Daily Devotional for May 7, 2011

Proverbs 16:27-28
Worthless people plan trouble. Even their words burn like a flaming fire.  Gossip is no good! It causes hard feelings and comes between friends.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I recently purchased a box of vintage linens at an estate auction. When I got home, I carefully sorted through the things in the box and washed many of them to starch and iron and prepare for sale. You never know what you will find in a box of old linens. Some things are perfect… practically brand new… like they were never used. Others are stained, frayed, and worn. But most still have some use in them – even if they bear the marks of continued usage and/or abuse.

In the box were twelve beautiful crocheted cotton placemats. The lines and the workmanship were fairly simple but still represented a huge amount of work and care. Most were completely intact and nearly perfect in condition. However, one had some tatters in a small area. Another had a tiny fray. And yet another had a slight stain. In all, the whole set still has quality, and once a table is set with the placemats, the tiny tatters and stains will hardly be noticeable… if at all. Yet they are there, and the integrity of those three placemats has – to some degree – been compromised.

As I pressed these placemats, I thought about these two verses from Proverbs… how poorly chosen words and venomous gossip create a stain and tatters in relationships. Sometimes, these can be mended… the rough edges and tears in the heart can be smoothed and covered. But the stain or tear still remains. The hurt may heal – the person who spoke harshly or spread the gossip may be forgiven. But the damage is done… and sometimes, no repair can be made.

Like the stain on a placemat that can be covered with tableware, hurtful words can be covered… but the “stain” is still there. And we, as Christians, are sometimes the very people who put the stain on someone’s heart or reputation with our ill-chosen words.

Sometimes, we don’t really even know the people about whom we gossip or say unkind things. And maybe we figure that, because we really don’t know them – and they will never know what we said about them – it doesn’t really hurt anything or anyone. But the truth is that people are watching – and listening. If even one person is influenced by our negative or unkind words… that’s one too many. The integrity of our Christian witness is compromised.

Ask God to show you how to control your thoughts before you speak… and ultimately what comes out of your mouth. Don’t be known as someone who is mean or worthless… a gossip that spreads lies and breaks up friendships… a troublemaker who is always trying to stir up others’ feelings. This is not Godly behavior… and it doesn’t please our Heavenly Father one bit!

Be who God has called you to be… a wise, careful, thoughtful person who prayerfully considers what to say before engaging the tongue. In The Message, Proverbs 16:25 says “There’s a way that looks harmless enough: look again – it leads straight to hell.” Ask God if what you are about to say about someone or a certain situation is really harmless… and let Him lead you in the right direction and toward a wise decision for yourself… and for all concerned.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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