Daily Devotional for January 12, 2017

2 Peter 3:8-9
Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

God’s timing is impeccable.  One year ago this morning, the angels came for my mother and ushered her into the arms of Jesus. Her brief - yet anguishing - battle with cancer was finished.  She ran the good race and fought the good fight…and in the end, she was given a new body in Heaven.

I think about the days that we sat with her as she steadily declined…the hours when we wondered, “Is this it?”  I have “sat vigil” with loved ones who were dying more than once. As I watched them struggle with pain – or even to catch a breath – I often whispered, “Why is it taking so long?”  And yet, I knew that God’s timing is impeccable.

I shared these thoughts last week with a childhood friend whose mother is now in her last days of a brief – yet anguishing – battle with cancer.  I told her how in Mother’s final days of consciousness, she had an opportunity to witness to a family member about the incredible, incomparable love of Jesus.  I shared that there were things that needed to be said between a lot of us – and they were.

I noted that God granted us an opportunity for the little ones to visit their Granny in her home setting, where they weren’t frightened by the sterility of a hospital room and happily showed her books and toys – and kissed her cheek. I encouraged my friend to savor these moments – no matter how difficult or unending they may seem.

A year later, I turned to the scripture passage for this day and read that a day is as a thousand years to God – and a thousand years are as a day.  And I know that we have no idea how long it will be until we see my mother and other loved ones who have passed.  I know that some days seem like a thousand years - and others seem like only minutes have passed.  In many ways, this has been a long, long year – and in others, it seems like I just blinked and here we are.

This is not a ploy to gain sympathy or pity. As my friend pointed out, countless other people have survived the heartache of death…and we will, too.  But I want you to remember these four words…God’s timing is impeccable.  I cannot tell you why people die “too young” - or linger for years in the stupor of dementia.  I don’t know why there are natural disasters and physical deformities…why children are abused and neglected, orphaned and hungry…why so many people have to “go through stuff”…or why “bad things happen to good people.”

I don’t know why God doesn’t stop it all, send Jesus for His church, and end the mess that so many have made of His blessings and abundance. I understand the evil influence of the devil, God’s gift of free will, and how trials and tests build our faith muscle.  But that still doesn’t explain to me the timing of it all. Still, the Bible tells us that God knows things that we don’t…that He sees a big picture and has a much greater plan that we could ever envision.  And God’s timing is impeccable.

My mother wanted everyone to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I know that she would tell me today that this is our mission…that we are still here to do the work of sharing Jesus’ Good News with others – and serving as His hands and feet.  I am confident that there is a reason that her discipleship ended just shy of her 77th birthday.  As I have heard from countless people who were influenced by her legacy of Christian faith and service, I’ve come to see that she is still glorifying Jesus – even from Heaven.

This should be OUR goal…to serve Him wherever we are…for as long as He desires and ordains – and in whatever capacity.  I don’t know what you are waiting on today…or what is on your “timeline.”  But I do know that God’s timing is impeccable.  I pray you know this, as well.

©2017 Debbie Robus

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