Daily Devotional for February 9, 2013

James 1:12
God will bless you, if you don’t give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, I read a post on Facebook from the mother of two small children, both of whom are very sick. One is in the PICU at Children’s Hospital in Little Rock… the other is at home with his dad, battling pneumonia. These two 4-year-olds have literally fought for their lives since birth. Their sister didn’t make it to her first birthday and spent all 10 months of her life in the hospital. In the last few days, one of these children lost some teeth and had a visit from the tooth fairy. Both siblings now attend “school”… their name for Mother’s Day Out. Life was starting to feel a little “normal” for this family… now things have changed drastically in a matter of days.

As I thought about this family, I was reminded of another mother whose adult son is undergoing radiation treatments following the removal of a cancerous brain tumor. This woman balances daily 60-mile-round-trip shuttles of her son to his radiation treatments with the care of herself, her husband, and her household. I know another woman who is struggling with decisions about the future of her elderly mother… and wrestling with the possibility of placing her in a skilled care facility. I know from personal experience that this is a daunting test of faith.

Just a few days ago, I read about a friend on Facebook whose dog has gone blind and appeared to be in constant pain, so they took him to have his eyes removed. There are all sorts of things that test our faith each and every day. I know that you can probably tell me half a dozen stories of your own. Like those whose situations I have described, I hope the people you call to mind have not given up. On any particular day, our tests can seem more than a little overwhelming.

Perhaps YOU are struggling with a situation in your own life. Maybe your challenge is not of a physical nature… but more a test of character and emotional fortitude. Maybe you are dealing with an overbearing professor or a relationship issue… and your feelings are raw. Perhaps someone has disappointed or betrayed you. Forgiveness may seem like the last thing you want to consider… but to fail to do so would be the same as giving up. And I’ll be honest…some days, this seems like a good option! But we know better… and scripture tells us that we must press on toward the mark…look to Jesus… trust Him to number our steps, and love Him for making a way where we can see none.

Forgiveness takes courage… and often requires a lot of faith. Today may very well bring tests of both for you... how well will you perform?

©2013 Debbie Robus

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