Daily Devotional for December 13, 2010

Psalm 52:3
You would rather do evil than good, and tell lies than speak the truth.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Do you know someone who seems to love to argue? This person is always picking a fight, bringing up a controversial topic for discussion, and generally trying to “get a rise” out of others. He/she may not be deliberately trying to be evil or stir up trouble. More likely, this individual has gotten comfortable with such behavior… and even a little lazy.

It may seem like doing good and telling the truth are boring. But actually, it takes more energy and brain power. Haven’t you heard people say, “It was easier to go along than argue.”? Don’t you know people who avoid confrontation at all costs… even to the point of lying for a friend or relative, or doing something they know is wrong just to avoid a conflict? Friends don’t want to anger or upset one another, so they “cover” for them. Parents bail their children out of messes to avoid embarrassment and unpleasantness for all concerned. People embezzle from their workplace to manage their debts… while others offer bribes to smooth over the rough spots and make troubles go away.

Owning up to our mistakes, saying “No!” when we know something isn’t right, and taking responsibility for our lives and the messes we sometimes get into is often much more difficult. This takes our time, energy, and sometimes… our money. It can cost us friendships and more. But at the end of the day, our honesty and integrity are intact… and we know from other scriptures that these are traits that God desires for us.

Additionally, if we start operating more in honesty and “doing good,” we will find that the opportunities and temptations for lying and participating in evil behavior actually diminish. Staying in a close relationship with God greatly eliminates opportunities – and our desire - for lies, cheating and deception. And when problems do arise, we have a ready Source of strength and wisdom to whom we can turn.

We are in a season that is full of opportunities to do good… to speak the truth and share the blessings of a life in Christ with others. This is a great time to stop our “busyness” and spend some time in communion with God, seeking His guidance and wisdom. We can begin today to operate in truths and making a habit of doing good. We can make a conscious effort to choose to do what is right, no matter how hard it may seem. We can stand up and say, “With God, all things are possible,” and dare to prove it through our words and actions. Are you up to the challenge?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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