Daily Devotional for May 29, 2016

Revelation 22:5
Never again will night appear, and no one who lives there will ever need a lamp or the sun. The Lord God will be their light, and they will rule forever.  Jesus answered, “God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
Our little ones have a hard time going to sleep at night when they visit us. They want the light left on – or some form of illumination nearby - and I get that.  When I was a little girl, my siblings and I would go to stay with our paternal grandparents at their farm “in the country.”  Their house sat on a dirt road, surrounded by thick forests…and the darkness at night was beyond what I can describe. There were no street lights. No digital clock on the night stand delivered the time in LED.  There was no blinking smoke alarm in the ceiling - or glow from so much as the power light on a television set!

And the quiet was amazing!  The only noise was the steady tick-tock of my grandparents’ mantel clock as it counted down the minutes and chimed on the hour and half-hour.  So I lay there many nights, trying to “see” in the darkness - and listening to that clock…totally unable to relax and fall asleep!
This might have something to do with why I keep so many lights on in our house today.  We have twinkling lights that are plugged in each morning – lamps on timers that go on and off different hours of the day and night.  And I leave a light on in our bathroom each night, so that we are not stumbling around in the darkness.  I am not afraid of the dark…but I have to say that I prefer the light…and I am more than a little glad to hear that there will be no darkness in heaven!

I am also grateful that Jesus (and His Holy Spirit) illuminates my heart… and for the most part, there is no room for the devil and his darkness.  I marvel sometimes at how sources of light have crept into our contemporary lives…how we are never in a room that some gadget doesn’t have a light source, like the LED display on digital clocks and the alarms in our walls/ceilings.  And we think nothing of it.

By contrast, I’m afraid that many of us have grown complacent and accepting of the intrusions of darkness in our hearts - and the devil’s attempt to pepper the light with areas of sin and iniquity. If we are not careful and diligent, we will allow him to sneak in little areas of darkness that can grow over time – and we’ll never even see it coming.

When I think of Jesus…and Heaven…I think of bright light that never fades.  I picture a light so bright and pure that we shouldn’t be able to even handle it without protective eyewear – and yet we bask in its brilliance with eagerness and boundless joy.  I want all of this Light that I can get – even now!  I have faith that Jesus is ALL that I need…and I trust Him to care for me completely.  So I am doubling down on my efforts to stay close to Him…to listen for His voice and “keep the lights on” as much as possible. What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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