Daily Devotional for January 2, 2017

1 John 2:3-6
Here’s how we can be sure that we know God in the right way: Keep his commandments.

If someone claims, “I know him well!” but doesn’t keep his commandments, he’s obviously a liar. His life doesn’t match his words. But the one who keeps God’s word is the person in whom we see God’s mature love. This is the only way to be sure we’re in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

My 7-year-old cousin, Owen, LOVES the color orange.  Do you know how I know this?  He wears orange all the time!  Other colors that run a close second in Owen’s wardrobe are royal blue and red. Owen shares a lot of clothes that he has outgrown with Timothy and Nathan…so our boys wear a lot of these colors, too.  Thankfully, they are glad to have the barely-worn clothes and like these hues, also.

If Owen claimed his favorite color was orange…but he wore fluorescent pink all the time, we would wonder about him!  We surely wouldn’t believe that orange was his color of choice!  His life would not match his words.

This is how a lot of people who claim to be Christians operate.  They essentially say, “The brilliant white of Jesus’ bright light is my favorite ‘color’.”  Then they consistently “wear” the dark colors of Satan’s black and red.  They treat others unkindly…use critical and foul language…lie, cheat and steal…gossip…judge and discriminate…and commit sins of all kinds.  And still, they show up at worship services, prayer walks, “Christian protests,” and Bible studies…cover themselves in clothing and jewelry that proclaims Jesus is their Lord and King…and never miss an opportunity to make a public showing of how “good” and faithful they are.

I have to tell you, this kind of Christian sullies the name of Jesus.  For the outside observer – especially those who are not yet believers or are young in their faith walk – these folks are nothing short of a phony!  How can their lives demonstrate what it means to surrender your heart to Jesus and strive to be like Him?  Honestly, people who act like this are some of the devil’s favorites, because they do his dirty work better than even his own agents can!

A friend told me one time that she felt like she knew a lot of people who claimed to be Christians – but very few who she believed truly were.  She was not passing judgment, per se…but she said that she could name about three people that she felt were “the real deal.”  I sure hope I was in that group!

I hope that my favorite color is the bright white of Jesus' love and grace – and that it shows. I may wear a lot of black and red in my physical clothing…but I pray that the darkness of the devil never dominates my heart and soul – or my Christian discipleship.  What about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

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