Daily Devotional for December 17, 2010

2 Corinthians 3:3-4
You are like a letter written by Christ and delivered by us. But you are not written with pen and ink or on tablets made of stone. You are written in our hearts by the Spirit of the living God. We are sure about all this. Christ makes us sure in the very presence of God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In 1987, my husband and I quit our jobs and moved back to Heber Springs – our hometown – to begin a new business venture. Because we were just getting started and weren’t as busy as we would become in later years – and because we had vowed to find time to volunteer in our community – we delivered Meals on Wheels one day a week. We grew fond of the people on our little route… mostly elderly folks – some of whom were feeble and/or infirm in some manner.

The first winter, we had a major snowstorm. Fourteen inches of snow fell in a little more than a day. Virtually EVERYTHING came to a stop in our community. But as the snow began to pile up the first morning, the people who cooked the meals at the Senior Citizen center scrambled to prepare food for their clients – and even a little extra for the coming days. And they began to search for drivers who were willing to brave the elements to get these meals out to the people who needed them. Our car had front wheel drive, and we gladly offered to help.

It was cold… snow was blowing in a fierce wind… and we trudged through the deepening drifts to knock on the doors of homes where people were hunkered down trying to stay snug and warm. But they were so glad to see us. We made sure they had what they needed and asked if they could use anything extra. I don’t know how we thought we would have gotten back to them with it, but we would have tried.

We carried a lot more than hot food and a couple of cartons of milk to these people. We carried love and a smile… and in doing so, we carried the very presence of God. For the last few years, my husband has once again taken a route delivering Meals on Wheels at least one day a week – and sometimes more days if he is needed to substitute. And I tell him often that he is delivering so much more than food. He visits with his clients and makes sure they are well. He offers them a glimpse into the outside world… and the little ladies on his route love to see a handsome man come through the door!

But truly, his meal delivery is a blessing. The food he carries to these doorsteps feeds the body, but his smile and genuine care and concern carry the love of our Heavenly Father. His deliveries are a letter written on the hearts of these people by the Spirit of the Living God.

We take for granted the blessing of a hot meal, a warm house, and knowing we will have plenty if a major “snowstorm” befalls us. We also take for granted the opportunity to share a blessing with someone else… a “love letter” from God Almighty… in the form of something as simple as a hot meal and a carton of milk… a phone call… a note to say “thinking of you” or “I’m praying for you today”… or even a hug.

Somehow this comes a little easier to us at this time of year. We find it more moving to write the checks to charities, buy toys for needy children, or contribute canned goods to a food drive during the Christmas season. But honestly, we should be doing this all year long, wherever and whenever we can. If every single person bought an extra can of soup or tuna – an extra box of pasta or cereal – another tube of toothpaste or a bar of soap… and gave it to a food drive or an agency like Cleburne County Cares, countless people could have a “love letter from God” – and we would never miss the few pennies or dollars.

There are many ways we can deliver God’s love letter that don’t cost a dime… and a zillion ways that are more than affordable to most of us. All it takes is a prayer… all we have to do is ask God to show us where and how to deliver His love, and He will open doors and windows and flood us with opportunities. The question is… are you willing to be God’s messenger? Will you stand up and accept the challenge to deliver…and be the very presence of God to others? Will someone get a “love letter from God” this week because of you?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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