James 1:3
You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
I didn’t die. I thought I might…but I didn’t. When a high school classmate chased me one day during lunch hour with what turn out to be a dead snake - and I fell to the ground while running and my dress flew over my head – I wanted to die of embarrassment. But I didn’t. When a principal badgered and bullied me during my first year of teaching, and there seemed to be no recourse, I thought I couldn’t handle it. But I did. When my father-in-law died… then my brother and my own dad left us within the span of 13 months…I thought with each passing that I could not bear the grief…that surely it would swallow me. And when Greg and I lost our first beloved pets, I was quite sure that I could not survive without them. But here I am.
During illnesses, surgeries and injuries when the doctor would say, “You cannot do XYZ for a certain length of time…you cannot put any weight on your foot for six weeks or more…you cannot drive until this heals…if you don’t regain your range of motion in the next few weeks, you will lose it forever”…we were, at best, frustrated. We had place to go…things to do…and certainly no time to be sick, crippled or incapacitated. When Greg and I grew frustrated and weary from maintaining two properties and hoping that our "farm" would sell, we prayed that God would either send us a buyer...or show us what we were supposed to do. The property sat on the market for so long that we contemplated selling our "city" home and moving back to the "farm."
But God always healed our hearts and our bodies...and a buyer for our "farm" property came along at just the right time. God answered each and every time we were tested. We survived every challenge, heartache, and frustration. And with each successive “test”, we grew stronger and more faithful.
Do we have it completely figured out? Are we “there” yet? Absolutely not! But I can see that each test has strengthened us. We can see God’s hand in our lives…and we recognize that we are where we are today because of Him. Without our faith, we would have folded a long, long time ago. And I suspect many of you would have, as well.
Let’s be clear…I do not relish the thought of future tests and trials. But I know they are inevitable. More importantly, I know that God will never leave me. He will never give me more than He can equip me to handle. I may feel like I am going to die… or that I would rather die! But I know that I won’t – until God is ready for me to come to Him in heaven. Meanwhile, I can use my “lessons” to encourage others. I can say to them… “I survived this…and you can, too.” I can offer hope, love, compassion and understanding. And in doing so, I can demonstrate God’s love and power…and give Him all the glory.
Whatever you are going through today…however rough and unbearable your life seems…no matter how excruciating the heartache may feel…God is with you. He will lift you up and cradle you in His arms and carry you through the toughest times. Several years ago, I began to mentally picture Jesus stretching out His arms toward me. In this image, I run to Him and snuggle against His chest in the silky-soft folds of His flowing white robe. Jesus wraps His arms around me, and I discharge a heavy sigh of relief. I am safe…I am at home…Jesus has me.
When you are tested, frustrated, grieved and heartbroken, picture yourself in the arms of Jesus. Let His strong - yet gentle - arms engulf you. Nuzzle against His chest and feel the steady rhythm of His breathing. And know that you are safe…that you will survive this…that all is well in the LORD. Share this with others who are experiencing similar difficulties (and we all know someone who is going through something!)…and let them know that all things are possible with God.
I didn’t die…and neither will you…because Someone watches over me and handles my tests and troubles. This is very good news, indeed…news we must share with others. How has your faith been strengthened by trials and challenges? Who needs to hear the “good news” of your “faith story” today?
©2014 Debbie Robus
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