there is no way to avoid the reality of owning up to misdeeds, irresponsibility, and the outright defiance of authority.
It’s no different for Christians.  Too many of us coast along thinking we can play at our faith… that no matter what we do, God will still love us.  We will still go to heaven, so it’s all good!  But I’m here to tell you… God will only be patient with us so long.  Just as patience runs out on the part of parents, friends and those in authority who have been disobeyed and/or disrespected… God’s patience will run out!  He will become disgusted with our dishonor – and often our outright abuse of Him and His blessings.  And we will not be allowed to continue in this manner forever without consequences.
Does this mean that God will directly punish us for our mistreatment of Him and others?  I believe it’s more of an “allowance” by God for some of the bad things that can happen.  God is plenty capable of practicing “tough love.”  He doesn’t want us to lose our home, car and belongings because we don’t make our payments.  He doesn’t want to see children taken from families because the parents cannot properly care for them.  God does not enjoy seeing someone behave in such a way that they lose their job or their health… family relationships and friendships.  But sometimes, in order to get our attention, He has to allow these things to happen!  When we push His patience too far…God will step in and take action!  While we may escape an outright “punishment” from God…He most surely will withhold blessings that would have otherwise been bestowed upon us.  Either way, we lose.
We all have our limits.  Some of us will lie down and let others treat us like a doormat for a while longer than others.  But at some point, pretty much everyone says, “That’s enough!”  So why are we surprised that God would do the same?  It may seem like the other guy “gets away with murder,” but I assure you… a day of reckoning is coming – for him/her, and for us.  If you have tried God’s patience, at the very least your life will not have been filled with the joy and blessings that God had in store for you.  You will not fully realize all of the wonderful plans He had designed to shower upon your life.  And what will you have to say for yourself?
Have you tried God’s patience to the limit?  Isn’t it time you began to make the necessary changes… to show Him the honor and respect that He deserves?  Aren’t you ready to take responsibility for your actions and realize that the only way to truly be happy – in life in general, and in your Christian faith – is to do what God has asked of you… to be mature and accountable, reliable and trustworthy?
You may feel like God is giving others more than their share of second chances.  You may feel that the other guy gets all the breaks and doesn’t have to “pay” for them.  But I can assure you, nobody gets away with anything.  God is watching for those who live with honor, sensibility, consistency… and obedience.  At some point, He will act – one way or another!  Don’t live for God because you are scared not to… do it because you want to please the One who has done more for us than we could ever imagine… much less deserve!  God is so patient with each of us already.  Are you doing all you can to please Him and earn His patience?  Isn’t today a great day to begin?
©2013 Debbie Robus

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