Daily Devotional for September 6, 2015

Matthew 5:28-30
You know that you have been taught, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you. When someone slaps your right cheek, turn and let that person slap your other cheek. If someone sues you for your shirt, give up your coat as well.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We have all been saddened  and discouraged by recent tragic events…the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina; Roanoke, Virginia; and the senseless killings of policemen AND those committed by law enforcement officers, to name a few. We’re angered and disgusted over pictures that appear on social media of animals that have been abused.  We are outraged by the photos of hungry and homeless children and refugees in foreign lands.  And I don’t know about you, but  the latest heartbreak – the little body of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian child who washed ashore after drowning at sea as his family fled for Turkey (and ultimately to Europe) – has just about done me in.

“Somebody should pay,” we say!  But who – and how?  What would we deem the right recompense for some of these atrocities?  Oh, don’t tell me…because I have a feeling that many of us have a few mortal “answers.” But we need only look as far as the words of Jesus to know what we’re really supposed to say…how He intends for us to feel – and act.  The One who knew that His own disciple would betray Him…that He would be spit upon, beaten, bruised and bloodied – then crucified horrifically on a wooden cross…told us clearly and plainly what to do.  This One who had every right to seek revenge…to turn His back on the whole lot of us…said, “Don’t try to get even.” 

In fact, Jesus went further.  He said, “When someone takes your shirt…offer them your coat, too!”  In other words, when someone wrongs you, continue to treat them with love and kindness.  Even when it takes everything you can muster not to be rude  - or at best, distant - pull yourself together in the name of Jesus, and show the person who wronged you His loving image through your words and actions.

Tough to do?  You betcha!  It ranks right up there with forgiving others…and I’m not all that good at either one.  But I know that this is what is required of me.  And I cannot ask to do less than the One who did EVERYTHING for me…and neither can you!  So hitch up your britches, pray hard, and start living like Jesus!  Let God handle the judgment and revenge…and keep your eyes on the Cross.  We.can.do.this! Jesus will be with us every step of the way.  And He will make all the difference!

©2015 Debbie Robus

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