Daily Devotional for December 3, 2010

Psalm 28:3
Don't drag me away, LORD, with those cruel people, who speak kind words, while planning trouble.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If you have ever uttered the words, “I hope nobody sees me here,” or “I was there, but I was not participating,” this passage is for you. For years, I have been telling others, particularly teenagers and young children, “Whether you are doing anything wrong or not, if you are with those who are, you are likely to be accused, also.” But this has merit for adults, too.

When we go to a sporting event and sit on the sidelines, don’t people naturally assume that we are sitting on the side of “our” team? When you attend a particular church or belong to a certain club, don’t people assume you believe in the tenets of that group? So if we go to a party where people are engaged in underage drinking or doing drugs, doesn’t it appear we are involved… or at the very least that we approve? When you laugh at a joke or comment that is obscene or disrespects a particular race, ethnicity, or lifestyle, doesn’t this imply you agree? When you gossip or talk badly about someone, don’t those in the group have to ask themselves, “What does he/she say about me when I’m not around?”

Ask God to show you where you should spend time… with whom you should keep company… when you should walk away from improper comments – or speak up against them… and how to conduct yourself in a manner that pleases Him. Talk to God and see where He wants you to hang out and how He wishes for you to handle challenging situations.

It is important that we keep all of our behavior in check. People are watching, and what we say and do matters! Are you pleasing God with your words and actions? Has He rescued you from the potential for trouble?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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