Daily Devotional for September 30, 2015

Romans 13:9
In the Law there are many commands, such as, “Be faithful in marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not want what belongs to others.” But all of these are summed up in the command that says, “Love others as much as you love yourself.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

One of the best – and possibly the worst – inventions to come into my life in a while is the smart phone.  This device is all in one…telephone, computer, camera, e-reader, and more.  I can shop online with it, get my weather forecast and check local radar, receive alerts about everything from flash floods to the latest sale at my favorite clothing store, read dozens of newspapers and magazines, and map my next trip. If both parties have FaceTime, it is even possible to “see” who I am talking with while we converse. This little device that almost fits into the palm of my hand has simplified and enhanced my life in countless ways…and it is rarely far from my reach.

At the same time, the phone has been a handicap, because I also spend a lot of time looking at it…checking e-mail and social media or the local weather information.  So I will admit that we can use the phone for our benefit…or sometimes for our detriment.  Sometimes, it’s good to pick up a book or a newspaper and read the printed word.  We need to engage in one-on-one conversations with others…and go outside and check the weather for ourselves.  The smart phone is not intended to completely replace these things…but rather to tie them all together neatly to our advantage.

In the same way, the command to “Love others as much as you love yourself” is all encompassing.  This doesn’t mean that we no longer care about the Ten Commandments…or any of Jesus’ teachings in scripture.  This doesn’t replace the charge to “honor your mother and father” or to “remember the Sabbath.”  Rather, this commandment ties everything together in one directive that serves as a checkpoint for all thoughts, words and actions. 

All we have to do is stop and ask ourselves…”Does this demonstrate love for others?  Is my thought kind and productive?  Does what I am about to say or reflect how I would want to be treated?  Would I feel loved if someone said these things to me…or acted in this manner toward me?  Am I about to honor God in XYZ?  Will it bring glory to His name and show my respect and obedience?”  If we answer in the negative to any of these questions (and a host of others), then we have OUR answer - and a change in our attitude and action(s) is in order.

This command to “Love others as much as you love yourself” is something like our “Heavenly smart phone.”  If we spend even a fraction of the time focused on it as we do our physical electronic device, we will be far better for it.  Have you checked yours today?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 29, 2015

Romans 13:1-3
Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen. If you’re irresponsible to the state, then you’re irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you’re trying to get by with something. Decent citizens should have nothing to fear.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
Back in the day, it seemed like everyone had one of those little gizmos that sat on the dash of your car and alerted you if there was a policeman “running radar” nearby.  I remember our nieces and nephews (who are now parents themselves) talking about THEIR parents having these devices.  Something about the idea of teaching children to obey the laws and those who enforce them…then using a device to circumvent the same…seemed a little skewed to us.  Doesn’t having a “radar detector” pretty much say, “I plan to exceed the speed limit…but I don’t plan on getting caught!”?

One of the child psychology principles I learned was that we should never tell a child, “If I see or hear you do that again, XYZ will happen.”  This signals to the child that what we don’t see or hear doesn’t count!  Many have internalized this idea and taken it to new levels as adults. As long as we don’t get caught…we’re okay.

HELLO!  Someone is ALWAYS watching!  And I’m not talking about other people.  If no mortal ever sees or hears you do something sinful, disobedient, unlawful, judgmental or unkind…God will know.  That should be all you need to know…the end of the story…enough reason to be a good citizen - in your community, state, and country…and in the Kingdom of God.

This is a critical point that many miss.  There was a commercial for hair color years ago that said, “Only your hairdresser knows for sure.”  Our culture is filled with suggestions that “nobody will know” – and that this makes everything okay.  We must stop and realize that GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING.  In light of this thought, is what you are saying, doing, and thinking truly alright? 

There is no such thing as a “radar detector” with God!  And aren’t we glad?! Because God knows everything about us, He is also totally ready to protect and bless us.  As long as we are good stewards of His love and grace, we have no need to worry…nothing to fear.  This should be all the incentive we need to honor Him in everything. 

There is no need to hide behind the “protection” of a device on the dash – or the “comfort” of secrecy - when we are honestly and obediently serving God.  Will this be the day you get rid of your “radar detectors” and begin to live responsibly as an earthly – AND heavenly – citizen?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 28, 2015

Romans 12:17-21   
Never pay back evil for evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honest clear through. Don’t quarrel with anyone. Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible.

Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it. Don’t take the law into your own hands. Instead, feed your enemy if he is hungry. If he is thirsty give him something to drink and you will be “heaping coals of fire on his head.” In other words, he will feel ashamed of himself for what he has done to you. Don’t let evil get the upper hand, but conquer evil by doing good.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of TyndalePublishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Yesterday, Timothy’s Sunday school lesson was about Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.  Before he even left the door of his classroom, he was already telling us all about them…and sharing the lesson that he had been given - to stop and consider the consequences before acting or speaking.  As we drove to Burger King, he said, “The other day, I socked my mom in the arm.  I tried to apologize…but it was too late.”(his voice sadly trailed off here!)  Timothy apparently lost his prized stuff animals for the rest of the day as a punishment.  I told him…”It sounds like you learned a good lesson.” He replied, “Yes…I need to think about the consequences before I do things.”

Someone shared an unkind post about our President this morning that I will not repeat here.  However, right after that, this same person shared something that I had just posted… "We do not draw people to Christ by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it. -  Madeleine L'Engle"

I’ve shared this quote before, but I found it ironic that this person could not see the “disconnect” between the ugly thing that was shared and these thoughts.  And I’ll admit…I was tempted to point out the skewed thinking!  Thankfully, I am beginning to take the message of this scripture passage to heart, so I stopped to think about the consequences of my response and checked myself!

Madeleine L’Engle was right…sometimes our words and actions completely discredit our faith in God and our overall Christian witness.  Who in their right mind would want to worship a God that ordained snide criticism, ugly name calling and unloving words and actions?  How can we expect unbelievers – and those who are doubtful – to accept that God loves ALL of us, when we are so unkind and disparaging toward any among us?

I’ll be honest…I have to really work to check my thoughts, words and actions toward many these days.  But I MUST…and so must you!  Timothy was totally blown away that Cain would kill “his only BROTHER!”  He said, “Debbie…that was just not good!”  He went into great detail about how Cain wore a red mark to set him apart…but also to indicate to others not to harm him.  I told Timothy that I needed to get out my Bible and read that part of the story again, and he said…”You should read the WHOLE story!” 

So I did!  And we all should spend more time reading these stories and reminding ourselves that “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.” (Matthew 25:40)  Likewise, when we do something TO another “brother” or “sister,” we do it TO Jesus.  We must check our thoughts, words, and actions...think about the consequences…and consider how our “Christian witness” lines up with His teachings.

Timothy’s class created a little stoplight doorknob hanger to remind them to “stop, think about the consequences, and then go.”  Consider this message to be your own “sign”…and take to heart the thoughts shared here. Conquer evil by doing good, and let God handle the rest.  Draw people to Christ as much by what you DON’T say and do as what is expressed…and see what amazing things God can do with your efforts.

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 27, 2015

Psalm 37:8-9
Stop your anger! Turn off your wrath. Don’t fret and worry — it only leads to harm. For the wicked shall be destroyed, but those who trust the Lord shall be given every blessing.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of TyndalePublishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The children were promised a trip to the park this afternoon when we returned home from church and a visit to our house. We have several nice playgrounds around town, including one that is near a lake and one that sits beside a stream.  Timothy said they were going to the one “by the water.”  But as we passed our city park, Zola insisted, “That’s where we’re going! Mom said we were going to the one with the ladybug!” The “ladybug” is an apparatus on which a child can “ride”…and Zola loves it!

Timothy declared, “Well, if we go to that park, I’m just going to sit on the bench and not play!”  I told him that he would miss all the fun, and he said, “I don’t care!  I don’t want to have any fun if we’re not going to the park by the water!”  Somehow, I have a feeling that once he got to the park with the “ladybug,” he was rarin’ to go – and had as much fun as anyone there!  If not, he wasted a lot of time and energy – and the opportunity to enjoy himself…all because he chose to fret and be angry.

It’s a hard thing to be six years old…and even harder not to always get your own way.  But can you see how this relates to us?  Do you understand that we often get so worked up about things that we miss out on the blessing – and/or a good time?  We often waste so much of our energy on situations that we ought to simply hand over to God.  Sometimes, it seems as if we actually enjoy hand-wringing and the “rush” of being angry!

But as this scripture passage points out…this can be harmful and truly serves no good.  If we will only learn to give our troubles and frustrations to God and allow Him to have control, there is every chance that we will enjoy life more.  We might even discover countless blessings that would otherwise be missed.  I can’t promise that God will always choose to allow us a trip to the park beside the water.  But when we let go and give Him control, we’ll surely have more opportunities to enjoy whatever activities He places in our path.

Are you ready to “let go and let God” have control in your life?  Will this be the day that you redouble your efforts to do so?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 26, 2015

September 26 ~ Psalm 15:1-5
God, who gets invited
    to dinner at your place?
How do we get on your guest list?
“Walk straight,
    act right,
        tell the truth.
“Don’t hurt your friend,
    don’t blame your neighbor;
        despise the despicable.
“Keep your word even when it costs you,
    make an honest living,
        never take a bribe.
“You’ll never get blacklisted
    if you live like this.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

My mother received the devastating news this week that she probably has cancer.  She meets with an oncologist in a few days to review the results of a biopsy and confirm a diagnosis, but all indications are that this is very serious.  I respectfully ask all of you to pray for my mother…and for us as we support her in what may be a battle of major proportions.

Countless friends and loved ones have reached out to us already with offers of love, prayers, encouragement…and everything else under the sun.  We appreciate them all.  One person said, “Your mother doesn’t deserve this.”  Well, no…she doesn’t.  But then, no one deserves the beast that is cancer – or any other disease or malady.  And while we know that God will use this experience for His glory, we do wish that things were different.

But here’s the thing.  My mother has a permanent place on the “guest list” for dinner with God.  She has served Him well for decades.  She lives out the “criteria” listed in these verses from Psalm 15.  And she has done her very best to instill these same traits in her children and those around her. I’d like to think that she has done a pretty good job on all accounts…but I know that I am still a work in progress!

So as we turn the corner and start the next leg of this earthly journey together, we do so with confidence that our reservations are confirmed…that we are on the “guest list” for perpetual dining with God at His bountiful table.  I find this assurance to be amazing…incredible…comforting and exciting. 

Many who clamor to nab a seat at a fine dining establishment are just glad to be seated.  But in most restaurants, some seats are better than others. There are prime locations that provide ambience and garner impeccable attention from the staff…and there are those near the kitchen door or the restrooms, where the atmosphere is a little less hospitable.  I want to maintain a “good seat” at God’s table…next to my mother!  This scripture passage tells us in part how to achieve that. 

Are you on God’s “guest list?”  Are you living for him in a way that garners a “good seat” at the table?  Frankly, too many people are content just to be seated in the room somewhere. But we should be serving God in such a way that He is constantly saying, “Come closer!  Move on up nearer to Me!”  This is our goal as Christian brothers and sisters…or it should be. Read the “criteria” in these verses again, and put them into action in your daily discipleship. 

Where is your “seat” at God’s table these days?  Are you hanging out in the corner of “Good Enough?” Are you ready to serve Him in all areas of your life and enjoy His offer of “fine dining” each and every day?  Will this be the day that you begin?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 25, 2015

Proverbs 28:27
Giving to the poor
    will keep you from poverty,
but if you close your eyes
to their needs,
    everyone will curse you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

As Pope Francis has made his way through several American cities, he has repeatedly referenced the plight of the poor in our world. Speaking before a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., on September 24th, Pope Francis said, “…I would encourage you to keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. They too need to be given hope. The fight against poverty and hunger must be fought constantly and on many fronts, especially in its causes.” Pope Francis acknowledged “the spirit of enterprise”…but he noted that it must be used for the common good.

I’ve watched countless children play with toys.  It’s not unusual to see a child who has more items than he/she can manipulate and enjoy reach and grab for more…at the expense of other children who have very few spread before them. Human nature seems to dictate an urge in many of us to hoard at a very early age…and the devil “takes that ball and runs with it!”

How can giving to the poor keep us from poverty?  I can almost guarantee that every person who reads these words has access to more food than he/she can eat.  We would likely never miss half a dozen garments from our closet…and we surely would not go naked.  If we passed up downloading a couple of songs or apps…or we made a pot of coffee at home and put it an insulated drink container instead of purchasing a gourmet version at a coffee shop for $3-5…we could feed several people on the money saved.  We think nothing of paying $50-$300 or more for a ticket to watch a 3-hour football game or attend a 2-hour concert…yet we often cringe at the thought of “giving up” 50¢ a day to provide water for a thirsty child – or $10 to buy a mosquito net* to “protect a family and save a life.”

If we conserve energy, recycle, and pay attention to greenhouse emissions, we can create an environment that is more conducive to the growth of plants and animals that will sustain the world.  As Pope Francis has so beautifully expressed, all of our efforts matter…and they add up in the scheme of things!  Too many people want to say, “Let the other guy do this.  It’s not my problem.”  In truth, this is our problem…and not only are we reminded of this by political and religious leaders of the world…the scripture speaks to this quite plainly!

We have no excuse.  There is something that each of us can do.  There are local charities that need your help.  If you need a place to begin, there are probably more than a few ministries and missions sponsored by your own church or that of a friend.  You can search online for organizations that champion world hunger, clean water, adequate health care for children, and more.  There are even websites that will “vet” these charities to tell you which ones spend the largest share of your contribution(s) on actually helping those in need.

We cannot put this off any longer.  God has called us to be good stewards of His many blessings…and the time to do so is NOW!  Where – and how - will you begin?

©2015 Debbie Robus


Daily Devotional for September 24, 2015

Proverbs 26:12
There is more hope for a fool
    than for someone who says,
    “I’m really smart!”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When I was a little girl, my mother would make tuna casserole for us when my dad was away on business.  Daddy did not like tuna casserole…or fish sticks…and I loved both.  So it was a rare treat to have either one.  I find that I make a lot of the dishes from my childhood for Timothy, Zola and Nathan. I suppose that I am carrying on the tradition - and perpetuating fond memories from my own childhood.

So one day, I made a tuna casserole as lunch for Nathan, Greg and me.  It was very simple…a basic cream sauce, mini bow-tie pasta, some frozen “English” peas, and a can of sliced carrots…plus a couple of cans of drained tuna.  After I mixed all of this together, I added American cheese.  I was running short on time, so I did not bake this dish like my mother did (complete with crushed potato chips on top for texture – and fun!), but I let the “flavors” melt and blend together a little before serving.  Can’t you just feel the love?!

Nathan eagerly plowed into his plate of pasta…and he meticulously picked out every single bow-tie and ate them.  He ate the creamy sauce and tuna that clung to the noodles…but just as carefully, he left a pile of green peas and carrots.  Then he declared, “I’m done!”  “No,” I told him…”you have not finished.”  “Yes, I have!” he protested.  I insisted he needed to eat his peas and carrots.  “But I don’t ‘wike’ them,” he said.  “They’re yukky!”  I argued that he had eaten peas and carrots countless times…that he LOVED them.  He insisted he did not.

I told Nathan that he could not have anything else to eat – or get down from the counter – until he finished his lunch.  So I got a spoon and presented him with some peas and carrots and said, “Just try one bite.”  Reluctantly – and with much fanfare and drama – this stubborn 3-year-old tried the vegetables.  And he looked at me with great surprise and delight and said, “Hey!  These aren’t yukky!  They taste GOOD!”  He began to shovel in the peas and carrots…and every few bites, he would say, “This is so GOOD!”  And then he had another helping of the casserole!

There are a lot of things that three-year-olds say they don’t like – and haven’t even tried.  Life is full of seemingly “yukky” things when we are young.  But if we are still operating like this at our ages, there is a problem.  Assuming that we “know it all” is not only incorrect…it often makes us look incredibly foolish.

Too many people are spouting off these days without all the facts…speaking what is their “truth” rather than God’s…and trying to appear smarter than the rest of us.  In reality, they are looking rather foolish and hurting other people…AND their “Christian” witness.  As a friend of mine so eloquently asked, “Why do people presume to speak for God?”  Understand her question…she is not suggesting that God can’t use us to share His message with others.  What she means is…why do we feel entitled to put our own spin on things? 

I’m reminded of the question asked of Jesus in Luke 20:2, where the chief priests, the teachers, and the nation’s leaders “asked him, “What right do you have to do these things? Who gave you this authority?’” In other words…”Who died and made you King?” Read this chapter of Luke for yourself to see how Jesus responded with a question they could not answer…at least not without incriminating themselves.  The point is that we are often just as immature as a three-year-old who declares his food to be “yukky”…and we usually look just about as foolish!

It’s time for us to check ourselves…to see where we are acting more than a little high and mighty…and damaging our Christian witness in the process.  Where are we coming off as “know-it-alls” about everything from social issues to scripture interpretation to how much everyone loves and adores us?  Where are we looking more foolish than a toddler?  Isn’t it time we opened our hearts, minds, eyes and ears and heard from God before we declared ourselves to be “King?”  Will this be the day that you get started?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 23, 2015

Proverbs 20:22
Don’t try to get even.
    Trust the Lord,
    and he will help you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

“He started it!” 
“She hit me first!” 
“I’ll make them pay!”

We humans learn early to retaliate!  And I’ll tell you something…it’s not just us!  I observed our two cats “go at it” back in the day. What would start out as an innocent mutual face washing could turn into WWIII!  I saw a video on Facebook of two male deer who had sparred with each other until their antlers were entangled, and neither could pull away.  A brave man stepped in and worked to separate them…ultimately breaking one point of a buck’s antler in order to free the pair.

Do we really want to act like animals?  Because when you boil it down, a lot of our actions and reactions to the comments and jabs of others are no less rational than those of two sibling cats – or a couple of bucks jockeying for position with the herd!  And sometimes, God has to step in and “break an antler or two” in order to get us back on track!

We would do well to start with God…to go to Him before things escalate into a brawl – or as quickly thereafter as possible.  At the first sign of insult or division, we should stop and ask God to handle things for us…and for wisdom to know how to move forward.  Not all conflicts are readily avoidable…but our goal should be to keep them to the barest minimum.  With God at the helm of our ship, this will be so much easier.

So the next time a thought of revenge or a “snappy comeback” enters your brain, stop and take a deep breath.  Speak a quick silent prayer and ask God to guide your words and actions.  Let go…and let God handle these situations.  You’ll likely avoid getting “stuck in a rut”…and everyone will be better for your faithful obedience!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 22, 2015

Proverbs 19:11
A wise man restrains his anger and overlooks insults. This is to his credit.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of TyndalePublishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

It seems like every child has a moment when he/she turns to an adult and says, “I don’t love you anymore!”  This is usually a reaction to the adult telling the child “No!” about something…or making him/her do something that said child didn’t want to do!  The difficult-yet-sensible reaction from the adult is to say, “Okay!” and walk away. 

Notice I didn’t say this was the easy response!  There is the temptation to correct the child…to argue and tell him/her that “you don’t mean that!”…or “you shouldn’t talk to me that way!”  But the most effective reaction is generally to walk away with a nod of agreement - or no response at all.

We would often do well to react this way in our adult lives, also.  People are going to say and do hurtful things.  The devil is a powerful agent, and he is busy stirring up trouble at every turn.  He will use everything at his disposal to rile us up and make us angry…to offend us and hurt our feelings.  And he hopes with everything in him that we will respond and react…and maybe hurl a few zingers and insults of our own!

Let’s not play this game!  We can’t let the devil win!  We must ask God to give us His supernatural strength and courage…to quiet our spirits when the insults and offenses come our way.  We must pray for great wisdom and resolve as we turn and walk away…or  better yet, offer the offender a smile and a kind word.

We have to decide who we will follow…and to whom we will belong.  We must learn to react and respond to others in such a way that our choice is abundantly clear to any and all who observe us. When people look at you, who do they believe you follow?  Do your words and actions indicate that you are someone who flies off the handle at the least little irritation?  Are you always angry with someone - or about something?  Or are you clearly operating in the peace and joy of Jesus…relying on Him to give you a calm spirit and demeanor in the face of all circumstances?

Are you making a point or making a difference with your reactions and responses?  Does your demeanor credit your relationship with Jesus…or represent a surrender to the devil?  Isn’t it time you got this straightened out, once and for all?  Will this be the day that you get started?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 21, 2015

Proverbs 16:28
Gossip is no good!
    It causes hard feelings
    and comes between friends.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When I was a little girl, there was a popular “party game” called “Gossip.”  We would sit in a row, and someone would whisper something in the ear of the person on one end, who would turn and whisper to his/her neighbor, who would repeat this process until the phrase was shared with the person at the end of the line.  The last person would repeat out loud what had been whispered to him/her.  Then the first person would say what they had been told.  Most of the time, what the first person heard was nothing like what was repeated by the last person in the line.

I would venture to say that all of us have some experience with gossip.  We have probably shared some “juicy tidbits” ourselves.  But if you or someone you know and love has ever been the victim of ugly rumors and talk, you know how hurtful this can be.  The damage can last a lifetime.  Let’s be honest…gossip can create a question mark in your mind about the person(s) involved - whether the rumor is dispelled or not.  This is just human nature. And if you are the victim of gossip, your attitude and impression of those who shared it can be forever altered…even if that person apologizes and begs for your forgiveness.

The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick Warren calls on us to have the courage to say to those who offer gossip…”I do not need to hear this.”  We don’t have to be rude about it…but we must be firm in our response.  Nothing harms the body of Christ like gossip among His children!

Proverbs 18:8 says, “There’s nothing so delicious as the taste of gossip! It melts in your mouth.”  When you are presented with this “delicious temptation,” learn to say “No, thank you!”  The more you practice, the better you will become.  I can’t say that I am totally “there” yet…but I do find that I catch myself more frequently and say, “I don’t need to go there.”  And I am always glad that I took a breath and regrouped.

Every time we avoid the temptation to share gossip, we make God beam with pride…and we give the devil a swift kick in the pants!  Let’s make this a habit that we practice so often that it becomes second nature.  Let’s make the devil so sore that he can’t sit down…and glorify Jesus in the process!  We’ll all be better for it in more ways than we can count!  Are you with me?

©2015 Debbie Robus

*The Purpose Driven Life ~ ©1997 Rick Warren ~ http://purposedriven.com/books/pdlbook/#purpose

Daily Devotional for September 20, 2015

Proverbs 15:7
Words of wisdom
    make good sense;
    the thoughts of a fool
    make no sense at all.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I am not a Catholic, but I am totally enthralled with Pope Francis.  His wisdom and compassion for mankind…and his demonstrations of kindness and empathy for others have at times moved me to tears.  When I watched a video clip of him embracing a young American boy with cerebral palsy in the Easter Sunday crowd at St. Peter's Square, I had chills.  The child’s mother said she felt like her son had been “kissed by God.”  She was not literally comparing the Pope to God…she was acknowledging that he has God’s attention and serves at His discretion.

Let’s be honest.  There are a lot of evangelists and others who take the stage in this world today that are blowing hot air…at least somewhat.  They operate in scare tactics, hatred, judgment, and discrimination…and they often dare to claim the name of Jesus in doing so.  And then there is Pope Francis, who uses common sense…speaks rationally…and operates in humility and genuine love for all people.  Who do you think God looks upon more favorably?

On the way home from church today, Timothy explained to me about the devil…how he was once an angel, but he started doing really bad things.  He told me that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.  I asked him if he knew what we needed to do to protect ourselves from the persuasions of the devil, and he said, “YES!  The Bible is like a sword!  If we do what the Bible says, it will help protect us from the devil.”  This six-year-old is onto something!  God’s word is an excellent starting point!

We must also commit our hearts and minds to Jesus – and to serving according to His will.  We must be willing to see others – ALL OTHERS – as Jesus sees them…to love others as Jesus loves them…and to stop judging, criticizing, and speaking negatively.  We must prayerfully ask God to give us wisdom and discernment…so that we know who is speaking foolish nonsense…and who is telling us the truth.  And we must carry this forward in our own daily living.  Let it never be said that we bought into the propaganda of the devil – and perpetuated it in our own words and actions!

We all do foolish things from time to time…but none of us wants to be labeled as fools.  With close attention to God’s word and our relationship with Him, we can be confident that we are operating in His wisdom – and not the foolishness with which the devil threatens to clutter our lives.  Timothy pointed out to me that the devil wants to make us do bad things…and he is right!  But armed with the “sword” of God’s word…and His wisdom…we can make good sense – at least most of the time!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 19, 2015

Proverbs 15:1
A kind answer
    soothes angry feelings,
    but harsh words
    stir them up.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Headline on the front cover of the October 2010 edition of Tails magazine:  “Rachel Ray finds inspiration in cooking her family and her dog.”  Oh, the difference a comma or two can make!

So often, it’s not just what we say…but how we say it.  We are masters at filling our mouths with our feet.  And sometimes, the difference between “kind answers” and “harsh words” is just a matter of a comma…a few seconds…a quick prayer…10 breaths…time to think over what we are about to say.  I am as guilty of this as the next person, so this is as much a message for me as it is for you or anyone else.

God wants us to be thoughtful…intentional…to choose our words wisely and carefully.  He wants us to soothe angry feelings, not stir them up.  God wants us to be agents of peace and joy…to operate in His love for every other person.  And we cannot do this if we are creating feelings of anger and outrage.

Look…everyone has opinions.  And yours may differ from someone else’s.  But the attitude with which you present yours may be the catalyst for either a mutual understanding – or a major fiasco.  You may have already inadvertently damaged a friendship or acquaintance by your words and actions.  Or you may have been the vehicle for a mended relationship by the way you spoke and/or acted with kindness and consideration for all concerned.

I am asking God to help me operate in the kindness lane…to be someone who offers answers that soothe feelings and demonstrate His love and care for ALL people.  My prayer is that you will do the same.  Together, we can make a change in the overall “vibe” of the atmosphere that surrounds us. We can be the “comma” that makes all the difference.  It begins with each one of us and our thoughts, words and actions.  Are you willing to do your part?  Will you ask God to help you begin today?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 18, 2015

Proverbs 12:16
A fool is quick-tempered; a wise man stays cool when insulted.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of TyndalePublishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Recently, a 2016 Presidential candidate commented to the media that another candidate could not be elected…because of her face.  He quickly began to backpedal and say that he wasn’t actually referring to her physical appearance…but rather, he was referencing her persona. It’s hard to imagine that anybody bought his excuses.  But rather than throw stones in his direction, this woman did something that was rather extraordinary – especially in an age when mud-slinging has risen to an all-time high!  This candidate put out an ad that features dozens of women who represent the “face” of America today. 

In a televised political debate, the woman was asked how she felt about the comments made against her, and she firmly stated…”I think women very clearly heard what [he] said.”

I have deliberately not named either candidate.  This is not really about either of them.  And I will say that I have heard this woman hurl insults at other candidates…though not to the degree of the one delivered in her direction.  But we would do well to look at her very public reaction to what had to be a hurtful affront.  It is human nature to want to retort…to strike back and wound the person who has offended us.  And the question we have to ask ourselves is, “Would Jesus do this?  Would He approve of such a response?”

We have the perfect example in Jesus of someone who did not retaliate…and let me remind you that He had more than enough reasons to do so!  There are times to speak up…to stand up for your convictions and set the record straight.  But there are ways to do this…to prayerfully and carefully respond with dignity befitting a Disciple of Christ.  And honestly, there are times when it’s best to simply back away and let the insult lie.  As in the case I have shared…the ugliness of the comments spoke for itself.  No retort was really necessary – certainly not a negative or hateful one.

I’ll be the first to say that this is challenging territory.  Our human instinct is to repay “an eye for an eye.”  But we are also told in this scripture passage to hold our tongue.  In Matthew 5:28-30, we are reminded to “turn the other cheek”…and this is exactly what Jesus did.  So how can we justify any other response?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 17, 2015

Proverbs 11:1-3
God hates cheating in the marketplace;
    he loves it when business is aboveboard.
The stuck-up fall flat on their faces,
    but down-to-earth people stand firm.
The integrity of the honest keeps them on track;
    the deviousness of crooks brings them to ruin.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

My dad was a jack-of-all-trades who “wore several hats” in his lifetime.  He recapped tires, owned a welding shop and worked as a welder on construction projects across two states.  He was a licensed funeral director, a firefighter, and an EMT.  My dad owned and operated a cultured marble manufacturing business.  And somewhere in there, he worked as a fishing guide on the lake that surrounds our community.  I’ve probably even missed a few jobs that my dad performed, but you get the picture.  In each “occupation,” Daddy tried his best to conduct his business with integrity and humility.  My dad was anything but a phony!

Countless homes around our community are adorned to this day with wrought-iron railings, chimney caps, metal stairways and more that my dad made in his welding shop.  Dozens of houses feature cultured marble counter tops, showers, whirlpool tubs and more that Daddy created at “The Sink House.”

My dad worked with a lot of “high-end” clients…and many of them were plenty demanding.  The “swirl” of this marble piece didn’t track in the preferred direction (you get what you get when you create a piece of marble!), so Daddy would make another.  He would struggle and “cipher” and pound away at a piece of steel until he got the metal to look exactly as the client envisioned.  The customer was always right…even if the end result was that my dad almost paid THEM to create their “masterpiece!”

My dad was by no means a wealthy man in terms of money and possessions.  But on the day of his funeral, the chapel could not hold all who came to pay their respects.  He built a reputation for fairness and integrity.  His word was his bond. He served in his church - as a Sunday school teacher and on countless committees.  He comforted grieving families…and nurtured his own.  None of us is perfect…and neither was my dad.  But I learned from both of my parents that one of the most valuable assets we have is our integrity.

Life can deal each of us some pretty mean blows – and my parents have not received a “pass” in that department.  But their demonstrations of steadfast faith in God in the midst of challenges – and even a few dealings with crooked or dishonest people – have represented the tenets of these scripture verses well.  God didn’t promise to make us rich and famous – or to take away all of our problems and challenges.  But He did promise to stand beside us and soften the blows.

We are all facing challenges of some sort…maybe not today, but they will come at some point.  Difficult and dishonest people will enter our lives…stuck up “know-it-alls” will try to distract us, at best…and sometimes disrupt our course with their rhetoric and antics.  But we must remain faithful and focused on God and HIS will.  We must operate in His commands through Jesus Christ to “love others as God loves us – and as we love ourselves.”

Ultimately, God will deal with the crooks who lie, cheat and steal – and those who mistreat others along the way.  Let’s not be among them!  Let’s take the high road and stay focused on serving God according to His will. Our reputation as true Disciples of Christ is at stake.  I don’t want to risk any damage to mine…do you?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 16, 2015

Proverbs 10:9
A good man has firm footing, but a crook will slip and fall.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A few weeks ago as we emerged from church, Timothy was telling me all about Cain and Abel…how Cain was so dishonest and unkind – and how Cain even killed his brother, Abel.  I agreed with Timothy about how terribly Cain behaved, and he looked up at me and asked, “Did you know him?” Yes, I appear to be as old as the stories of the Garden of Eden!

Our church-wide Sunday school curriculum focuses on the “Creation Story” from Genesis this month.  Next month, the study will be on Adam and Eve…and making good choices.  I was reviewing the teaching guide for pre-K in preparation to substitute this Sunday, and I noticed that the theme for October 11th is “Making Good Choices.”  The following Sunday, the theme is “Sometimes Bad Things Happen to Good People,”…and the FOLLOWING Sunday, it is “Sometimes GOOD things Happen to BAD People!”

I am glad that our little ones are learning lessons about honesty and integrity, because playing fast and loose with the truth and how we treat others is a slippery slope.  Sadly, lots of children learn at an early age how to manipulate the truth to suit their own agendas.  They figure out how to pin blame on others, to deny culpability, or simply to make up things to sway outcomes in their favor.  And sometimes, they learn to take out their frustrations, quite literally, on their siblings!

By the time we are adults, we have often managed to make a bigger mess by trying to cover our tracks.  It may seem like some people “get away with murder,” but almost always, attempts to be “shady” backfire.  The truth has a way of coming out – sometimes in unpleasant and embarrassing ways.  Attempts to explain away misdeeds often end up making us look more foolish than ever. How we treat others will reflect on our character…and follow us into every arena – business, social, personal and spiritual.

Sometimes a simple and sincere, “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong” would serve us far better than the lies, exaggerations and manipulations we offer.  Often, pausing to check our thoughts, words and actions BEFORE we do something would save everyone a world of heartache, frustration – and possibly - embarrassment.

God calls us to operate honestly and with integrity.  With His help, we can do the work on the “front end” to prevent any opportunity for a need to “backpedal” after the fact.  We can ask Him to help us always speak the truth…to walk in His ways and demonstrate kindness and integrity in all that we say and do. When we walk with God and honor our commitment to Him…when we operate in honesty and fairness…there is no need to even think about exposure and consequences.

Aren’t you ready to walk upright…to live with a clear conscience in the truths of Jesus Christ?  It’s never too late to make this change and “come clean” in His name.  Won’t you call on Him to help you this?  Will this be the day that you regain your firm footing with Jesus?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 15, 2015

Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirs up trouble;
    love overlooks the wrongs
    that others do.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In 2005, Ashley Smith - a widowed mother in Duluth, Georgia - was recovering from a meth addiction.  Brian Nichols was an accused rapist who murdered four people in the Fulton County Courthouse and fled.  Nichols captured Smith in the parking lot of her apartment complex and held her hostage in her home for seven hours.

Fearing for her life, Smith reached out to Nichols.  She made him pancakes.  She pulled out a book that she had been reading…and with Nichols’ permission, she read it aloud to him.  That book was Pastor Rick Warren’s
The Purpose Driven Life*.  Ultimately, Smith persuaded Nichols to surrender, and today, he is serving multiple prison terms - with no chance of parole.

Ashley Smith Robinson remarried in 2007 and now has three children.  She is an x-ray technician and shares her story at speaking engagements across the nation.  Her story will be told in an upcoming movie,
Captive**, in which she is portrayed by actress, Kate Mara.  Brian Nichols is played by Golden Globe nominee David Oyelowo.  The movie is based on Smith-Robinson’s book, Unlikely Angel***. 

Here’s the thing…not every bad situation turns out as well as this one did.  I don’t mean to imply that all we have to do is whip out a Bible or an inspirational book, and we can soften the most hardened of hearts – or even save lives in the process.  If this was the case, at least some of the nine people who perished at a Bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, might still be with us. 

But there is a lot of “meat” in this one verse.  Hatred does stir up trouble.  Just look at Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland.  Look at the protests that are taking place around our country at political rallies and in front of courthouses.  When I stop and think about how we grieve God each and every day with our hate-filled words and actions – many offered in the name of Jesus – I am astounded!  And then I learn about this new movie…and I am reminded of the faith and courage of one woman who was just digging her way out of drug addiction and seeking God...and I am prompted to consider what true love and Christian faith offers.

“But this didn’t help those people in Charleston,” you may suggest.  And you are right…on the surface.  But the witness of those nine people…the forgiveness offered to that killer by their survivors…the lack of rioting and protesting in the streets of Charleston afterward and the tremendous outpouring of love and support – extended to a stirring address and rendition of “Amazing Grace” by our President at one of the memorial services…all demonstrate the love and power of God to heal and redeem. 

Who knows whether the young man accused in the Charleston murders will surrender his heart to Jesus?  He has at least been given a chance to do so.  I don’t know if the love and kindness that Ashley Smith Robinson showed to Brian Nichols that day in 2005 was a catalyst for him to receive Jesus Christ into his heart.  But I do know that he has the opportunity to hear the Gospel now and make that decision.  Every life and soul counts for God’s Kingdom!

We need to really let this soak into our hearts.  We need to examine how we react to others and determine where and when we operate in hatred and unforgiveness…and where we operate in love - and open the door for God to work.  Will this be the day that you do some internal soul searching and ask God to correct your attitudes?  Are you able to truly love others in Jesus’ name – even in the midst of great upheaval, disappointment and/or heartache?  Isn’t it time you were?

©2015 Debbie Robus

*The Purpose Driven Life - http://purposedriven.com/books/pdlbook/#purposehttp://purposedriven.com/books/pdlbook/#purpose
**Captive - http://www.captivethemovie.com/
***Unlikely Angel - http://www.amazon.com/Unlikely-Angel-Untold-Atlanta-Hostage-ebook/dp/B0040GJDXAhttp://www.amazon.com/Unlikely-Angel-Untold-Atlanta-Hostage-ebook/dp/B0040GJDXA

Daily Devotional for September 14, 2015

Philippians 4:8-9
And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This morning as I skimmed through the posts on Facebook, I learned that the brother of one of my elementary school classmates has died.  I sent a note to this sister to offer my condolences…and to share that in just a few days, it will be 17 years since my own brother left this earth.  I recalled memories of  fun times we shared with her brother.  I wanted her to know that I understand the heartache of losing a sibling…and I told her that I am praying for her peace and comfort as she grieves. 

This is a lot of what Paul was talking about in this letter to the people of Philippi…that we are to offer others God’s “peace that passes all understanding.”  I cannot tell my friend how she will survive this and recover from the grief and sadness…but I can assure her that with God’s help, this IS possible.  I can share how He helped me through a similar situation…and I can offer her love and support in the name of Jesus.

I said that I skimmed Facebook, because honestly, that’s what I do now.  There is so much garbage on my wall…so many negative posts…such ugliness – particularly from “Christians” who believe that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong and destined for the fires of hell.  One of my friends has begun posting photos of beautiful art.  Someone else asked, “Why is he doing that?  He doesn’t even know this artist!”  I told her it was to counter all of the unloveliness that fills our screen…and I am grateful for it!

We don’t need to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that unpleasant things never happen.  I am not implying that we should ignore injustices…or that we should not stand up for the teachings of Jesus.  But what many are labeling “Christian values” are not from Christ…they are man-made rules and impositions that mere mortals want to see enacted – misinterpretations and downright manipulations of the words and commands of Jesus – and they are highly destructive to the creation of an atmosphere in which the peace of God can flourish.

Let’s take some time to study this scripture passage and fully grasp the message that God delivered to us via the Apostle Paul.  Let’s focus on the good, pure, lovely, fine things that God has done for us…the beautiful accomplishments of His people - in ways both tangible and understood.  Let’s reach out to others with a heart of peace and comfort...and let’s encourage one another and speak in hope, joy, and truth.  We must start to ignore much of the “junk” and negativity that clutters our minds via media and pessimistic (if not downright destructive) people.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, good and right – and operate in the joy and peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   Let’s start a wave of positivity…and allow others to see the REAL Jesus in us.  Are you with me?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 13, 2015

Numbers 23:19
God is no mere human!
He doesn’t tell lies
    or change his mind.
God always keeps his promises.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Greg and I have developed a bit of a running joke where I’ll say, “I’m going to the pool today to work out,” or “I’m going to the grocery store”…and he just laughs. Sadly, in my “retirement years,” I often operate by the “Scarlet O’Hara philosophy” that “Tomorrow is another day!” - and procrastinate about such things! 

We humans are full of promises and grand plans.  We promise to love each other “till death do us part.”  We are the kings and queens of “I’ll get back to you.”  We vow to work out, change our diet, and get our bodies into shape.  We promise to “do better” about all sorts of things…to be more committed to everything from keeping in touch to exercise programs to prayer and Bible study - and serving Jesus.  And then we don’t change.  Often, something – or someone - comes along to distract us and/or grab our attention…and we totally ditch the promises we had made with such conviction.

Thankfully, this scripture passage hits the nail on the head…God is no mere human!  Gratefully, I can assure you that God doesn’t tell lies or change his mind…that God always keeps His promises.  And before you present an argument otherwise, let me share a few thoughts.

I know that there are horrible things happening in our world.  I realize that people have been displaced and abused…that children are hungry, frightened and homeless.  I understand that terrorism, sickness, crime, drug abuse and alcoholism are real.  I know that relationships are failing…that people lie to each other when the truth would serve them better…and it seems like God has totally turned His back on many of us on any given day.  But nothing could be further from the truth. 

This week, as we remembered the tragic events of 9-11, a lot of people asked, “Where was God that day?”  Some who survived claimed that God spared them…that He made them late for work or put them in another spot as the Twin Towers crumbled.  Others asked, “If God spared those people, does this mean that He didn’t care about the ones who perished?” 

There are no easy answers for a lot of the things that happen in this earthly life.  But I know with all my heart that even in our darkest hour, God is with us. I told a friend who expressed some of these “9-11 questions” that they may fall into the “I’ll-get-the-answers-in-Heaven” category.  I know that God will have answers.  I have experienced too much of His grace and mercy in my own life - and seen His hand of power, healing and compassion in the lives of many others – to doubt His supremacy.  I am certain that God is truth and fulfilled promises and steadfastness on a supernatural level.  And I know that He offers all of this to each of us…if only we will trust Him.

So as “bad things happen to good people” and you struggle with the frustrations and disappointments that other humans deal to you (while probably reciprocating with a few of your own), remember that God never changes.  He is with us…readily available to help us through anything and everything.  God never changes.  And while tomorrow is indeed another day, He stands ready to meet us right where we are in this one!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 12, 2015

Matthew 9:10-13
Later when Jesus was eating supper at Matthew’s house with his close followers, a lot of disreputable characters came and joined them. When the Pharisees saw him keeping this kind of company, they had a fit, and lit into Jesus’ followers. “What kind of example is this from your Teacher, acting cozy with crooks and riffraff?”

Jesus, overhearing, shot back, “Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: ‘I’m after mercy, not religion.’ I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

I’ll be honest…I’m a cat person.  I love, love, love dogs – and pretty much all animals (except snakes!)…but “cats are my ‘people’!”  It’s safe to say that I have probably never met a cat I didn’t like!  My mom and mother-in-law are dog people.  My mother-in-law has not owned a dog in years, but she “dog-sits” for about a half dozen special clients…and she LOVES “her” dogs.

Three dogs have resided with my mother since the late 1980s…first Otis – my sister’s white lab, who totally transformed my mom into a “dog person” for life.  Next came Carmen – my brother’s pit bull mix – who was like a “sister” to our family.  After Carmen died, Mother acquired Spot…who was her constant companion for 14 years and kept life interesting for all of us…until his mixed-breed body literally wore out this past January.

I loved all three of these dogs like family members.  And I really like a lot of other dogs…particularly big dogs.  But some of the smaller dog breeds are just not my cup of tea.  For one thing – and maybe this is just me – some of them have a smell that I cannot get past.  So when one of these little dogs who was visiting Greg’s mother made a bee-line for me and jumped up into my chair to readily sniff me over, I was not exactly thrilled.  But I looked into that sweet little face…the big, imploring dark eyes, and the cute little ears that raised and lowered expressively - and I reminded myself…”He is somebody’s everything.  This little guy is loved and adored by many…if not by me.  He has a heart, and right now, he’s chosen to share it with me.”  And I stroked his head and patted his back as he settled in beside me.

The little dog curled up in my lap and sat for several minutes before jumping down to explore other people and things in the room.  And as I read the scripture passage for today, I was reminded that we are all God’s children…even the “snakes” that scare us half to death, and the critters of all kinds that “smell.”  If we only ever hang out among those who are pleasing to us, we’ve missed the moment – and the mission!

If we “unfriend” everyone on social media who rubs us the wrong way, we’ve missed an opportunity to share Jesus’ love and mercy with them.  If we avoid those who are different from us in some way, we have not loved and ministered as we were commanded.  Remember...you and I may “smell” to someone else!  Consider how you would feel if the tables were turned!

I suggest that we all take a collective breath…and try to see the “other guy” as Jesus does – even the smelly little four-legged variety or the creepy snakes and spiders that slither and crawl beneath our feet.  Remember that we are all His creatures…precious to Him and worthy of grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, compassion, and inclusion.  What you do for the smelliest among us, you essentially do for Jesus. 

Now…who do you need to look at in a different light?  Will this be the day that you begin to widen your circle as a disciple of Christ?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 11, 2015

Matthew 7:12
“Do for others what you want them to do for you. This is the teaching of the laws of Moses in a nutshell."

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Social media is blowing up today with posts about 9/11/2001. Almost everyone has a “9/11 story”…if only to say, “I remember where I was when it happened.”  And we do remember all of the horrific, devastating, life-altering events of that day - and the days/weeks that followed.  May God grant His peace and comfort to all who were directly or indirectly affected by that tragedy…and in one way or another, this includes all of us.

Having said this, I wonder just how much we do remember about 9/11…because in that moment, many of us came together in extraordinary ways.  We dropped the judgments and the pretenses, and we became friends helping friends, neighbors supporting neighbors…Christian brothers and sisters loving others.  And I have to ask…what has happened to us in the last fourteen years?

The backbiting and judgment, hatred and fear seem to be at all-time highs.  Because of our access to “instant media,” we not only know more about this…we are able to perpetuate it.  “Did you hear what XYZ said or ABC did?” we ask almost giddily.  We cannot wait to revel in the latest come-uppance of someone who played “high and mighty” in some way - and we are more than a little eager to knock him/her down a peg.  We set ourselves apart from the masses and pretend that we have no problems – or shortcomings and downright failures…that we are just a smidge better than the next guy.

Or…we look at others, throw up our hands, and say, “Not my problem!”  The current refugee crisis in Syria…and the hungry and homeless (both the 2-legged and four-legged varities) in our own community immediately come to mind.  What happened to the spirit of camaraderie that followed 9/11?  What happened to working together rather than picking each other apart?  How have we lost our way so badly?

In her book,
For the Love*, author Jen Hatmaker says, “We are not good gods over one another; we are better humans beside each other.”  Matthew 7:12 is known by many as “The Golden Rule”…and indeed, its words encompass a hallmark by which we are all called to live.  It’s time we got started…and I can’t think of a better day than this one.

©2015 Debbie Robus

*For The Love - ©2015  Thomas Nelson Books for HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. 

Daily Devotional for September 10, 2015

Matthew 6:24
You cannot be the slave of two masters! You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

“If it isn’t also true for a poor single Christian mom in Haiti, it isn’t true.” – Jen Hatmaker, For The Love*

Consider this something of a “plug” for Jen Hatmaker’s latest book,
For the Love.  After I settled on this scripture passage from Matthew 6, I opened Jen’s book to the third chapter, and this quote practically leapt from the pages!  She refers to it as a “biblical benchmark.”  In other words, if money and “things” are as important as we make them out to be, they must be equally important to the poor single Christian mom in Haiti.

If having kids that excel in every sport…or being the top salesperson in your division or “Number 1” in anything is critical to your joy, well-being and sense of “success,” it must also be so for this mother.  If what others think of you, how attractive you are, whether you have the latest fashions and “pretty friends” who are incredibly popular matters to you…it must matter to this poor single Christian mom in Haiti.

Feeling a little silly yet?  I know we are not supposed to compare ourselves to others…but in this instance, I think it has merit.  Because you see, God’s gifts, blessings, and abundance in the things that truly matter are just as readily available to that poor single Christian mom in Haiti as they are for you and me.  Salvation through Jesus Christ and the promise of Eternity at His feet in Heaven has nothing to do with how hard we work, how attractive we are, whether we excel at earthly things, how much money we make, or how much “stuff” we have! 

Our relationship with God has nothing to do with our social status, socio-economic level, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, size…or how many friends we have.  Serving God is about just that…serving GOD! 

We are called to love God…to love others as He loves us – and as we love ourselves…to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and encourage as many people as we can to give their hearts to Him.  We are told to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and suffering, and encourage those who are struggling. And we are told NOT to make anything or anyone else our god.

So the next time you find yourself thinking more about things of this world – or your own selfish desires – and less about God and His missions and ministries, consider the poor single Christian mom in Haiti.  Where do you suppose she places her hope and trust?  Isn’t that where yours should lie also?   

©2015 Debbie Robus

*For The Love - ©2015  Thomas Nelson Books for HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.  ~  http://www.amazon.com/Love-Fighting-Grace-Impossible-Standards/dp/0718031822/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1441913947&sr=8-1&keywords=for+the+love+hatmaker

Daily Devotional for September 9, 2015

Matthew 6:14-15
“In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

The children have a habit of walking up to the back door of our car, and standing right in front of it.  We are unable to open the door until they move…otherwise, they would bump their heads. As many times as we get in and out of the car, you would think that they would have this figured out and stand back far enough for the door to be opened.  But often, we have to say, “Step back, so we can open the door!” because they are blocking the pathway.

This pretty well describes how we act with God.  We say and do things we shouldn’t.  We fail to forgive others.  In short, we sin - over and over - without any remorse…and essentially, we stand in the doorway and prevent God from opening it.  I honestly believe that a lot of us are like our three little ones who truly do not make this connection...at least, not yet!  We have not given careful consideration to how our words, actions – and “position” relative  to an open connection with God – directly correlate to our relationship with Him. 

We don’t seem to understand that in order to hear from God…in order to feel His presence – and to receive His forgiveness in our own lives – we have to forgive others and obey Him in every way.  We have to be humble, compliant, and ready to operate in grace and mercy toward others…because our sins are no bigger or smaller than anyone else’s, and God’s love and blessings are available to everyone.  When we “move away from the door” and stop blocking communication with God, He clears the pathway.

Years ago, I cross-stitched a little sampler that said, “If you don’t feel close to God…guess who moved.”  I’ve always thought of this as moving away from God…but in light of this scripture passage, I see that sometimes, I have moved toward Him in such a way that I’ve effectively blocked Him and denied myself direct access. I’ve smugly thought I was in complete communion with Him, when all the while, I was blocking the door with my actions and attitudes.  With this in mind, I plan to be more careful about my “position”…to operate more thoughtfully in grace, mercy, compassion, love, kindness…and forgiveness…so that the doorway to an intimate relationship with God is always open. 

Are you blocking the doorway to complete communion with God today?  Isn’t it time for you to do whatever it takes to move in the right direction? Will this be the day that you “step out of the way” so that He can open the door?

©2015 Debbie Robus 

Daily Devotional for September 8, 2015

Matthew 5:5-9
“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.

“You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.

“You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.

“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

When Timothy was little, we watched a lot of NickJr.™ and PBS.  His family does not subscribe to cable TV…they watch movies and children’s programs via a streaming service.  So in the last few years, the children have had limited exposure to television commercials.  Only lately have they started to notice ads for toys, cereals, and other products and say, “I want that!” or “Will you get that for me?”  And even so, they are learning that the quantity of our “things” is not as important as we thought.  They are learning to value relationships…and the concept that we cannot instantly have everything we want - and that’s more than okay!

I want you to read this scripture passage again…and again…and again!  Let its message soak deeply into your heart and soul today.  You ARE blessed when you’re content with just who you are – no more, no less.  God’s food and drink IS the best meal you will ever eat.

When you care for others, you find that others care for you.  When your heart and mind are “right,” you CAN see God in the outside world.  Life is not a competition…when you learn to cooperate rather than compete, you figure out who you really are – in the eyes of the world - and more importantly, in God’s eyes.

Because of Jesus, we truly are blessed.  Some of us are just a little too busy watching other people and the “commercials” of the world…and wishing our lives away.  Will this be the day that you start to operate more fully in God’s blessings and abundance and less in the things of this world?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 7, 2015

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as ‘Lord,’ but still won’t get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. At the Judgment many will tell me, ‘Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast out demons and to do many other great miracles.’ But I will reply, ‘You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil.’

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A friend posted an aerial photo on Facebook of the home of a well-known televangelist.  Her caption was, “Room for a refugee or two? Too far out of your comfort zone? I just can't relate to you, Mr. XYZ.”  I get it…I truly do.  It’s hard for us to believe those who want to tell us what God’s word says to those who are struggling, hurting and downtrodden, while they live in “McMansions” and fly around the country on luxury jets – all while calling on us to “give until it hurts” at the altars of their churches.

Please open your heart and mind to what I am about to say. This is not for us to judge. We don’t have to listen to these people or follow their teachings.  We do not have to attend the churches in which they lead.  But we cannot condemn them or make any judgments about how they conduct their own lives.  There are two reasons for this that come to mind, and I will try to explain both of them.

The first is a no-brainer…Jesus tells us not to judge others.  It’s scriptural, and that should be all that we need to know.  But there is another thing to consider...we do not know how God might be using this person. Almost two decades ago, I found myself compelled to watch the teaching/preaching of a certain televangelist.  I began to study his sermons…to dig deeply into my Bible and to discover what God had to say to me.  I started watching other televangelists and Bible scholars and reading their books and commentaries. 

I learned a lot about my relationship with God and what the scriptures have to say…I was reawakened to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in my life.  I was also prayerfully cautious to sift through what these people were saying and find God’s truth. I did not buy what they were “selling” hook, line and sinker.  And yes, I was disappointed when some of them began to take an ugly turn…to ask for millions of dollars for new jets…to be arrested for domestic violence…to be investigated by the federal government for alleged violations of “possible misuse of donations.”

But here’s the thing…God used these people to speak to me – and to countless others.  And while they may have taken a wrong turn, haven’t we all?  Except for His grace, couldn’t others criticize us just as much for our own hypocritical words and actions? 

So what does this all mean for us as faith-filled Christians?  Are we to turn a blind eye to hypocrites and those who claim the name of Jesus to support their own selfish desires and agendas?  For me, the answer is that we must let God do the judging.  And just as importantly, we must make sure that our own thoughts, words and actions are above board at all times.  We must not fall into the devil’s trap of saying and doing one thing while acting in another manner.  We must be certain that we are about the LORD’s business…and busy minding that instead of someone else’s.

We must be careful about who we follow and remember that we are all mere mortals…sinful, vulnerable, and capable of falling into the traps of the devil at any given moment.  We must make sure that we are truly “Godly” in our daily living…and not merely giving others the appearance that we are “religious.” 

It’s time to check our words and actions to see where we are truly showing up for Jesus…and where we are simply making a show.  I pray that God will use you and me to further His kingdom…in spite of our own sins and shortcomings…and that He will grant us wisdom and restraint to always reflect His teachings - and not our own agendas. I also pray that God will grant me humility…that I may let Him make the judgment on others - and render their verdict as He deems appropriate.

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 6, 2015

Matthew 5:28-30
You know that you have been taught, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you. When someone slaps your right cheek, turn and let that person slap your other cheek. If someone sues you for your shirt, give up your coat as well.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We have all been saddened  and discouraged by recent tragic events…the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina; Roanoke, Virginia; and the senseless killings of policemen AND those committed by law enforcement officers, to name a few. We’re angered and disgusted over pictures that appear on social media of animals that have been abused.  We are outraged by the photos of hungry and homeless children and refugees in foreign lands.  And I don’t know about you, but  the latest heartbreak – the little body of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian child who washed ashore after drowning at sea as his family fled for Turkey (and ultimately to Europe) – has just about done me in.

“Somebody should pay,” we say!  But who – and how?  What would we deem the right recompense for some of these atrocities?  Oh, don’t tell me…because I have a feeling that many of us have a few mortal “answers.” But we need only look as far as the words of Jesus to know what we’re really supposed to say…how He intends for us to feel – and act.  The One who knew that His own disciple would betray Him…that He would be spit upon, beaten, bruised and bloodied – then crucified horrifically on a wooden cross…told us clearly and plainly what to do.  This One who had every right to seek revenge…to turn His back on the whole lot of us…said, “Don’t try to get even.” 

In fact, Jesus went further.  He said, “When someone takes your shirt…offer them your coat, too!”  In other words, when someone wrongs you, continue to treat them with love and kindness.  Even when it takes everything you can muster not to be rude  - or at best, distant - pull yourself together in the name of Jesus, and show the person who wronged you His loving image through your words and actions.

Tough to do?  You betcha!  It ranks right up there with forgiving others…and I’m not all that good at either one.  But I know that this is what is required of me.  And I cannot ask to do less than the One who did EVERYTHING for me…and neither can you!  So hitch up your britches, pray hard, and start living like Jesus!  Let God handle the judgment and revenge…and keep your eyes on the Cross.  We.can.do.this! Jesus will be with us every step of the way.  And He will make all the difference!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 5, 2015

Matthew 5:21-26
“Under the laws of Moses the rule was, ‘If you murder, you must die.’ But I have added to that rule and tell you that if you are only angry, even in your own home, you are in danger of judgment! If you call your friend an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse him, you are in danger of the fires of hell.

“So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a sacrifice to God, and suddenly remember that a friend has something against you, leave your sacrifice there beside the altar and go and apologize and be reconciled to him, and then come and offer your sacrifice to God. Come to terms quickly with your enemy before it is too late and he drags you into court and you are thrown into a debtor’s cell, for you will stay there until you have paid the last penny.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

When Timothy was about three, he started to say the word “idiot” a lot…and he used it in context.  We would be at the park playing, and he would say of a child who wouldn’t share the swing, “He is just an idiot!”  Or when something didn’t go well, he would say, “That’s just stupid!”  Then one day, we were watching a video of the Dr. Seuss movie, “Horton Hears a Who”…and the characters were calling each other idiots.  One character blew into an office and said, “I am not an idiot!  Do I LOOK like an idiot?”  Well…we knew immediately where our little guy was learning words like “idiot” and “stupid”…and sadly, we realized that these words and others (like “boob”…”fatboy”…and “moron”) are frequently sprinkled through several “children’s” movies.

Of course, we don’t want children using such derogatory terms…but this does illustrate how such language is creeping into our everyday lives and becoming a part of our regular vernacular.  And many, if not all of us, have referred to someone as an “idiot”…or a “nutjob”…or something I cannot print here – myself included.

But here’s the deal…Jesus tells us plainly in this scripture passage that to even think of someone in these terms is a sin, just as much as murder!  Whoa!  Let that soak in for a few minutes!  Even thinking ugly things about someone – whether we speak them out loud or act on them – is equivalent to murder?  This is what the Bible says!

See, God knows our heart. We can be the nicest person on the outside…we can “fake it till we make it” with family, friends and acquaintances.  But we cannot hide from God.  He knows every thought we have…every emotion we experience…every desire of our heart.  And what GOD knows about us is really what matters.  Can we all say, “Thank Heavens for the blood of Jesus to cleanse our sins?”

I don’t have a good answer for how we shield our children from these ugly words and thoughts…because they are everywhere.  But we can teach them not to use such language…and WHY this is hurtful to them as much or more than the other guy.  We can work on eliminating these words and thoughts from our own vocabulary – and hearts – and focus more on operating in the love, grace, mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ.  We can read “Dr. Seuss” books to our kids – and maybe skip viewing the movies.  We must do all we can to create an atmosphere in which these thoughts and comments are unacceptable.

I am sure that I will slip up again…that something will set me off someday and I’ll refer to someone as an “idiot” or something else ugly.  And I thank God that if/when I recognize my error and ask for His forgiveness, He will grant it.  I’m a work in progress…but I want to keep growing in my relationship with Jesus and becoming more like Him every day.  And eliminating these judgments and words from my life is a good starting point.  Are you with me?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 4, 2015

Matthew 4:8-10
Next Satan took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. “I’ll give it all to you,” he said, “if you will only kneel and worship me.”

“Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “The Scriptures say, ‘Worship only the Lord God. Obey only him.’”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Recently, I signed up for a 30-day free trial of a premium service from a well-known website.  I was promised free 2-day delivery on most items and a host of other special perks that are available only to members who sign up for this service (and pay the $99 annual fee.)  So far, two of three items I ordered arrived somewhat in the 2-day window…and the third will arrive in about a week (and I needed all three items in just a few more days).

I have pretty well decided that I cannot use enough of the features of this offer to justify the annual fee.  So I am thinking that this will indeed be a trial membership for me. To paraphrase a contemporary phrase…I’m not sure I am “picking up what this offer is laying down.”

A lot of us have bought into the lies of the devil.  We’ve heard his promises, and we so want to believe them.  Sure, Jesus told us to love others as God loves us…but He couldn’t possibly have meant to include people of other faiths and religions (or no religion at all)…killers and child molesters…tyrants and dictators…or that obnoxious person who keeps suggesting that we need to love people of all races, ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, and sexual orientations.  Surely we don’t have to always hold our tongue.  If we will just let loose once in awhile and give people a piece of our mind (and maybe a good cussin’!) - and even show our backside a little -  the world will be a better place!

What could it hurt to toss caution to the wind and “let ‘er rip?”  We’ll have more friends, gain popularity and acceptance, and get quicker results.  Remember, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease,” so we might as well get busy squeakin’!  We’ll get better service in restaurants, retail businesses and public offices…and people will know that we are not to be messed with.  They will see that we are right and they are wrong about pretty much everything - and the sooner this is acknowledged, the better!

Oh…and we’ll do this all in the name of Jesus!  Because everybody knows that when you stand up for Jesus and your “religious convictions,” you’re always on the right side of things!  People will respect us when we are “standing up for what we believe” in this manner…even if we are shoving it down the throats of others.  And the devil could care less in this case if we invoke the name of Jesus, because he knows we don’t really mean it!

This is what Satan promises…but once again, “I’m not picking up what he is laying down!”  Because at the end of the day, Satan is not God.  And this is not what my Heavenly father teaches.  I don’t owe allegiance to anyone but Him…and God’s promises are the only ones that are indisputable and always guaranteed to be “cashable!”

Where have you listened to the devil and signed on for “premium” promises that aren’t deliverable?  Where have you been sold a bill of goods in the form of empty assurances of great rewards?  How have you hidden behind the name of Jesus in order to further your own desires…and believed that you can “have it all” by doing this?  Do you see that nothing is ever as good as the devil suggests?  Just as surely as that $99 annual fee will come…and I can probably end up paying more for this “premium” service than I would without it…the “rewards” that Satan promises have strings attached, at best…and could cost us our very souls, at worst.

Dig out your Bible and search the scriptures to see what God says you should do.  Spend some time in prayer and contemplation (and remember to leave time to sit and listen!)…and discover God’s plan and promises for your life.  See what He has to say about how you interact with others and how you treat them.  Discover where you may be putting your own agenda, interpretation, and “spin” on issues.  Learn how to truly emulate Jesus and hone your witnessing skills…to offer others something that they truly desire – a life filled with the joy and peace of a deep and abiding relationship with the one and only Savior.

When others look at you, are they seeing an obedient servant of God who abides in His word – and His blessings and joy?  Or are they observing someone who claims to know Jesus but actually appears to have a more enduring relationship with the devil and his empty promises?  Are you making a point or making a difference?  Isn’t it time you found out?

©2015 Debbie Robus