Daily Devotional for February 15, 2013

Colossians 3:12-13
God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

For the last few years, I’ve studied The Purpose Driven Life, by Pastor Rick Warren, during the forty days of Lent. As I read the lesson for today, I found this quote… “When life has meaning, you can bear almost anything; without it, nothing is bearable.” I thought about my own life and how things have changed. A few years ago, I would never have dreamed that I would “put up with” toys scattered all over my house, crumbs on the floor, and a bedroom décor that included a crib, playpen, diapers, children’s toiletries, and stuffed animals. And then our nephews and great-niece came along and changed everything.

We had welcomed nieces and nephews to our family before. I kept a small box of children’s toys tucked away in the closet for when they occasionally visited. Ours was a “grown-up” world where we watched documentaries and paid close attention to world news, took hikes into nearby parks, bought vintage treasures at auctions, and slept late. Now, toys are stored along one wall of our living room, we watch almost as much NickJr. and PBS Kids as national news, “play” in local parks, and shop for second-hand toys, clothes and books. Sleep late? Probably not if there is a toddler in the house!

Our lives were perfectly complete before these children came along. We found meaning and purpose in the projects we pursued, time spent with our family and friends, and serving others through church and community projects. But as I pick raisins and cereal from the living room rug or scrub a dirty high chair tray coated with spaghetti and carrots, I think about these precious children. Any momentary irritation or frustration with their messy behaviors dissipates. I watched a screaming toddler at Wal-Mart one afternoon. I recognized his “melt-down” as I heard his mother say that it was naptime. He had “hit the wall” and totally run out of gas… and he had no clue how to handle this except to scream and cry.

There was a time when I would have been frustrated and aggravated by this noise and interruption to my shopping experience. I would have probably wondered to myself, “Why doesn’t this mother do something with her child?!” Now I get it… I’ve experienced some of these sudden-onset meltdowns, and I know how embarrassing they can be for the mom – and how frustrating they are for the child. I recognize the opportunity that my husband and I have been granted to participate in the early growth and nurture of our own little ones’ lives. My heart has softened with love and compassion for them… and acceptance of this new “life purpose!” I pray that God will help me to always operate in kindness, gentleness and patience!

When I thought about the scripture passage for today in this context, I considered what God must think about us. We are His children… and He “puts up with” each one. Yes, many of our actions and behaviors are juvenile… irritating and frustrating to Him. Still, God forgives us… He sees the potential that lies within each of His children. He may at times be firm or mete out consequences when we need them. But God is also gentle, kind, and patient with us. As Pastor Warren points out, “God specializes in giving people a fresh start.”

So as we encounter people who irritate us… as life changes and we are thrust into unfamiliar, uncomfortable – or even seemingly unbearable – situations… we must remember that God has given us a purpose. He has chosen us as His own special people, and it is up to us to find meaning in each setting and circumstance. Sometimes you may have to dig pretty deeply! There may be people who totally rub you the wrong way… those whose presence drives you bonkers and truly seems intrusive or unbearable. Remember… others may also feel the same way about you!

God sees something in each of us that others may not see. If He is willing to “put up with” us and grant us a fresh start, how can we do any less for others? Isn’t today a good day to examine your heart - and your life’s meaning and purpose… to discover where you need to treat others with a little patience, kindness, compassion and forgiveness? Maybe you need a fresh start… or maybe you need to offer one to someone else (at least in your heart). Wouldn’t this be a great day for both?

©2013 Debbie Robus

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