Daily Devotional for May 8, 2011

Proverbs 17:17
A friend is always a friend, and relatives are born to share our troubles.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My friend Marla Ann is four years older than I, and she grew up in the house catty-cornered from mine. When I married, she was already attending college, and we didn’t see each other very often for several years. She moved to Austin, Texas, with her family, and we would get together for a brief visit on holidays when she returned to spend time with her parents. Then she and her husband moved their family to Edgemont, and we saw each other quite often. We started spending time together at Christmas and other holidays… and we got together many times in between.

Now Marla and her husband, Bill, live in Fayetteville near their children and grandchildren, and we see them maybe twice a year. But Marla and I talk all the time – mostly by e-mail. She is more like a sister to me than a friend, and we have stuck by each other in all kinds of weather. We have been through a lot together… personal crises, the births of babies, the deaths of loved ones, and more. We know that we always have each other’s back.

I do not have a very large immediate family, but my extended family – much of whom lives in Heber Springs, or at least in Arkansas – is huge. And while I seldom see some of my cousins, there are more than a handful I would consider as very close. I know that whenever I need them, they are always there for me. In times of trouble, my family comes together and supports one another. And that’s as it should be… this is what we are taught in God’s word!

But there are times when people get cross with each other. Things are said or done, and the next thing you know, your best friend is no longer a friend at all… or you are not speaking to your siblings, your cousins, or even your parents. My maternal grandmother used to say, “Blood is thicker than water,” meaning that someday your family members will come back around and reconcile. But I know for a fact that this doesn’t always happen. And in these situations, everybody loses… and God is deeply disappointed.

Today, I pray that you will stop at some point and take time to consider ways to reach out to those you love – your friends, your family members… and especially your mom, if she is still alive. Don’t let old grudges and past history keep you from doing what is right… and what pleases God. Make the call… heal that wound… start to rebuild and rekindle old relationships. I’m so thankful for my friends and family. Keeping the lines of communication open with all of them requires effort… and sometimes it’s hard work! But in the end, it is so worth the trouble.

Who do you need to reach out to this day? Will you step up and honor God and make the first move?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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