Luke 9:46-48
They started arguing over which of them would be most famous. When Jesus realized how much this mattered to them, he brought a child to his side. “Whoever accepts this child as if the child were me, accepts me,” he said. “And whoever accepts me, accepts the One who sent me. You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”
Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.
I learn so much from Timothy, Zola and Nathan. And one of the biggest “examples” they have given me so far is tolerance and acceptance. They don’t see size, color, ethnicity, economics and more. Don’t get me wrong…they notice others. But they notice in a way that we adults usually don’t. More than once, Timothy has remarked about someone’s beauty or attractiveness…or told the person, “I like your hairstyle or clothing (or some other physical accessory or attribute).” They wave and greet total strangers when we are in public. They have huge “spirits” in little bodies.
Whether I am “dressed to the nines” or in my pajamas with “bed hair” and no makeup…these children have never said one critical or unkind word about my appearance. They notice that I am present in their lives. They don’t care what I look like in a bathing suit…as long as we are swimming. They readily accept all of the children in their classrooms and play circles. They do not recognize differences in physical talent and ability.
Many years ago, I lay in a hospital bed awaiting surgery the next morning. In the bed beside me was a woman who was awaiting the same surgery. From our conversation, I gathered that she was neither well-educated…or financially stable. And she was frightened, so we talked quite a bit to try and pass the time and ease her anxiety. Lying in those beds in hospital-issued gowns, we were no different. We were two women preparing for the same surgery. I was struck by a profound sense of just how “equal” we were…and reminded that God didn’t care more about my outcome than hers – or vice versa. We were both important to Him, and I knew that He would guide our care in the same way.
My prayer for each of us would be that we strip away whatever causes us to discriminate…that we would see others as God sees them. When you see someone who looks, speaks or acts differently, remind yourself how much God loves them. When you start to get irritated because someone doesn’t see an issue in the same light as you, remember that Jesus died for their sins and offers them the same opportunity for salvation as He offers you. When you start to judge someone for their size, shape, appearance in any manner, lifestyle preference, economics, politics, opinions…ANYTHING…remember Jesus’ words…”You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”
We need to “revert to our childhood”…and develop large, accepting hearts for Jesus and His children. I ask you…”How big is your spirit these days?”
©2015 Debbie Robus
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