Daily Devotional for January 26, 2014

Galatians 6:1-3
Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
You messed up…made a big mistake.  Maybe you broke the law, or you broke a promise.  You hurt someone deeply…you betrayed family members, friends, co-workers.  And now you are paying for your offense…in more ways than you ever imagined.  The “obvious consequences” are bad enough…citations, court appearances – maybe even jail, loss of a job, getting kicked out of school, the break-up of a marriage or relationship - to name a few.  But you didn’t expect the alienation and loneliness that has come with it.  You didn’t realize that people would treat you like a pariah…or worse!  Where are your friends?  Why has your family distanced themselves from you?  What happened to all of those co-workers or team mates who always wanted to socialize – at work and afterward?
There are consequences for mistakes…sometimes big ones.  And many people do not consider the cost until after the fact.  But the Bible tells us that as Christians, we have an obligation not to pile trouble upon trouble.  In fact, we are to reach out to those who are hurting…those who have fallen…the ones on whom the rest of the world has turned its back.  This doesn’t mean we are to condone their misdeeds.  But we are to remind them that Jesus has not left them…and neither will we.
Think of yourself driving down the highway.  You are cruising along - maybe even daydreaming a little.  You top a hill and see the blue lights of a police car that has another car pulled over, and instinctively, you apply your brakes.  You look at your speedometer and realize that YOU were speeding, too.  Admit it…as you pass the two cars on the side of the road, you look at the poor guy who has gotten caught, and you shake your head – at least a little.  And you probably say, “That easily could have been me.”
See, this is the thing.  We are all one misstep away from needing mercy and grace from others…and honestly, we are all in need of daily mercy from Jesus – if not minute-by-minute!  Jesus would never shun us.  There are plenty of times when we disappoint Him – even anger Him – with our thoughts, words and actions.  But Jesus never leaves us.  He still visits us in the “jail cell” of our guilt and embarrassment – if not literally.  Jesus still demonstrates love, compassion, and caring – even when we don’t deserve it.  And we must do this for others.
So the person who hurt you so badly or caused great difficulties for others in his/her job, family life, friendships, athletic team – or church group – doesn’t deserve a “free pass”.  But he/she does need our compassion…a smile…a hug…an “I love you and I’m praying for you”…and maybe even an “I forgive you.”  The person who “got pulled over” needs to know that you still care about him/her…that nothing is too big for Jesus to forgive…and that we are seeing the person – not their sin.  If we can do this, at least two things will happen:  1) our act of compassion may be the very catalyst for a change in this person; and 2) we will have helped to set the stage for our own mercy and understanding if/when we need it.
As this scripture points out, none of us is “that important!” Certainly none of us is above reproach…and there isn’t a single one of us who deserves Jesus’ mercy and compassion more than another.  Jesus would never play favorites...so why would we?
Who needs to hear from you today?  Where do you need to step forward…be bold…and approach someone on whom others have turned their backs?  How will you help someone shoulder a burden today?  What is Jesus calling you to do - and will you answer?
©2014 Debbie Robus

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