Daily Devotional for December 27, 2016

1 Corinthians 10:32-33    
As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God’s glory. At the same time, don’t be callous in your exercise of freedom, thoughtlessly stepping on the toes of those who aren’t as free as you are. I try my best to be considerate of everyone’s feelings in all these matters; I hope you will be, too.

Scripture quotations from The Message. ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Sometimes, we Christians are so busy trying to make a point that we fail to make a difference!  We get so caught up in rituals and appearances of piety that we totally fail at serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. We turn our Christian faith into a grand production…we have to belong to the right groups…we have to have plenty of Christian symbols in our jewelry and home décor.  We have to attend the right Bible studies. At church, the lighting has to be just right…the musicians have to be semi-professional or better…and the worship facility has to be large and grand – or chic and trendy.  

We serve coffee at worship services and try to dress and act casual, so everyone feels comfortable. But then we make a big deal out of our offerings…or even have times when we encourage people to come to the altar with their “gifts.”  We pass the plate or bucket at special events like the Christmas Eve candlelight service...OR, we dress “to the nines” with the premise that we want to show respect to God by wearing our best clothes and accessories.

We look at those whose appearance is different than ours in some way as we walk the aisles of Walmart…and they know immediately that we disapprove. We wear our cross jewelry and “Jesus Saves” t-shirts…but we cluck our tongues at those in headgear and other clothing and accessories that symbolize their beliefs.  And then we wonder why others think that many there isn’t room for everyone at God's table.

We don’t take into account that the very people we are seeking to reach – those who may not yet enjoy the freedom of salvation in Jesus Christ or who may be seeking a church home or a simple Christian friendship – often feel judged by these actions and behaviors.  They feel they cannot measure up…that they cannot afford to participate at an “appropriate or acceptable level”…that this Christian faith must be for those who have it all together and/or belong to a certain group. 

In short, Christian faith becomes a “country club” for “eligible members”…and we often step all over the toes of those who are “on the outside” – if only in their own minds.  A whole lot of people don’t want what we are peddling as Christians…and who can blame them?!

This is dangerous territory.  We cannot afford to even suggest exclusion for a single person, because this is NOT why God gave us Jesus!  At every turn, we need to be asking ourselves – and God…”Am I being considerate?  Is this glorifying my relationship with God and the freedom and blessings He offers through salvation in Jesus Christ?”  We must carefully consider everything we say and do, because…wait for it…PEOPLE.ARE.WATCHING!

God wants us to enjoy our lives as Christians.  He wants us to worship Him and celebrate Jesus to the best of our ability.  He wants us to communicate with Him in prayer and praise…to serve others in Jesus’ name (and give Him the glory)…and to honor all that He has given us by giving back – in time, talents, AND money.  But God does not approve of a spectacle…or any words and gestures that cause another person to feel unworthy, judged, or excluded.

This is where a lot of us miss the mark.  People ARE watching.  When they look at you…what – and WHO – will they see?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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