Daily Devotional for September 7, 2015

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as ‘Lord,’ but still won’t get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. At the Judgment many will tell me, ‘Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast out demons and to do many other great miracles.’ But I will reply, ‘You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil.’

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A friend posted an aerial photo on Facebook of the home of a well-known televangelist.  Her caption was, “Room for a refugee or two? Too far out of your comfort zone? I just can't relate to you, Mr. XYZ.”  I get it…I truly do.  It’s hard for us to believe those who want to tell us what God’s word says to those who are struggling, hurting and downtrodden, while they live in “McMansions” and fly around the country on luxury jets – all while calling on us to “give until it hurts” at the altars of their churches.

Please open your heart and mind to what I am about to say. This is not for us to judge. We don’t have to listen to these people or follow their teachings.  We do not have to attend the churches in which they lead.  But we cannot condemn them or make any judgments about how they conduct their own lives.  There are two reasons for this that come to mind, and I will try to explain both of them.

The first is a no-brainer…Jesus tells us not to judge others.  It’s scriptural, and that should be all that we need to know.  But there is another thing to consider...we do not know how God might be using this person. Almost two decades ago, I found myself compelled to watch the teaching/preaching of a certain televangelist.  I began to study his sermons…to dig deeply into my Bible and to discover what God had to say to me.  I started watching other televangelists and Bible scholars and reading their books and commentaries. 

I learned a lot about my relationship with God and what the scriptures have to say…I was reawakened to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in my life.  I was also prayerfully cautious to sift through what these people were saying and find God’s truth. I did not buy what they were “selling” hook, line and sinker.  And yes, I was disappointed when some of them began to take an ugly turn…to ask for millions of dollars for new jets…to be arrested for domestic violence…to be investigated by the federal government for alleged violations of “possible misuse of donations.”

But here’s the thing…God used these people to speak to me – and to countless others.  And while they may have taken a wrong turn, haven’t we all?  Except for His grace, couldn’t others criticize us just as much for our own hypocritical words and actions? 

So what does this all mean for us as faith-filled Christians?  Are we to turn a blind eye to hypocrites and those who claim the name of Jesus to support their own selfish desires and agendas?  For me, the answer is that we must let God do the judging.  And just as importantly, we must make sure that our own thoughts, words and actions are above board at all times.  We must not fall into the devil’s trap of saying and doing one thing while acting in another manner.  We must be certain that we are about the LORD’s business…and busy minding that instead of someone else’s.

We must be careful about who we follow and remember that we are all mere mortals…sinful, vulnerable, and capable of falling into the traps of the devil at any given moment.  We must make sure that we are truly “Godly” in our daily living…and not merely giving others the appearance that we are “religious.” 

It’s time to check our words and actions to see where we are truly showing up for Jesus…and where we are simply making a show.  I pray that God will use you and me to further His kingdom…in spite of our own sins and shortcomings…and that He will grant us wisdom and restraint to always reflect His teachings - and not our own agendas. I also pray that God will grant me humility…that I may let Him make the judgment on others - and render their verdict as He deems appropriate.

©2015 Debbie Robus

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