Daily Devotional for July 17, 2013

James 3:17
But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Last night at our Vacation Bible School, my character had to “come clean” to the children and tell them that I had been lying for two nights.  I really do know Jesus, but I told them I’d only heard of him…because I was afraid if they knew the truth, they would not visit our marketplace and spend their dollars – much less like me and be my friend.  I had really talked poorly about the Apostle Paul, a visitor to Athens where “my” marketplace was located.  Now I confessed that everything I had said was a ruse… a selfish, insincere ploy on my part to “save my own hide” and keep my business afloat.  I asked the children to forgive me… and told them that I had already asked for – and received – forgiveness from Jesus.  So many people were being persecuted, I explained, because of their faith… and I was just unwilling to risk being one of them.  Thankfully, the children were sweet and forgiving.  Many said, “I KNEW IT!  I knew all along you believed!”  Others acted disappointed, but were gracious and showed me mercy nonetheless.
I am reading a book titled 1861, by Adam Goodheart, which details the events leading up to the beginning of the Civil War. I find it pretty sad to read the quotes of men in power who reference God and cite scripture, while voicing an unwillingness to yield to others or show mercy… men who “played favorites” all day long and considered only the opinions and feelings that were theirs.  A lot of that still goes on today… and it is every bit as unsettling.  There really is very little new "under the sun”! 
This is not to say that we are on the verge of a civil war. In fact, I pray that we are not!  But a lot of us have less than pure motives. We say that we hear from God and walk in His wisdom… then we operate on the “What’s in it for me?” theory in our daily living.  We would rather deny our faith in God than have someone judge us.  We go along with unkind talk, cruel and off-putting jokes and more... because we don’t want to be singled out.  We play favorites when it suits our desires… and it’s our way or the highway.  And if we are honest, we have to admit that there are at least moments when this creates a less than peaceful existence.
I have to tell you… even though I was role-playing last night at VBS, it felt good to tell the truth.  It even felt good to ask for mercy and forgiveness.  The make-believe “secret” between us created a divide…and left me feeling unsettled.  If you are a true child of God… or as I told the children last night – if Jesus truly lives in your heart and is your “Forever Friend”… you have to feel at least tinges of guilt and uneasiness when you operate in selfishness and insincerity.  It has to make you at least a little anxious to “play favorites” or go along with others when you know they are being unkind or dishonest.
Isn’t it time to “come clean” with Jesus?  Isn’t it time to operate in the purity of His wisdom and trust Him to see you through any and all reactions and repercussions?  Don’t you want the peace of knowing that you are pleasing God at every turn… and that He has your back?  What “secrets” do you need to divulge?  Are you ready for the gentle life of Christ’s love and peace?  Is this the day you begin to change?
©2013 Debbie Robus

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